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Gov’t should get involved in Foxy’s controversy – Bishop John I. Cline

- said fiasco could damage one of the territory's leading tourism product
Foxy’s on Jost van Dyke is known the world over as one of the top places to visit for New Year’s celebrations and hundreds of persons, including celebrities, flock to the island during that time of year. Photo: Internet Source/File
Bishop John I. Cline believes government should intervene in the Foxy’s fiasco to save the tourism product from further harm. Photo: Facebook
Bishop John I. Cline believes government should intervene in the Foxy’s fiasco to save the tourism product from further harm. Photo: Facebook
On Monday October 14, 2019 the public had a shock of their lives when at a press conference called by then Director of Operations of Foxy’s Tamarind Bar, David Dietrich, left, and Philliciano O. Callwood MBE aka ‘Foxy’, right, they were let in on a major family feud that resulted from Dietrich assuming a position of authority over one half of the family business and trying to force the other half to sell out so he could assume a position of authority over the entire business. Photo: VINO
On Monday October 14, 2019 the public had a shock of their lives when at a press conference called by then Director of Operations of Foxy’s Tamarind Bar, David Dietrich, left, and Philliciano O. Callwood MBE aka ‘Foxy’, right, they were let in on a major family feud that resulted from Dietrich assuming a position of authority over one half of the family business and trying to force the other half to sell out so he could assume a position of authority over the entire business. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In an effort to secure the integrity of the internationally acclaimed “Foxy’s” brand as a main tourist attraction for the Virgin Islands (VI), at least one indigenous Virgin Islander has publicly called on the government of the day to intervene in the fiasco on the sister island of Jost van Dyke.

On Monday October 14, 2019 the public had a shock of their lives when at a press conference called by then Director of Operations of Foxy’s Tamarind Bar, David Dietrich, they were let in on a major family feud that resulted from Dietrich assuming a position of authority over one half of the family business and trying to force the other half to sell out so he could assume a position of authority over the entire business.

This matter has upset many, as expressed on blogs and social media commentary, and the popular call was for Dietrich to leave the family to work out their differences. The business is owned 50/50 by Philliciano O. Callwood MBE aka ‘Foxy’, aged 82, and his wife Theresa Callwood aka ‘Tessa’, who is in her 70s.

‘National interest’

When word of the planned press conference got out, several members of the BVI Tourist Board (BVITB), including Director Sharon P. Flax-Brutus, showed up.

The issue was no doubt one of national interest and confirmed when several government ministers made it their duty to attend the press conference, including Junior Minister for Tourism Honourable Shereen D. Flax-Charles (AL), Junior Minister for Trade and Investment Promotion Honourable Sharie B. deCastro (AL), Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly Honourable Neville A. Smith (AL) and Representative for the Second District and Opposition Member, Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull.

It has been expressed by Mrs Callwood and three of their children- Justine, Dean and Gregory- that since Dietrich appeared on the scene approximately six years also he has coerced the elderly Callwood into believing that the family has been bleeding his resources and convinced the cultural icon to give him full power of attorney over his interest of the company.

Since then it has been nothing but chaos behind the scenes and introduced to the world on Monday last.

This is not sitting well with many Virgin Islanders and other persons familiar with the family and business.

Unfortunate situation

And, according to Bishop John I. Cline, the government of the day should step in to save the territory’s tourism product.

Foxy’s on Jost van Dyke is known the world over as one of the top places to visit for New Year’s celebrations and hundreds of persons, including celebrities, flock to the island during that time of year.

Foxy’s is also regarded as one of the best places to visit whenever vacationing in the VI and sees a steady flow of guests throughout the year.

“I think that somebody should get through, I think that it is even a place where the Premier can intervene or assign somebody to help negotiate because Foxy’s has become one of the major tourist draws for the BVI and to have it embroiled in such controversy, I don’t think it’s good for us.”

The ‘man of the cloth’ said the fiasco that the Foxy’s brand and the Callwood family are in is unfortunate.

Regarding Foxy and his siding with Dietrich over his own family, Bishop Cline said: “He may have his cognition but it just seems so lopsided to me.”

Bishop Cline was also of the opinion that the situation has gone wrong because the Callwood family is the one who is being marginalised by an outside force on the side of the primary business owner. “And I can’t see any good in that. I can’t see any good in Foxy himself turning against his family, his wife, for this outsider who just came along five years ago when they have been building this business for over 40 something years. It just does not add up for me.”

Meanwhile, more than 40 residents of Jost van Dyke have already signed a petition for Government to investigate Mr Dietrich.

22 Responses to “Gov’t should get involved in Foxy’s controversy – Bishop John I. Cline”

  • hmm (17/10/2019, 11:03) Like (40) Dislike (7) Reply
    Oh yeah? So, when can we call on the government to get involved with your store and the outrageous prices you charging?? Bro, please just hush!
    • the rock (17/10/2019, 14:31) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
      A fool will always be a fool, Bishop you are right, that man needs to be deported, he is destroying one of the most vital family on Josh , get him out of here Hon Prmier, HL Stout your role model would of done that long time,
  • Watching on (17/10/2019, 11:12) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    It would appear his behavior is NARCISSISTIC to me.
  • family matter (17/10/2019, 12:07) Like (48) Dislike (2) Reply
    Pity they aired their dirty laundry in public but this is not the business of the government - they have much more pressing matters to attend to than family infighting. Foxy has good reason not to trust some members of his family but unfortunately he got a rat to help him mind the cheese. Perhaps this is the time for the government to realize that the tourist product is quite weak if they depend on a single man or family to prop up the tourist economy of the BVI. Long and short this is a family matter that needs to be decided by the Courts of the land. Not by politicians and religious leaders who have their own agenda.
  • BVI ot the bone (17/10/2019, 13:13) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    So u telling me that this white boy appeared from no where and no want to assume ownership of this BVI icon of our out tourism product.
    • rfr (18/10/2019, 09:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      what exactly does his color have to do with this mess? Why you make it a race thing? SMDH
  • What is Government to do? (17/10/2019, 13:25) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    How can the Bishop expect or even think of asking Gov't to get involved in this family matter? I think he is the best person to intervene cos he should be able to go there with some anointing oil and pray and cast out the demons in that man trying to grab the family business and pray for Foxy's too if he seem to be getting dementia at his age.

    Isnt it just a few months or weeks ago that he and Tessa was celebrating their 40th anniversary and singing the praises of each other? Foxy must be coming down with some kind of brain problem, or the weed going the wrong place.

    Please Bishop get your oil and pray for that man, and pray for your government to get involved in things that really matter to the people. Not this family issue for God sake!!!! Government stay our of this.
  • Greg (17/10/2019, 13:27) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mr David said he resign all i want Government to do is to never ever have the chance to get another work permit in the BVI
    Plus he was fired Immigration should throw his rope on his back cause he is trouble
    • Fraid you (18/10/2019, 02:17) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply

      leave the man alone G****! You more con artist than him , your wife caught you in bed with a woman on jvd ... and you have to remember your wife is not from here also ... government don’t have anything to do with this!

  • The TRUTH (17/10/2019, 13:48) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    The thing that is hurting the BVI is all these unfounded allegations with no actual facts. Why would bishop John not have gone to Foxy's Tamirind Bar first to see "Foxy" before running to the papers ??? Why is it that Bishop John, if he is so concerned is not over here today talking to Foxy himself ??? Why are the government official not asking Foxy directly ???. Foxy is only a boat ride away. I would think that would be the first thing to do to see if there is any truth behind what is being said. Foxy himself is the one that called the news conference. At that conference Foxy said that his own family has been taking advantage of him for years and have deserted him a long time ago. Also I heard in that conference that Foxys Dividend check for a full year was $12,500 really that's what an iconic place like Foxys does for the icon like Foxy ??? Shame on you all !!!!!! The God is watching !!!!
  • asking for a friend (17/10/2019, 14:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Where was the government when the locals were selling their lands under the NDP ???
  • For the courts (17/10/2019, 14:35) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Stand by your countryman who inherited the land and started the bar. They say they have proof in documents of what the family has been doing to Foxy. Let the courts see it and decide. Isn’t Foxy owed that much? Where did the 2 million go if the bar can’t fix things? And that’s only from last year.
    I find it odd that the family wants david removed from the Territory before he can show what he has found? If the family has nothing to hide then they would want to go to court too. Ask yourself which side is acting guilty. Usually everyone wants their day in court but not the family. Something isn’t right here.
  • Arpeggio (17/10/2019, 18:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    At the press conference,it was stated that Dancia and Harneys were handling the issue
    Lesson learned.for us all.Business between family should be treated formally with written contracts.
    • SamFireman (18/10/2019, 07:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Oh dear. I wouldn't ask Horneys to sort out my marital problems.
  • Quiet Warrior (17/10/2019, 20:51) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Foxy may be a world renowned tourist attraction but it is a private business suffering from an unfortunate family feud that is airing its dirty laundry in public. If Foxy’s is adhering to all government operational requirements, government should butt out unless invited by the waring parties. Too often we choose outsiders, especially Caucasian, over our own. Foxy’s seem to embrace the MAGA no nonsense. MAGA reeks of prejudice, racism.....etc. When was America great, ie, during slavery, Jim Crow era....etc? The Callwood family needs to get together and fix their issue(s).
  • bulls (18/10/2019, 02:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If there is an issue of fraud it should be reported to the police who will conduct a forensic accounting of the operations of the company and the law will take it course.
    I there is an issue of legal ownership of the company then again this should be settled in the courts.
  • Lord o (18/10/2019, 11:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is Sad. Very Sad. But listening to this story seems like Foxy made a lot of mistakes.. He got out foxed. How can your own a business and don't see an operational daily. Weekly. Monthly report / or Bank Statement.. As hard as it is. Its on foxy. Learn on move on
  • Actually (20/10/2019, 23:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    is he really a bishop?

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