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Press Release From Independent Source

Green VI facilitate Trash to Treasure Workshops for Schools

Artists Sayula and Laura collect “trash” that will be used to create treasures. Photo: Green VI
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - For the second year running, as part of the BVI Tourist Board’s Trash to Treasure competition, Green VI is offering students practical training on how to turn everyday Trash into Treasure.

This will be done during a series of hands on workshops that will expose students to various artistic techniques and encourage their creativity and interest in developing their artistic and entrepreneurial skills. Experienced artists who have a passion for converting trash to treasure will coordinate these workshops.

Each demonstration will be approximately 60 minutes long. Workshops will be held on Mondays to Fridays from March to 20th April 2015. If your school/class has not already booked your workshop do as there are only available resources for ten workshops - that are being offered on a first come, first serve basis.

To book your workshop, kindly contact Sayula Everard on 541 6991 or by e-mail at: Sayula will liaise with your school to determine the size and ages of the group as well as what “waste” the children are required to bring from home.

Our efforts to reduce the amount of waste created and disposed of in the BVI will help our children lead greener, cleaner, healthier lives. The skills gained by participating in the “Trash to Treasure" competition will assist children to develop the creative and business skills that can help them to be direct beneficiaries of the Tourism industry.

Judging of creations will be organized by The BVI Tourist Board and will take place after the Easter holidays. Prize giving is scheduled for Earth Day on the 22nd April 2015.

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