Gov't seeks bids for provision of forensic lab services
The laboratory must be able to provide scientific expertise utilising the most recent technology and provide training on new technologies; provide rootless hair testing, spent shell testing and gun swab testing with statistical results; maintain a DNA database, and perform historic review of previously analyzed cases.
Procurement Coordinator, Mrs. Ishma Rhymer said that the contracted laboratory has to provide a price list of all services which can be provided and the terms of service for the provision of said service for the periods of: one (1) year, three (3) years and five (5) years.
Mrs. Rhymer added that bidders must have the ability to use of various specialist DNA extraction techniques for sexual offence investigations, to solve cold cases, and for illegal gun possession.
Bid documents will be available from Monday, 25 July, 2022 on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bidding documents will be sent to bidders electronically upon request to with the subject title “RFP for Forensic Serology and DNA Testing Service of the Government of the VI for Royal Virgin Islands Police Force”.
A virtual Pre-Tender meeting will be held via WebEx platform on Thursday, 11 August, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. All prospective tenderers will be notified of the access code and password prior to the meeting. All prospective bidders are encouraged to attend. Any questions regarding this RFP should be submitted in writing by email only to the Procurement Coordinator at on or before 25th August, 2022.
Electronic submissions of proposals in a non-editable format not exceeding 10 MB should be sent to the Procurement Coordinator at email address The filename and the email subject must bear the Applicant’s name and “RFP for Forensic Serology and DNA Testing Service of the Government of the VI for Royal Virgin Islands Police Force”.
Proposals must be submitted to the Procurement Coordinator no later than 30 August, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Late submissions will not be accepted for evaluation. Proposals will be opened on the same day at 11:00 a.m. Bidders who wish to witness the opening process via WebEx will be provided with the access code and password by 12:00 noon on 29 August, 2022.
For more information, contact the Procurement Coordinator at (284) 468-4243/5921 or email

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