Gov’t taking new strategy to reporting implementation of CoI reforms– Premier

In a statement released on July 26, 2023, alongside His Permanent Secretary Carolyn E. Stoutt-Igwe, Premier Wheatley said in June 2022 the Government of the Virgin Islands agreed to a framework for the implementation of the recommendations of the CoI and other reforms and preparatory steps for implementation and that, since then, ministries and departments have been working tirelessly to implement the recommendations according to this plan and continue on the path of reform.
“As we embarked on this process last year. We did recognise early in the implementation that some of the deadlines were ambitious and did not take certain factors, such as the dissolution of the House of Assembly, the time needed for public consultation, as well as the fact that the commencement of some tasks was dependent on the completion of other tasks.
He said for example, Recommendation B7 which deals with the review of Assistance grants, the comprehensive review of the welfare benefits and grants system, required a more extensive review than originally anticipated.
“This particular recommendation required the House of Assembly to introduce legislation in accordance with the recommendations of the review by the 28th of February 2023. However, by that time the House of Assembly had been dissolved to make way for the holding of general elections within the constitutional time frame.
He said even prior to the commencement of the review, it was recognised that a more extensive review was required to bring about the required change, additionally, the government recognises the need to engage stakeholders at different stages in the policy process.
“The involvement of people in major decisions concerning their governance is a cornerstone of democracy. Hence, the Ministry of Health is currently consulting the public for feedback on the report even before drafting, instructions can be created for cabinet consideration,” Dr Whealtey detailed.
More realistic deadlines submitted - Premier
He said moving forward, ministries and departments have submitted more realistic deadlines and are making steady progress on our path to reform.
“I do believe; however, that anyone who is in possession of the facts and the processes involved would appreciate and be aware of the true measure of progress that is taking place and why it would be completely unjustified to hold and to spread such negative and inaccurate perceptions.
The Premier said both the UK government and VI representatives have repeatedly said that this is not a box-ticking exercise.
“Now that the majority of reviews and audits have been completed. We are now embarking on a different phase in the reform process. It is important to pause and appreciate here that in a number of instances, the audit reports would have been essential for identifying what specific gaps needed to be addressed in the particular area and how we should go about closing those gaps and further strengthening the systems,” he said.

8 Responses to “Gov’t taking new strategy to reporting implementation of CoI reforms– Premier”
Some of your ministers gave handouts to their friends and family without proper documentation or justification hence: they are corrupt. So you should just fire them and encourage prosecution.
Nooooooo. you try to shield them instead.
You are too late ,that shall be your cry Mr.accidental premier .Your team didn't take.COI seriously now when Mr.Comeback next month sh** will hit the fan.Thanks to all who voted