Guavaberry Media falsely reports Hon Lorna G. Smith has rejoined VIP Gov't

Today, February 6, 2025, the local tabloid reported that Opposition Member Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) has returned to the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government.
'Not true'- Hon Smith
This has been declared as false by Hon Smith.
"The story is not true. I of course will always serve the people of this territory to the best of my ability. At this time I am an Independent member of the Opposition," Hon Smith told our News Centre.
According to credible sources; however, the former Deputy Premier, Hon Smith, continues to assist the government where necessary “with financial services matters”.
“She has not rejoined the government, as falsely and maliciously reported by Guavaberry Media,” one of the sources said.
Hon Smith was dismissed from the VIP government on October 23, 2024. She had crossed over from the Opposition shortly after the April 2023 general elections.
Guavaberry Media’s history of false reporting
Guavaberry Media has a history of causing hysteria due to its false reporting.
Some customers of CIBC were thrown into a state of panic on October 22, 2024, when Guavaberry Media, in its apparent haste to be first to report the news, failed to do its due diligence and falsely reported that customers of that bank had discovered their bank account balances were at zero.
It turned out that the issue was actually with some customers of 1FirstBank.
Guavaberry Media, owned by the controversial Rosemary L. Rosan aka ‘Cindy’ subsequently corrected its misinformation and apologised to CIBC.
The local tabloid also created some unnecessary hysteria on October 13, 2023, when it falsely reported about a shooting in Long Bush and that two persons had been injured.
It was subsequently clarified that there was a “simulated” armed robbery exercise at the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) office in Long Bush.

36 Responses to “Guavaberry Media falsely reports Hon Lorna G. Smith has rejoined VIP Gov't”
A non factor in the HOA, another failed at large rep.
Marlon who does not make decisions is who he has decided to take with him. Lorna them is political prostitutes.
might have jumped the gun
Moreover, as noted above, politics is legit. It must be legit in the Virgin Islands(VI) [British)., for the VI has a myriad of socioeconomic and other needs that both government and opposition must come together to deliver for the residents of the VI, ie, roads, other infrastructure (water, wastewater ,storm water, power, port( air and sea) telecommunications, gas, etc); diversifying the economy, improving education system( moving full STEAM ahead ), improving healthcare system, environment protection and perseveration, labor and immigration reform, political self determination change, among other needs.
Further, Government and Opposition are two sides of a three sided coin with the same aims/goals of delivering for the people but through different means and mode for a similar outcome(s). Both sides must work collectively, cooperatively, and collaboratively for the common good,,the public good. To attain the most/best services for the most people at the least cost members of HoA must meet at the third side of the coin—the edge—compromising for the common good to get things done. Virgin Islanders must come together civically and actively, pooling resources, ie, talent, votes, resources, effort, etc. Dividing, scattering , etc makes a group weaker, more exploitable and more vulnerable. This practice has weakened others, stunted, delayed progress in other locales.