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Growing number of youths now dying from COVID-19- Hon Malone

- points to CDC stats showing 97% of persons hospitalised with virus were unvaccinated
Virgin Islands Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (Al) in his push for more vaccinations in the territory, has warned youths of the growing mortality rate of COVID-19 amongst that demographic. Photo: GIS/Facebook
The Minister’s warning came particularly as concerns grow over lingering Delta variant in the VI, where health authorities have been unable to track its origins. Photo: Internet Source
The Minister’s warning came particularly as concerns grow over lingering Delta variant in the VI, where health authorities have been unable to track its origins. Photo: Internet Source
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI - Virgin Islands Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL), in his push for more vaccinations in the territory, has warned youths of the growing mortality rate of COVID-19 amongst that demographic.

The Health Minister made the comments in a statement delivered during the Eleventh Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly of August 16, 2021, where he further warned that 'youth' cannot protect against the virus.

Don't assume 'youth' protects you - Hon Malone 

“Mr Speaker, we are now seeing that a growing number of young people are dying from this disease. Don’t assume that your youth will protect you. Don’t assume that your health will protect you,”

The Health Minister said the disease is revealing further health issues that persons did not even know were there. 

“Don’t let too late be your cry. Protect yourself; protect each other and; protect the community by getting vaccinated today! Being vaccinated could prevent hospitalisation and could save your life tomorrow,” he said.

The Minister’s warning came particularly as concerns grow over lingering Delta variant in the VI, where health authorities have been unable to track its origins.

Unvaccinated @ greater risk - Health Minister 

“Universally, studies are showing that the Delta variant is affecting unvaccinated persons at a much greater percentage than persons who are vaccinated. Typically, vaccinated people are either asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms if they do come in contact with the Delta variant,” he said.

Referring to statistics, Hon Malone said in the neighbouring United States, as of July 22, 2021, ninety-seven per cent (97%) of persons hospitalised with COVID-19 were unvaccinated, according to the Centres for Disease Control (CDC). 

“Locally, our very own statistics have provided us with similar results. The majority of those adversely affected by COVID were unvaccinated. This is why I as your Minister for Health will continue to encourage the unvaccinated persons in our community to get vaccinated,” he said.

42 Responses to “Growing number of youths now dying from COVID-19- Hon Malone”

  • Lord have mercy (20/08/2021, 18:30) Like (56) Dislike (20) Reply
    Bring something positive. Why it seems like having the nation in fear is your ambition...
    • akon (21/08/2021, 05:31) Like (31) Dislike (17) Reply
      I guess y'all about to poison off the youths now and say it's covid, wellsah. Try move this stupid CURFEW. we are way ahead of you with information on covid. You ain't talking nothing yet, with your one sided agenda.
    • dude (21/08/2021, 11:42) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
      He's reporting facts. Why is that a problem?
  • Education (20/08/2021, 18:33) Like (25) Dislike (38) Reply
    Thanks Minister Malone, for continuing to provide the facts and educating people with the message that vaccination is a crucial part of the response to this pandemic. It’s just the truth.
  • NezRez (20/08/2021, 18:56) Like (30) Dislike (12) Reply
    There is a high amount of youths around the world dying from COVID 19, not in the BVI. Please don't mix up the word demographic with BVI.
    • snsn (20/08/2021, 21:25) Like (15) Dislike (8) Reply
      world demographic is an average, you think the bvi is somehow immune?
    • @NezRez (20/08/2021, 21:36) Like (16) Dislike (18) Reply
      If (when) Delta takes hold here, it is possible the that we will see the same thing occurring in that demographic here. The wise response is to get vaccinated against Covid.
    • the rock (21/08/2021, 05:15) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
      You see that's our darn problem, we always feel the bvi is exempted, nothing can happen here, continue!
  • wow (20/08/2021, 19:23) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    The Folk saying " who don't hear will feel" "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" The Choice is that of the People. Let them Think! Lets just
  • Keep off the youths (20/08/2021, 19:24) Like (140) Dislike (7) Reply
    Stop it! I am a fully vaccinated person and quite frankly the verdict is still out to whether that was the right decision. However, I find it disheartening that whenever the CDC want to target a certain population they come up with some new story. How all of a sudden the majority of hospitalization are youths? Right about I believe you all are shepherds for the devil!

    Keep the youths out of your games!
    • @keep off the youths (20/08/2021, 21:18) Like (98) Dislike (3) Reply
      Standing ovation for you! Well said...
    • @Keep out of the youths (21/08/2021, 00:04) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
      Well said ...
    • usa (21/08/2021, 02:32) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
      To answer your question schools are back to face to face and some parents are against their child/children having to wear mask which is causing the virus to spread rapidly. If you can’t catch the cow, you will catch the calf.
    • @KOTY (21/08/2021, 08:48) Like (4) Dislike (25) Reply
      I believe you made the right decision, however a difficult and uncertain it seems to have been for you. I don’t agree with your wording about the “CDC want to target a certain population”. The CDC wants to protect populations. That’s their job! No one said “all of a sudden the majority of hospitalizations are among youths”. The facts are just reported in the States that more youth are getting sicker and having to be hospitalized for serious illness with Delta, than occurred with the initial Covid. It could happen here as well, as Delta knows no boundaries.
    • dude (21/08/2021, 11:45) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      The saying goes 'The Devil is a liar' The Lord is the Truth. Why do the facts bother you? Read online newspapers from around the world & see for yourself.
    • DEDE (21/08/2021, 12:35) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      @Keep of the Youths

      You are so right. I knew once they said the vaccine could be given to those children they were the new target and talking points. This virus left children untouched. Many experts belief this happen because of the youth and having a string immune system. Last I check the recorded less than 500 deaths worldwide and the usual talking point is they had other health issues.

      School is about to be open in person so parents makes sure your kid are up to date on their other vaccine. Ensure that the have hand sanitizers with them always and their mask. If you can afford this, get a water bottle and some soap and keep in the bags. Make sure you label it. You can also soak some paper towels or cotton balls in soapy water, place in a plastic container and give them. For the face mask, you can wash the disposable ones and place the on a rack to dry. You can put them out side in the sun fir a few hours or you can heat the in the oven until dry enough and finish in the sun. This helps to kill any germ completely. They same can be done for cloth ones. In case your wondering I got these suggestions from the MD website.
  • HMMM (20/08/2021, 19:25) Like (41) Dislike (3) Reply
    Both vaccinated and unvaccinated are at risk. Why don't you tell the people that they will have to take vaccine or booster every 6 months until this goes away, which might not ever go away. A flu shot is yearly why is the vaccine so often smh
  • Heading west (20/08/2021, 19:49) Like (17) Dislike (41) Reply
  • Warner Brother (20/08/2021, 19:54) Like (21) Dislike (6) Reply
    And how many are recovering, who actually DO contract the virus? As you all regurgitate the information you are scripted to read in order to receive your $$ for reaching your percentage of vaccinations, please know that if there I a Gid, just IF, He will visit your houses no matter where you are, for not standing up for the truth you KNOW is right.
    • Prophet (21/08/2021, 12:08) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      You are dual minded. Listen to yourself.
      ' if there I a Gid, just IF, He will visit your houses no matter where you are, for not standing up for the truth you KNOW is right.'
      You don't know GOD but calling for him to do as you wish. That is Evil.
      GOD's will be done on earth as it is in heaven!!!
      Not your own desires. GOD is the TRUTH!!!
      And yet you say 'just IF' and claiming 'the truth you KNOW is right.'
      The Evil spirit that informs your version of TRUTH has been exposed without you realizing it. Repent now and you will be forgiven. All of you who liked that comment. GOD is in control and will forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us!
  • joke (20/08/2021, 20:39) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    This thing is no joke we have the evidence before our eyes. Choose wisely. Check with your doctor if you are scared. Pray to God ask him what to do. lets not lean to our own understanding. Taking it is a serious risk, not taking it is a serious risk therefore we need wise counsel. Its our choice in the beginning it's our choice in the end of all of this. Life or death, hell or heaven. Vaccine or no vaccine.
  • Local Stats (20/08/2021, 20:59) Like (17) Dislike (22) Reply
    May need updating but last time I checked:

    BVI Covid Related deaths 37
    BVI Vaccine Related deaths 0

    International stats too complicated for me to pay attention to right now. Sticking to what I can verify locally.
    • @local stats (21/08/2021, 00:06) Like (16) Dislike (8) Reply
      The ones who died did you perform the autopsies?
      • Greg (21/08/2021, 16:15) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
        @@local stats, I am with you on this. My 2 cousins died, from years of heart problems which took her life, one with diabetes which took his toes, then foot then leg. Neither of them had COVID 19, yet they added their deaths as such. We are tired of being lied to and will not listen to the lies. The same thing happened to my friends husband who died by choking on food. REALLY? COVID 19...REALLY?
    • Need info (22/08/2021, 09:08) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hidden vaccine deaths? Several that we know of.
      Reported vaccine deaths? 0
      Show is the info. Where is the transparency?
      Vaccine injured? None reported but we know of many.
      Show us the info!!
  • booster (20/08/2021, 21:24) Like (32) Dislike (2) Reply
    Tell your people when they will get their booster before the next wave catches them with minimal protection. So what’s a fully vax person now ? It can’t be 2 shots. You all will forever be chasing behind the 8 ball.
  • Beware! (20/08/2021, 22:46) Like (29) Dislike (8) Reply
    If you going to take this vaccine at this stage, make sure you get tested to ensure you have not already unknowingly contracted the virus.

    Your natural immunity protects your from the entire surface or the virus, not just one spike which is all that the vaccine work against. Plus, there is scientific evidence to prove that the vaccine actually wipes out your inate immunity in place of the vaccines "immunity" leaving you only prepared to fight that specific varient of the virus, and NOTHING else.

    At no point has ANY healthcare professionals spoken out about the various treatments that we are all aware of. They have all sold us out!
  • W*F (20/08/2021, 23:02) Like (30) Dislike (6) Reply
    Don’t assume your health will protect you? Lol are you serious? So 95% of the world population that beat COVID without a vaccine has no merit? These people that took the vaccine and suffering in silence more power to you, but I don’t think we should be taking advice from a construction major about our health, with little or no credible sources, remember this is the same man that told the population that vacinnated person don’t need to test, hence the reason for the outbreak hence the reason for the deaths…… lol all of a sudden vaccinated person now have to be tested! Puppet games, I wonder whose hand is up yours…… a construction worker leading a nation medically! Lol what a time to be alive!
  • Im fully Vax but im fed up (21/08/2021, 03:01) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    I was for the Vaxine. I took mine from early, but i am fed up, Now it seems like a vax conspiracy.. All the Caribbean Leaders are saying the same thing, not one saying anything different, Thats what happen in a well plan conspiracy, They are all saying its time for children to get vaccinated, they used one or two cases to frighten the youths and the people, first they were saying the adult should get vax to protect the children... .When I was a child I remember been to church and listen to the pastor saying accept christ cause if you leave here and a car run you down, you going straight to hell where the fire is blazing hot, and as little as I was I despise that, I said to myself why is he scaring me and the people into accepting Christ, he just need to speak, teach the Gospel and let us decide, I never like church since then, anyone that trying to put fear in me in order to conquer me is an enemy. .That seems to be the path these leaders are now taking... All are holding the same head.. is it because Bill Gates and World health organization aint achieve the vaxine target / profit as yet...Why no one is attacking China and holding China responsible for spreading these viruses, America try to go into China to investigate, China refused to let them in, yet you not hearing about that...China is the Root, we have to get to the root, pull up the Root or it will continue to spread for years to come, especially with the people behind the virus benefiting and profiting,,, This Virus has now made china the most powerful and strongest economy in the world, thats Their mission and their Goal. They have achieve what they set out to achieve....Focus on pulling the root up, thats the real solution.. Call out Chima and WHO. Hold them responsible...I will bet my life if Trump was in power there wouldn't be any Delta Virus..Trump already see whats going on and was calling out China and WHO and was holding them responsible...Its weak leaders that have our world upside down.
  • Fear mungering much? (21/08/2021, 06:12) Like (32) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dead youths where? You sell out!

    Why you never got factual, scientific evidence? Always regurgitating some bullsh**t you hear the devil Fauci with.

    By the way people, children have a 99.98% successful recovery rate after contracting covid. Do not listen to this evil infested sell out. Not ONCE have i heard this man speak about, precautions and treatments. The only solution is vaccine, and unless you been living under a rock, THEY AREN'T WORKING!!

    He wants you to now sacrifice your child for the experiment so that he can reach his quota to collect his pay.

    Fire burn them all!!!!!
    • Prophet (22/08/2021, 09:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Our FATHER commands us to take care of our children. The prevention is the vaccine that prevents death. No one ever said the vaccine will protect from contracting the virus, it was said that it protects against serious illness. Why recover when we can prevent. You are not on the path of His Majesty. The LION of Judah would never act this way. The BLOOD of the LAMB has already protected us from our fears. We have lost our way as the Israelites always did & still do. With LOVE I beg you to read the WORD again, refresh yourself with the WORD which IS GOD which IS TRUTH. You can choose not to take the vaccine if you wish but Return to sobriety you must. The quest of acquiring knowledge has gotten many of us drunk with misinformation and leaning on our own understanding with unfounded reasonings. Accusations & bearing witness against persons we cannot prove except for someone else's accusations. Who is the accuser of the brethren? The Serpent. Is that not in the story of Adam & Eve? Their quest for knowledge beyond their understanding made sense to them so they listened to the words of the serpent which caused them to stray from GOD's commandment. GOD's chosen have discernment and do not follow the crowd. They LEAD. Conspiracies are as sweet as sports & entertaining as movies. They appeal to our sense of pride, connecting the unseen & often imaginary dots, and are bait to lead us into traps that are hard to escape, like fish pots for fish. Knowledge works with Understanding & Wisdom. PRAY to OUR FATHER He will shine a light on the correct path as he did for the Wise Men who left the East to find HIM. With Love I beg you in these times of our affliction SEEK GOD let HIM take our worries and SHOW US THE TRUTH.
  • Nothing Honourable about this man (21/08/2021, 07:11) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Does this man really think people stuck on CNN?


    PEOPLE, children have a 99.98% chance of full recovery after contracting covid. Don't study these fear mongoing, pharmaceutical sponsored whores trying to sell us out.

    Show the evidence, present some facts, data...or SHUT THE FK UP!
  • Leave them alone (21/08/2021, 08:30) Like (5) Dislike (14) Reply
    Anyone that don’t take heed, ends up in bad places. The BVI is not exempt from anything or living behind a protective bubble like most seems to think. Look at the lady that lost all three of her children at one time to COVID. My concern is when the children go back to school that is when we are going to have another out break.
  • talk that too (21/08/2021, 08:37) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
  • Healthy living (21/08/2021, 08:48) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Most people who they said died from COVID look at the size of these people they don’t eat healthy and they obese. They said the cases was almost 2000 what did those people do to recover so fast and most of the weren’t hospitalized how we can’t get the whole story
  • Tongue Fu (21/08/2021, 10:29) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    Honorable Malone you need to stop with the fear mongering to achieve your one dimensional agenda. It is time to come up with alternative solutions as your vaccinate only solution is a failing one.

    First of all herd immunity can never be achieved when vaccinated people are transmitting the same level of viral loads of the unvaccinated. Secondly, due to the continuous transmission it is possible that more variants would develop that evade vaccine immunity. Thirdly vaccine immunity has a term limit. Al of them are developing booster shots why? The immunity will not last a lifetime not even 12 months. Studies are even showing that natural immunity may provide better protection than AZ. Fourthly you need to find out why 36 persons died in 1 month under your watch. The hospital was clearly not prepared for this although you preached its possibility ever since Jesus was a baby. No disrespect to the doctors and nurses at the HSA as I believe for the most part they try their best but we need to hire more experts and raise the standard of health care for all. Finally why are we not focussing on treatments and preaching the need for persons to develop a healthy lifestyle?
  • Dont bother (21/08/2021, 10:56) Like (4) Dislike (27) Reply
    Let the ignorant remain ignorant and let covid cleanse the world of stupid people. Stop wasting your breath trying to convince people to take vaccine. Let them die from covid. Let their children die from covid. Its only the stupid who dont want it so society is better off without them. Most will just end up gun toting scooter punks running around terrorizing the BVI anyway so who cares if they want to deny science and take up conspiracy theories. Seems just a year ago it was 5G radiation coming for all us wasnt it?
    • @ Dont Bother (21/08/2021, 17:12) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
      What a stupid statement, "let covid cleanse the world". Please, news flash majority of persons who get covid RECOVER!!! Way more have survived than those that died, and they did it without a vaccine. Be careful what you wish on others I hope in years to come it isn't the vaccine that ends up cleasing the world. Time will sure tell.

      The vaccines, which arent vaccines anyway are failing. People are now taking multiple vaccines out of fear against the new variant. Boosters are coming out already and persons just started taking the vaccine this year. As the virus mutats and more and more variants come out and you guys have taken all possible brands of vaccine, what then? Like come on why are people so blind, can you all not see what is happening. Has fear turned people stupid? Lord help us all.
  • Greg (21/08/2021, 16:32) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ Don’t bother...and may your vaccinated behind be the first to catch it, which you can ,and DIE! So your smug holier than thou wishing death on people, will surly come back to bite you in your ASS as well as your loved ones! A person like you think you are correct, when the fact of the matter don’t know crap!
  • The Old Dragon (22/08/2021, 05:04) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    I guess the Country Implementation Plan serves as the framework development plan for cooperation with the United Nations Agenda 21 depopulation plan so now its time to sacrifice our children to Molech. I wonder if these guys ever think about their legacy. Fact is they are just as caught up as a drug dealer is to the cartel. Some of us can see through the game even as you try to hide in the crowd.

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