Gov’t seeking to acquire 600 acres of land around TB Lettsome Airport

“We are also working with the BVI Airports Authority to get back 600 plus acres of land in Beef Island for this Territory so that we can develop those lands which will also provide additional income and opportunities for the Territory,” Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) stated on Saturday, January 11, 2020, while giving his yearly First District Report at the Cappoons Bay Recreation Grounds.
According to the Premier, the Virgin Islands has to unleash the potential of the VI and wake up the “sleeping giant”.
The Leader of Government Business had on December 20, 2019, following the landing of the largest commercial plane to the Territory- Titan Airways Airbus a318- at the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island, mentioned of plans to acquire more land around the airport for necessary development.
“We are also looking to see how the BVI Airports Authority can also get to acquire more land around the airport for future use, because you can’t think for now you have to think for the future,” the Premier had told Government Information Service (GIS).
Pregnant with ideas
Speaking on Saturday, Hon Fahie said his administration is somewhat bursting at the seams with ideas to develop the Territory.
“We must realign our national strategy with our natural resources and maximise our earnings from our efforts while of course, protecting all of our resources for future generations. So you can see that this government is pregnant with ideas,” he remarked.
“VI’s tourism economy remains strong and vibrant and is performing above expectations [and] has the potential for tremendous growth and with hard work can offset the drop in financial services revenue. But this is not enough; we must diversify so we must cast a wider net.”
Additionally, Hon Fahie reiterated that the Virgin Islands is trying to lure even more airlines to the Territory.
“While we are having discussions on lengthening the runway at Beef Island, which is a must, your government at the same time is asking airlines to add us to their routes. What is happening is that airlines that previously overlooked the BVI because they were not sure if our infrastructure could accommodate their aircraft are now rethinking their position.
“With faith in God, we are optimistic that things will work out and the troubles that our residents and our visitors have with airlift will soon be a thing of the past.”

14 Responses to “Gov’t seeking to acquire 600 acres of land around TB Lettsome Airport”
How about developing some historical sites for tourism...