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Govt should raise quality of health care before bringing NHI - RT residents

- Vocal tent meeting held at Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park
The man who insisted that his questions be answered as opposed to the proposal of Mr Barry to visit his office to have his concerns addressed. Mr Barry was of the opinion that the man's questions were personal in nature when he made the offer. Photo: VINO
Executive Director of the British Virgin Islands Social Security Board and Co Chairperson of NHI, Ms Antoinette Skelton. Photo: VINO
Executive Director of the British Virgin Islands Social Security Board and Co Chairperson of NHI, Ms Antoinette Skelton. Photo: VINO
Deputy Director of the BVI SSB with responsibility for NHI, Mr Roy Barry. Photo: VINO
Deputy Director of the BVI SSB with responsibility for NHI, Mr Roy Barry. Photo: VINO
Some of the persons in attendance at the NHI consultation meeting at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park last evening, February 26, 2013. Photo: VINO
Some of the persons in attendance at the NHI consultation meeting at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park last evening, February 26, 2013. Photo: VINO
There were many vacant seats under the tent that was set up for the NHI consultation meeting but a sizable number of person opted to stay on the outskirts to listen and contribute to the consulation process. Photo: VINO
There were many vacant seats under the tent that was set up for the NHI consultation meeting but a sizable number of person opted to stay on the outskirts to listen and contribute to the consulation process. Photo: VINO
Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool at the meeting. Photo: VINO
Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool at the meeting. Photo: VINO
Ms Skelton introducing two other members of the BVI SSB. From left: Manager of Beneficiary and Advisory Services, Ms Kishma Baronville and Manager of Health Benefits and Referrals, Ms Norma Benjamin. Photo: VINO
Ms Skelton introducing two other members of the BVI SSB. From left: Manager of Beneficiary and Advisory Services, Ms Kishma Baronville and Manager of Health Benefits and Referrals, Ms Norma Benjamin. Photo: VINO
Mr Stanley Dawson was also introduced as a member of the NHI steering committee. Photo: VINO
Mr Stanley Dawson was also introduced as a member of the NHI steering committee. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – “I have a problem giving up my health insurance that covers me wherever I go, to be stuck with this ‘thing’ subjected to the local facility that you have here that is not capable of providing proper healthcare for the population... I would like to have some choices with my money.”

That was one of several emphatic statements made by concerned residents who attended the public consultation for the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) Programme at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park last evening, February 26, 2013.

It was no easy go for the members of the Board as it was evident from the responses and questions asked, recommendations made and statements of persons, that they were not in support of the impending NHI policy being proposed by the Government of the day.

Presiding over the consultation last evening were Deputy Director BVI Social Security Board (SSB) with responsibility for NHI, Mr Roy Barry who said the consultation had been the most vocal of all others held so far; and Executive Director of the SSB and Co Chairperson of NHI, Ms Antoinette Skelton.

Residents spared no bones in speaking their minds to say that government was putting the cart before the horse; they had no confidence in the healthcare services; and that persons should have the free choice to choose which insurance company they should be covered by.

One resident said, “I don’t see this as no health insurance plan, I see this as another tax.”

In response, Mr Barry was very firm in noting that the NHI is indeed what it says it is, however it does not dictate whether or not persons should have an additional insurance coverage for health care. “Based on the rules and regulations, it is mandatory once they are working in the BVI or legal residence in the BVI, they must be enrolled in national health insurance, but you can access additional insurance from a private provider of you so wish,” he stated emphatically.

Mr Barry added that he could not speak totally for the Health Services Authority but said they are working together and as they move closer to launching NHI, “they are moving towards major improvements at the Health Services Authority.” He also sought to quell the concerns by stating that if persons were not comfortable with the services of the public providers they could access from a pool of private health care providers in the Territory. “But I can assure you that when we are finished with the healthcare reform we’ll have a system that is second to none."

Persons questioned whether the NHI Board would decide whether or not a person should go overseas to seek medical attention once given that recommendation from a private doctor. “We are not going to second guess the doctor but we live in a small community and we believe, I hope I am not putting my foot in my mouth because I was misquoted in the press already for the week, I don’t want to get that happening again but most of us like to jump on a plane and go overseas and get medical treatment. That's a fact,” said Ms Skelton.

The statement was greeted by a response of one resident, who said “….Because we want to live.”

“Suppose I have a [private] insurance now and I have to give up that when NHI comes on stream because I cannot afford both and NHI cannot give me the kind of coverage that the private insurance was giving me, then you are asking me to give up something for less, I am mandated to pay for less, I cannot afford both of them but I would need both of them,” the resident stated. Ms Skelton responded assuringly. “You wouldn’t.”

There was loud applause and shouts of “wonderful, wonderful” when one man heavily criticized the present healthcare services being offered at Peebles Hospital and stated that it was his opinion that it would have been a better thing if the government had waited until the health services come on par before introducing NHI.

Attempting to give some level of comfort to the resident, Ms Skelton asked the man if he had been to Peebles Hospital recently. “I try to avoid going there,” the man said bluntly.

Ms Skelton then said that while she was not prepared to speak totally for Peebles Hospital, “The health services authority is doing similar to us, they are making their wrong …but the government of the day, the Ministry of committed to improving the standard of healthcare so much so that Peebles hospital will be the facility of choice, so much so,” said Ms. Skelton. “We are not going to build a big hundred million dollars hospital and it’s going to be business as usual,” she added while noting there would be an addition of seven specialists to the staff of Peebles Hospital. “And I am not speaking for them [Peebles Hospital],” she repeatedly said.

One particular resident, who had the full support of several present, was very straight forward with his line of questioning the proposed system. “You also said that you are not going to ram anything down people’s throats, then what is ‘mandatory’.” In response, Mr Barry said it’s the system is that is mandatory. "...When she said she is not going to ram it down your throat, she is listening to what the people has to say so that we can re-design whatever needs to be re-designed."

At one stage it was dubbed as uncouth of Ms Skelton as she could be heard on the microphone whispering to her colleague “she is only trying to be rude”, following several questions posed by a resident.

Persons also objected to the omission of alternative medicines not being covered by the NHI.

Big under the tent, was the question of whether the monies would be used on government investments, a notion that almost everyone was not comfortable with. However, Ms Skelton said because the monies would be too much to be held in a bank account they would have to invest and the best choice would be the government.

At one stage the questions seemed to have been overwhelming and Mr Barry even asked one young man to visit him at his office for further discussion but that was met with a firm objection. The young man stated that his concerns were those of the general public and as such he needed to have his questions addressed in the open forum. This again was met with rounds of applause.

22 Responses to “Govt should raise quality of health care before bringing NHI - RT residents”

  • ooooo (27/02/2013, 08:26) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    This looks like a ndp thing because all i'm seeing are ndp members all over the photos/boards/panels etc.
    • bat man (27/02/2013, 08:37) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Why you surprised the people already turned off by the ndp so at all government functions outside of civil servants you will only see NDP supporters trust we!!!
  • Guest (27/02/2013, 08:49) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    All you all did last night was waste your breath these public meetings are just for show and to make the public think they have a say or as the saying goes "try and make the ones in society not in control, feel they have some control, when they don't". Because at the end of the day they still will do what they want so stop wasting your breathe and even if you vote NDP out some are doctors and will still benefit from this system in their private practice even if they are not in power..
    • Hmm (27/02/2013, 15:40) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      If you think like that, that what going to happen. We the people voted them in to represent us. I not going to stand by and have the government push something on me I don't want. WE have to come together People of the BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS and tell the NDP what we the people want and NHI is not it. Stand up and fight. This is our MONEY and we should have a way how we want to spend it.
    • Reverse- psychology (02/03/2013, 19:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      They trying to fool people into accepting this is not fair...if that it the case... let us keep our BUPA...because for a year and more I have been in severe pain been to Peebles, Eureka, B&F, etc and to no relief...I then went to St. Thomas to a specialist for my problems and I am going on 6 month without pain. Peebles gave me medication that made me I do agree lets bring the Healthcare system that includes customer service at these places up to par before we introduce something that is going to kill (literally) the people of the BVI...put money into the poor peoples pockets too we want to stop paying rent and feel like we getting someplace in our lives.
  • Observer (27/02/2013, 08:58) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply

    You mean to tell me with all those people there nobody told Roy to haul he - - - - a$$. If you are making something mandatory and your company is telling you that because government is forcing their hand with this MANDATORY aspect for NHI and they WILL DROP YOUR OTHER INSURANCE, how the F- - - do we have a choice??? Who in the hell can afford to pay into a mandatory government insurance and then ON YOUR OWN(which will make payments even higher) pay for private insurance? You notice the only people making that statement about having 2 are the rich SOB's in the BVI. And I bet all of them who pushing NHI saying you do not need any other insurance will have 2. Cause the same way they always telling you to shop local and when you Puerto Rico and St. Thomas you have to push them out your way, is the same way they will tell you, "you only need NHI but they will have another and utilize the other". These SOB's we have in positions like to talk with two tongues.

  • S.R. (27/02/2013, 09:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • A Fahie (27/02/2013, 09:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • old glory (27/02/2013, 10:36) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    Self reliance is the key.


  • Concerned (27/02/2013, 15:02) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was at the meeting last night and the sad part is that we will not have a choice. Unless you can afford to pay for a secondary plan you will be forced in the NHI that can only be used locally. Another thing the cost will be based on a percentage of your salary, so if you make alot of money you will pay alot. It has nothing to do with the size of your family..... This a tax that the NDP government are forcing on all legal residents whether you work or not. Buisness persons will have to pay from their earings such as rental income and any other sources you may have. The more you make the more you pay. Even retired person with additional income will have to pay, no one will be spared, only who quailfy as an indiginate and students up to 25 years. For persons who chose to retire in the BVI and may have an insurance from their home country, they too will have to pay. You can call this a tax for living in the BVI upon all the others you are already paying. When this law is passed later this year, because the draft is just waiting until they finish their so-called community meetings, there will be 4 and I say 4 mandatory taxes this government will have imposed on the business community big and small and 3 on individuals. They are doing a good job of chasing business away. I hope they will have a job for all those people who will lose theirs with the insurance companies. There will be no need for health insurance personnels... After all the waste of government resources over the years, this is what we come to.... BVIslanders need to rise up and protest against these situations. Turks & Caicos just fought against VAT and won. people rise up and tell the government you elect enough is enough......
  • just asking (27/02/2013, 15:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    As far as I see this government and SSB just shoving this crappy NHI down our throats. Ppl let we pull together on this one and stop it. NDP hear to the ppls cry who put ayo in there. Remember we put you in we can take you out.
  • question (27/02/2013, 15:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    when is that one in the second pic retiring?
    • ???? (02/03/2013, 02:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not anytime soon. There for life. can't you see? Not Mandatory for some people.
  • Confucius (28/02/2013, 17:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I believe there needs to be immediate and FULL DISCLOSURE by government regarding EXCATLY how the NHI fees will be applied. What percentage of our pay cheques is going to go towards this scheme. What are the criteria?

    I also believe that if the a significant number of residents (both local and non-local) are not in agreement with this proposed legislation, the people should (through the Governor) demand a REFERENDUM on the matter.

    I am sick and tired of being force fed policies that substantially affect my personal finances. I for one will not take this one lying down!
  • wow (28/02/2013, 19:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    They try to hold meetings and make us think we have a say yet still they going on with this "$h1t" of a scheme. We all need to stand together and leave them @$$ there at them meeting let them talk to themself. Saying the scheme to help the less fortunate ... but what the hell our tax money doing? It's paying for all those unecessary consultant contracts that's what. We need to show these people we aint playing no game with them no more we need to start signing pettitions and writing letters to the Queen let she intervine, last time I checked we live in a democratic society we have the freedom of choice. This $h1t aint going so, you people never learn with these crooks what call themself NDP. Politics would have never gone so in any other Caribbean country.

  • upset (02/03/2013, 19:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government gets me so upset...we vote them in then they treat us like &*^$...then they expect us to vote them in again...When are they going to start to respect the people of the BVI...I wonder if the Governor is reporting what is happening here to the queen or just what he thinks she should know...after all the protest about not wanting the NHI...I can bet you all the money in the world they are going to push it before the next election just like how VIP pushed BiWater before the next election...We need to form a new party PPP (People Progressive Party)...Find people in the community who is not just about themselves and theirs but who will look at the past, present and future when making decisions for our country. I am sure the other Caribbean people laughing at us...we just piling up the mistakes. Lord send help.
  • Victim (03/03/2013, 17:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope we people do not sit and accept this insurance scheme. First of all I had to do a MRI at Eureka, which did not show that I had a mass in a particular part of my body. I asked my doctor to make a referral to St. Thomas as I was feeling the mass and the MRI in Tortola was not showing it. Fortuntately the MRI in St. Thomas dected the mass in my body and I was able to do the surgery to remove the mass. If we get this insurance what you are telling me that I would not have been able to go further to do another MRI. This is out of place. Ensure that we have good equipment and qualifed personnel before we make this big step and endanger people lives.
  • ..... (03/03/2013, 18:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look at that one wotless woman in the second picture. I taught you had to be reired by a certain age! Since these people don't know how to deal with people we need to deal with them. Remember they are the minority and we are the majority!

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