Gov't offices close from 1:00pm July 29, 2020 as weather system approaches

Tropical Storm Warning
A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area within 36 hours.
“Presently, the system we are watching is a potential tropical cyclone, but the forecasters tell us that we should be on our guard because sometime tonight or tomorrow, it will develop into a tropical storm,” Hon Fahie stated this evening, July 28, 2020.
He said forecasters have further advised that the Territory can expect this system to pass over or very close to the VI as early as tomorrow afternoon, and that it may bring with it winds of 40-60 miles per hour and some 3-to-6-inches of rain.
“For Government’s part, we have been working diligently to clear debris, activate our plans, and do all in our power to protect the Territory and prepare for this potential hazard.”
NEOC activated to level 1
Meanwhile, Premier Fahie disclosed that the National Emergency Operations Centre has been activated to a level one to ensure that all plans are in place.
“We will continue to work so that once this system passes, we will be prepared to respond with all rapidness to any issues that arise.
“I continue to be immensely grateful for the continued support of many teams in the Ministries, departments, and statutory bodies of Government that continue to work together to ensure preparedness.”
Hon Fahie emphasised that, above all, Government wants to protect the people from being out in any hazardous conditions.
Public offices close from 1:00pm
“As such, public offices will close from 1:00pm tomorrow, with public officers working from the safety of their homes in the afternoon.
“I would encourage persons in the private sector to follow suit. Yes, your business is important, but your people are an asset you cannot replace.”
The Premier also urged all VI residents to do one more check on their homes, businesses, emergency supplies and critical documents.
“Ensure that your family and business has done all it can to be ready. We must remain in a state of readiness. We want you to stay safe. Also, as a people let us continue to go forward with vigilance in the midst of COVID-19,” Hon Fahie stated, adding that we do not know for certain what this system may bring, but we do know that is far better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent.

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