‘Gov’t’s finances are sound as any in the world’- Dr Smith

Delivering a live ‘Mid-term Report' this evening, July 10, 2017, on local radio and television, Premier Smith claimed that the objective of the NDP is to “use the people’s resources wisely and strategically, to invest in the future and to build strong foundation for prosperity to benefit our children and their children.”
According to him, his Government pledged not to waste tax dollars but rather to put them to work for the people.
“We see the results in the strong state of our Government’s finances,” Premier Smith stated, adding that this year the VI will achieve an important milestone by fulfilling its commitments under the Protocol for Effective Financial Management which it entered into with the United Kingdom in 2012.
“Under that agreement we committed that our Reserved Fund will be equal to 25% of our recurring expenditures and this year we will hit that mark with over $60M in our Reserved Fund, there to meet the needs of our people on a proverbial rainy day.”
Governor paints different picture
It should be noted that Governor John S. Duncan OBE has stated both publicly and privately that the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government has not managed the Territory's finances wisely as they now claim.
He had previously insulted the Dr Smith Administration by saying that they were “reckless in spending and has no priority.”
Governor Duncan later imposed direct rule via sec 103(b) of the VI Constitution by stripping the Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) and the House of Assembly of their power to determine how monies are spent.
He ordered the Financial Secretary and Accountant General to take over $1.8M out of the Consolidated Fund and provide monies for the police, courts and hiring a few British QCs.
Gov’t not broke
The Minister of Finance, who has been criticised in that role by his own party supporters and told to give that portfolio to Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), said the VI achieved a good financial standing in the face of a difficult 2016 when the Government’s revenues took a hit due to the global attacks on the global financial industry.
According to him, the future outlook of the VI is bright.
“Despite what some have falsely claimed, Government is not broke. Government’s finances are sound as any in the world.”
He further claimed that Public Debt currently stands at 19% of GDP.
Mistakes have been made
During its first term in office (2003-2007) the NDP was heavily criticised for not communicating to the people and being transparent in their actions.
Now serving a second consecutive term after being re-elected to office in 2011 and winning a snap election it called in 2015, the party continues to be criticised for not levelling with the people, especially on major projects.
Further, the Members of the Opposition have lamented the party’s unwillingness to answer questions in the House of Assembly or giving accurate information whenever they decide to respond to a question.
Premier Smith has admitted that a communication problem exists, and just like the party did after its defeat at the polls in 2007, promised to fix it.
“As in the case of all human endeavours, mistakes have been made. In particular we have not done enough to communicate at all times to the people of the Territory about our efforts and that is something will be fixed with more regular updates and communications.”
It remains to be seen if Premier Smith can now be trusted as a man of his words.

28 Responses to “‘Gov’t’s finances are sound as any in the world’- Dr Smith”
Th**f1ng scumdrell ah go dry di well!
Thanks Governor for telling us the truth! the real deal
.The people will forgive you. The people love you, they hate your naivety and lies...Just come clean...
Premier Smith claimed that the objective of the NDP is to “use the people’s resources wisely and strategically, to invest in the future and to build strong foundation for prosperity to benefit our children and their children.” Can the masses really say that government actions met this assertion? Does the BVI Airways, Tortola Pier Park.......etc pass the duck test? “Despite what some have falsely claimed, Government is not broke. Government’s finances are sound as any in the world. What does masses say?
"............... Governor John S. Duncan OBE has stated both publicly and privately that the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government has not managed the Territory's finances wisely as they now claim." Who is telling the truth, Guv or Premier? Was the Guv use of Sec 103 (b) of the constitution though an embarrassment to the government an over reach? Was it a precursor ( direct rule) to a looming action? Was it a reminder of colonialism or imperialism?
Moreover, is the Premier spinning like a top or exerting strong leadership? What is strong leadership? Strong leadership is facing and embracing the reality on the ground and standing tall and accepting responsibility and accountability, i.e., the late former US President John F. Kennedy and Bay of Pigs failure. Is the Premier standing tall with his state of territory message?