Great prospects for agricultural cooperation between Guyana & VI- Dr the Hon Dawson

Dr Dawson made the comments during a press conference yesterday, August 15, 2023, on the recent trade mission to Guyana and what was achieved as part of the visit.
Guyana has rich history of agriculture - Dr Dawson
“I’m very grateful that the Deputy Premier thought to include me in my role as Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries on this trip, and it's very fitting because we, as a trust of our government, really want to move agriculture and fisheries forward to increase production in both of these areas in the coming years."
Dr Dawson continued, “Guyana certainly has a good and rich history in the area of agriculture from which we can learn lessons and still have mutually beneficial relationships.”
He said Caricom has set a goal for reducing imports to the region by 25% by the year 2025 and Guyana is one of the leading countries that is moving the agenda forward.
Meanwhile, Dr Dawson said the focus of the trip from his point of view was to try to interact with government officials related to agriculture, as well as government agencies and educational institutions related to agriculture and members of the private sector.
He said that was achieved with meetings with a number of key persons in agriculture in Guyana and visits to institutions, whom he said were very receptive.
Shade houses & data gathering
Dr Dawson added that Guyana has a very extensive technical network interface for gathering information on farmers across Guyana and a very comprehensive interface for seeing that information and laying out that data, which is something that could potentially be implemented in the VI.
The Jr Minister also spoke of the use of shade houses in agriculture as a version of greenhouses as another possible application for use in the Virgin Islands.
“So, we see technical support, technical cooperation as one of the key outcomes for us from this mission and cooperation," Dr Dawson said, adding that there's an opportunity also for the potential for imports of feed for animals from Guyana.

16 Responses to “Great prospects for agricultural cooperation between Guyana & VI- Dr the Hon Dawson”
The Junior Minister rooting his horn but ask him where is the VI Food Security and Sustainability Act……
You cannot move forward with regional integration if you haven’t successfully integrated the localized administration of the sector! You MUST establish the administrative bodies of the Legislation FIRST!!! Or else all actions are deemed unsustainable and subject to repetition!
Guyana found oil, hitting an unexpected theoretical windfall. It is listed on paper as being among the richest countries in the world based on GDP per capita, ranking #54 among almost 200 countries. Does Guyana newfound wealth benefiting the masses? Is the newfound wealth benefiting just a few in the top 1%, if that? What are the Guyanese GDP per capita income? GDP per capita is a frequently used metric but is a misleading number. For example, the BVI boasts of having a GDP per capita income of approx $34,000. Is the the average income in BVI $35K? There are few high income earners who are outliers. In regards to Guyana helping BVI with lower oil prices per barrel, that is a big question mark. Guyana is not in the drivers seat to make that happen. Venezuela did that for Cuba and other regional countries but it had control of the process.
Moreover, prior to Guyana finding oil, it was viewed as a poor country in South America and a former colony of the Uk. However, as soon as it found oil, the shameless parasites, including the UK, BVI, etc changed their tune and attitude towards Guyana and Guyanese, rolling out the red carpet. For example, the UK lifted the visa requirement and the BVI considering the same. If I were Guyana, I would the opportunist parasites to go jump in the Demerara River. Bunch of parasites and opportunists. Cart ah yu r@$$.