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Govt wrong to cut public servants increments - Hon. Fraser

February 20th, 2012 | Tags: House of Assembly julian fraser RA Local increments
Hon. Fraser doesn't think it was fair for Government to cut public service increments that they already worked for.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Third District representative and former Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Julian Fraser RA, is of the opinion that the recent decision to cut the increments of public servants was not right to do since they would have already worked for it.

Government had announced on January 9, 2012 that the increment of three percent of employees’ salary, which is retroactive from January 2011 will now be reduced to 1.5 percent while the operational expenditure of running the various government departments will be cut by seven percent or equivalent to some $11.8 million.

Financial Secretary Neil Smith had said those monies would be put into the reserve fund, which would be built to enable the country to run without revenues for three months in a worst case scenario. He had further related Government’s commitment not to lay off workers as he said the choice was either to decrease the size of the civil service or make expenditure cuts with the existing institution.

But according to Hon. Fraser, Government was wrong to cut public servants increments that were already worked for. Hon. Fraser was at the time debating the Customs and Duties Bill, which was passed in the House of Assembly on February 14, 2012. The Bill allows for duties to be lifted on Freight and Insurance of imports by business persons.

The bill will cost Government some 3.7 million dollars in revenue yearly, which Hon. Fraser believes would be wrong to make public servants make up for the shortfall.

“There is no way that this government can go and take from those public servants, their increments this year because the increments start from 2011, you can’t take it from them this year. And there is no way you can think about using that to make up for the short fall. How are we going to make up this 3.7 million that we are going to be taking away from the revenues of the Territory. How is the government going to explain to the public servants of this territory that they are going to cut their increments by 50 percent which I heard equates to 1.5 million. On the other hand, you giving the merchants 3.7 million dollars of your revenue?” Hon. Fraser asked.

62 Responses to “Govt wrong to cut public servants increments - Hon. Fraser ”

  • billy b (20/02/2012, 08:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what would you suggest, after you done waste off all other monies?????????
    • joe fraser (20/02/2012, 08:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i suggest you stay the hell away from him
    • G (20/02/2012, 09:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I totally agree...if it wasnt for him and his retarded spending habits we wont have been in this position
    • Easy Come.. (20/02/2012, 21:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      LOL!! Fraser looks like the cat that ate the canary. Coming on here trying to stir up trouble when he done know that they aint leave no money in the kitty.
      • cat mother (20/02/2012, 23:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        but you NDP spin doctors for real???/after you just got in three months and spend over a million dollars fatten up your friends and family? you all crazy with these paid bloggers mehson
  • 00000 (20/02/2012, 08:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    fraser is the man
    • pppp (20/02/2012, 10:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      for WHAT?????????
      • ccc (20/02/2012, 15:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        for standing up for the lil lil man and liberating water and that's a fact!
        • BREAKING NEWS (21/02/2012, 09:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          4 years and that is the only TWO things you can brag about and he was a MINISTER ??????????? LMAO.
  • along the way (20/02/2012, 08:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    yes tell them this NDP government is killing the civil servants in more ways than one!!!!
  • Wellsaw (20/02/2012, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    As I can recall the public servants were not scheduled to receive an incriment this year at all. Thanks NDP half better than none at all.
  • BREAKING NEWS (20/02/2012, 09:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You were WRONG for spending over $100,000 to put lights at the round-a-bout; You were WRONG for lying and saying it didn't cost tax payers money to install the lights at the Moorings ($8,000); You were WRONG for spending $50,000 to fix a well because you bathe there as a boy; You were WRONG for giving Bi-Water over $160,000,000 for a contract that locals could of done; You were WRONG for building a wall that cost over $900,000; You were WRONG for starting to build a dock out of Gov't Funds for personal gain; You were WRONG for only paving roads, building back walls and fixing schools in Sea Cow's Bay; and You were WRONG for wasting all this money hence all the cutbacks we have to now implement!!! All you want happen is for NDP to run in more debt so you can say NDP run the Gov't more broke. If you know public service already work so hard for their increment, then you should of left the money in the Treasure so NDP can pay them. All the hard work of the public service is down Sea Cow's Bay. BAM BAM BAM !!!
    • qc (20/02/2012, 10:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      the funny man done tell ayo NDP laying off civil servants this is the beginning...look out people
    • ooooo (20/02/2012, 14:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      he was right for liberating telecommunications...he was right for installing all stop lights in tortola...he was right for giving us better quality and cheaper water....he was right for saving us from those vultures who near eaten us alive with cellphone bills...he was right for having every woman, man and child owning a cell phone that!!!!
      • BREAKING NEWS (20/02/2012, 14:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ ooooo. Where is the cheaper water?????????? When OC had the plant I was paying around $45 a month for water. The Gov't have it now and I still paying the same thing. He brought in Digicel to kill CCT, and that's because it is owned by many members of the BVI Investment Club. He brought in Bi Water to kill OC, and that's because it is owned by many members of the BVI Investment Club. He tried to bring in KFC, McDonald's and Pizza Hut. He wanted to kill Village Cay because it is owned by many members of the BVI Investment Club. Ralph told him NO !!!! You know why he want to kill BVI Investment Club so bad???? because they deny his application to join.
        • Laxitive (20/02/2012, 20:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          "Breaking News", where do you get all this BS from, you are literally sick. Frasrer tried to bring in KFC? Where did you get this trash? Frasrer tried to bring in McDonalds? Where did you get this trash? Frasrer tried to bring in Pizza Hut? Where did you get this trash? And oh! this BS about him applying for membership in the BVI Investment Club, Nonsense. You cant apply for membership in the BVI Investment Club. I must know.
          • BREAKING NEWS (21/02/2012, 09:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            It was bought up by him in a meeting in Sea Cow's Bay !!!!!!!! Also, he asked a member of the BVI Investment Club in 2001 what he needs to do to become a member of the BVI Investment Club. He was told that they would have to bring it to the board for approval if he would like to become a member. It was voted 15-1 that he cannot be a member !!!!
          • Member BVI Investment Club (21/02/2012, 21:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            This crap about Fraser name for membership in the club being voted on 15-1 is nonsense. VINO you should not allow these things to be posted if the malicious jerks can't prove them
        • Laxitive (21/02/2012, 14:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          "Breaking News", do you have any more Wishes? Who was in that meeting in Sea Cows Bay? Ha... Ha... Ha
      • wongchichi (20/02/2012, 15:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        ok the liberalization of the telecom industry is not Mr. Fraser's brain child...the monopoly contract was was a decision by cabinet whether to allow C&W to remain in control or not. He did not just up and decide to allow the other company in. So please stop this foolishness...and in reality the cost of cell phones has gone up and the cell phone bills are just as high as back in the day so nothing has changed by mr. whiskers hands...furthermore the street lights were not his idea....putting them at the roundabout however was all him so you do the math.
        • Help (21/02/2012, 07:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          The clue there is DECISION. It could have been decided to leave it. If there wasn't a bigger picture or plan in view, then why they decide to end it and liberalise? It would have been easier to leave it. But, wouldn't that have meant that we would not be enjoying the current rates. Competition still good. You people something else?
          • wongchichi (22/02/2012, 14:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            the key word is it wasnt his stop putting it down like he was the one that made the call ...all the ministers sat and decided whether or not to do it not jus him.
        • Hmmm (23/02/2012, 03:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          @wrongchichi: actually it would seem that it could have been decided to leave things as they were. So there was a decision to do otherwise. and then the plan how to go about it.
      • long road (20/02/2012, 15:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        and he was right for standing up and not selling out we birth right like the NDP did from 2003-2007 and now about to do again....Fraser you are the liberator and they know it....
      • Crank Shaft (20/02/2012, 16:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        LMAO!!!!!! Liberated? Cable TV fell under that same heading, what happened there? Look at how LIME is treating people, what happen there? What good quality water you talking about? Where is it? LMAO!! People balling because they don't have water, cheaper? We will see about that. I don't know how it can be cheaper if our Government signed a contract agreeing to pay Biwater's electricity bill. Stop lights at the round about that had to be taken down after 2 weeks. Stop lights at Colombian Emeralds which tells drivers to go at the same time telling pedestrians to walk. Three lane stop lights put up at a two lane junction on both sides of the highway. Sewerage running all through the streets? Boss the only people grateful for him and his cronies who got all those contracts and the rich folks up at Havers that got their private estate paved with our money while our schools left to rot and our high school kids eat up under FEMA tents.
    • Pure BS (20/02/2012, 21:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      "BREAKING NEWS' yes He Was RIGHT to put lights at the round-a-bout; FOOLS LIKE YOU CANT SEE THE WISDOM He Was RIGHT for saying it didn’t cost tax payers money to install the lights at the Moorings BECAUSE THEY WERE REUSED; He Was RIGHT for spending $50,000 to fix a well because it is a landmark; SOMETHING YOU WONT SEE He Was RIGHT for giving Bi-Water an Agreement that locals could not match; He Was RIGHT for building a wall that cost less than over $250,000; He Was RIGHT for starting the Sea Cows Bay Harbor Project out of Gov’t Funds for the people of the VI's gain; He Was RIGHT for paving roads, building back walls and fixing schools in Sea Cow’s Bay and the rest of the territory; and He Was RIGHT for spending all this money why the VIP had no cutbacks because it stimulated the economy!!! When NDP took office the first thing they did was to take $1.5 million to cut bush, that is exactly where the Civil Servants Increments went. The VIP left all the money needed to pay the increments in the Treasury.
      • BREAKING NEWS (21/02/2012, 09:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You are a typical Sea Cow's Bay fool. That is why we the people of the BVI voted the VIP out !!! 1.5million to cut bush ????????? LOL. So you're saying all the projects Frazer did for the 4 years cost less than cutting bush for 2 weeks ???????? LOL. Thank GOD or parents send us school from Monday - Friday. You went on Saturday when the "Special" kids had to go. The bush cutting was very well needed.
        • Unbeleavable (21/02/2012, 21:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          So you think Sea Cows Bay people are fools. No wonder even after you NDP brought in all those outsiders to vote in the 3rd District the Sea Cows Bay people rejected your little Ma Ma Boy.
  • Real Talk (20/02/2012, 09:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This man is unbelievable! HE spend $600,000 paving a private estate weeks before election and he's here telling us about money? How much those concrete slabs and fencing cost the tax payers? I really can't believe people sit down and listen to this man rant! This same man was a part of cabinet when his Government engaged Baker Tilly with a $300K contract to evaluate the civil service. What would've come next was layoffs and the Government would say it's not us advocating this, it's what Baker Tilly said should be done. Instead of laying off, this new Government decided to cut increments in half. While there are many hard workers in the civil service, there are also many that are very lazy and unproductive. If the increment was truly based on performance, everybody won't get one. I agree that NDP shouldn't have cut the increment in half for everyone. I think they should've done a performance assesment and those who perform would get their full increment and others who laze around wouldn't get anything. It would've been fair and saved the country money.
    • WWW (20/02/2012, 10:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      • billy b (20/02/2012, 10:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        ayo say myron funny!!! wha he do, dump you??? the government has nine district rep and four at large rep why ayo blaming myron for everything????? myron this and myron that, good gracious!!!!
        • one eye (20/02/2012, 12:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          I am a big fan of minister myron he just need to stop wasting time blogging. He needs to act like a minister from a school yard child
    • Lightening (21/02/2012, 20:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Real Talk (Myron) aka funny man, you need to grow up and stop spending all this valuable government paid time on here blogging. This obsession you have with Fraser is not going to change the facts. Fraser is not in your league. Correction; YOU ARE NOT in Ftaser's league. Go get a life
  • I wonder (20/02/2012, 09:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder if he had an inkling that it was wrong when he was spending a million dollars on a $200,000 wall? You got us in this mess. Had no clue how to get us out, but we put your back to the road where everything at the forefront of your vocabulary will be it is wrong. Well before you go slinging mud, think about whey the Government is now trying to find money to pay for all these things that your Government spent wildly on while leaving our roads et cetera in an awful mess!
    • eeee (20/02/2012, 10:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      when is the NDP going be honest and do what they promise in the campaign to down size the civil service..when ??????
      • billy b (20/02/2012, 10:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        for people like you to come on here whining bout "victimization"????
  • Crank Shaft (20/02/2012, 10:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP!!!!!!! You guys better get your message out here!! You all have this man parading up and down like he is the BVI saviour and nobody putting out the information on him. He is sucking up to NDP lately and it seems these guys falling for his charm. But let me tell you something, let him keep spouting lies and half-truths and no rebuttals from the Government. This is how NDP lost last time! You all need to answer this man everytime he talks nonsense. You are in Government, you have the books and records, DEAL WITH HIM!!!! If you all think you going play goody 2 shoes with this man and come 2015 you want support IT WONT HAPPEN!! Deal with these damn snakes who have no shame. He rape our treasury and coming out chatting pure nonsense.
    • police man west end (20/02/2012, 12:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      But who can disagree that fraser is tola savior and the man we need for chief? Fraser you are needed badly by your country, the big question is can we wait four long years?
      • BREAKING NEWS (20/02/2012, 15:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ police man west end. Well since YOU think the country need Frazer so badly, tell him run at LARGE please!!! Frazer know only the 3rd district people will vote for him so he will NEVER run at Large !!!
    • Wow (20/02/2012, 13:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Crankshaft, you are so right. Just before the 2007 elections Fraser was all over the place saying that NDP was budgeting money to pay CCT for their loss of the cell-phone monopoly. After the elections, Dr. Smith (who was then the opposition leader) asked him to provide evidence of his claim. He then gave some ridiculous response but essentially denied making such a claim. One thing I hate is liars, especially those who continue to lie after they have been exposed.
      • pants on fire (20/02/2012, 13:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        TO WOW: Lairs yea tell that to the NDP…like one said he did not know that Wade was being set home, and other one said he had nothing to do with removing the school logo sign from the road town primary about LAIRS..i can tell you where to find dem!!!
        • Crank Shaft (20/02/2012, 16:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          WOW you touch a button hahahahahahahahah!!! Where is that CCT money that he talked about? LIES LIES! Don't change the subject lol They say we getting cheaper water but we paying electricity for the life of the contract. They can't subsidize fuel surcharge for their own struggling people, but Mr. white from UK get us to pay his entire light bill for his water plant. Funny how nobody telling us how much the water plant down on his property charging government. Why nobody asking about that?
          • native son (20/02/2012, 20:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            bossman "crank shaft" If you look at the money wasted from 2003-2007 and compare it to the good job done by the VIP from 2007-2011 wid no money to spend and a bad world economic down turn its like night and day…NDP has the record of bad management and selling out the country to the start with dat deman.
          • Crank Shaft (21/02/2012, 09:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Native son. LOLOL!! You for real? Name me ONE GOOD THING VIP did from 2007-2011 NAME ONE!!!!!!! While you're naming things, name ONE THING NDP sold out to a white, NAME ONE!!! The man for Biwater isn't black, just for your information! I'm waiting for you to respond. But guess what? Your response will be the same as Fraser when asked to show proof of the NDP holding money for CCT. Pure horse shit@!
    • Laxitive (26/02/2012, 09:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      OJ aka Kevin: you had your chance to take him out, in 4 years you can try again. In the mean while enjoy your $90,000 gift and shut to he'll up
    • Get Lost (26/02/2012, 18:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You seem to have an interest in the distruction of Fraser. I wonder why. The people elected him to represent them so you had better come to grips with that reality. You got your NDP, we got Fraser. You think you all can do whatever you want and we must not know about it, guess again. OJ you got your nice Cusshy Cusshy $90,000 gift for your faied attempt to remove Fraser, and now you are here spouting piss. Get Lost.
  • C'mon (20/02/2012, 11:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Increments should be based on performance through the year as a result of a thorough review by Supervisor. Giving a raise just because is ridiculous! There is no incentive to provide quality service and people being rewarded for mediocre work habits.
  • I telling yo (20/02/2012, 15:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tiz look who talking, he was not thinking on da gov. staff when he and uncle Hodge was spending Gov money hmmm y ppl so man
  • God bless Fraser (20/02/2012, 16:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser get his one oppurtunity in a ministry and look at all the improvements in the third. If according to the numbers being thrown out are right around he only spend a measly 1.2 - 1.5 million dollars. I would say thats money well spent for the total betterment of the district he is responsible for. Leh We see how much mark or kedrick do with the same oppurtunity or how much any current minister going spend to get the same results. BAM BAM BAM
  • @Crank Shaft (20/02/2012, 16:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ow much money Ronnie spend on used incinerator that take five years to install and already to small to serve any purpose or the set of old backhoe and junks he send public works when the government accustomed of buying new and top of the line equipment?
  • Ostrich (20/02/2012, 16:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Honorable Fahie, may I respectfully suggest you pull your head out of the sand and look around. The world economic situation is not good. Governments around the world have realized that the pay/benefits provided to public workers is UNSUSTAINABLE and an unfair burden on the taxpayer. Many governments has found that freezing pay at current levels is preferable to LAYING OFF workers. If it had not been for out of control spending by a government that YOU were a large part of, there just may have been the money for the increments. Don't try to lay this on NDP. This was a direct result of PRIOR financial mismanagement and lack of vision on the part of the PRIOR government that YOU were a large part of. Now is not the time to come to the aid of the public workers, you should have done that YEARS ago.
  • same set of cow birds (20/02/2012, 23:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i just smile when I see some of these comments the same three persons over and over again..the usual haters of the political giant Julian Fraser some point NDP haters you will have to join Fraser as the lies not selling...
    • Crank Shaft (21/02/2012, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Political Giant? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! And he had to pull out every trick in the book, only beating the 'lil boy' Smith by 56 votes? Paving Havers? Greasing the USVI people? Pulling in the old folks on pre-polling day? Only beat the lil boy by 56 votes? What giant?? The people on here are VIP and NDP. Remember, most VIP supporters do NOT like him and they blame him for the lost of the elections. SO don't think every post on here is from an NDP supporter. At least most of us use our screen name, look at how many other stupid names on here defending Fraser, same 2 people who can't spell a lick, trying to make it seem like he have support. Not even his party members like him. Do you think I'm joking? Wait until 2015 come. Andrew will join PPA, Alvin and Ralph will retire and Julian will form the Communist Party with him running in the 3rd and his brother running at-large. HAHAHA!!!!!
      • looser go by mommy (21/02/2012, 12:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        man "Crank Shaft" aka OJ tek you lsot and get lost!!!!
      • Short Memory (26/02/2012, 09:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Crank Shaft (OJ): how many votes Dr Smith won by in 2007? Let me help you; 18 far less than the 56 you are quoting here as a near loss. How many votes did Dr Pockering won by in 2007? Let me help you; 32 far less than the 56 you are quoting here as a near loss. So now shut your back side up
  • Quiet Storm (21/02/2012, 00:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The use of term "wrong" relative to the 50% increment cut was overstated. There was no right or wrong. Instead government exercised an option. Were any laws, regulations, policies, or contracts broken. True all contracts are not written. But in this instance no contract was broken. Did it violate good faith? Probably. Given the state of the economy, was smart politics? May be. In any event, goverment and employees have a none binding contractual agreement. Employees can quit at any time. And goverment can cut positions or adjust compensation. Clearly, the increments were conditional, not guaranteed. No one likes their pay cut. But in though economic times, there must be shared sacrifices. A 50% is better than a 100% cut, than a furlough, than base pay cuts, or position cuts. Are there other areas of government that could have structurally adjusted? Sure. Perhaps the increment could have been proposed differently. For Example, top officers should shouldered a larger % than middle and junior officers. Lets be honest some expenses had to be cut. It was just a matter of yours or mine. Not
    • law school (21/02/2012, 12:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      quiet storm you playing lawyer tis not to late to get a law degree dem dime a dozen!
    • Ignorance (22/02/2012, 22:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You have to understand where Fraser is coming from before you jump off saying that "Wrong" is overstated. Remember, every Civil Servant started the year 2011 fully expecting a 3% of their salary in increment unless something went wrong in their performance (which is the norm), therefore after finishing the year 31st December 2011 every Civil Servant had the expectation (They earned the 3%) of their salary as Increment. This money being already earned, cannot, and I repeat cannot be taken away from these Civil Servants. What people are not getting, is that the Increments being paid in 2012, were earned in 2011. YOU CANNOT TAKE BACK AN EARNED BENEFIT (this is not a promised benefit, which begins 1st January of each year). Cutting the Increments by 50% is the perogative of government, and they are within their right to do so, however, it can only be for increments earned from 2012 going forward, and those deductions start 1st January 2013. Just dont know how many other ways I can say this.
  • back of the man (21/02/2012, 23:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ha ha ha these NDP's love me some Julian Fraser set of coco-roaches

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