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Gov’t moving to recruit trainee teachers straight out of high school– Hon de Castro

High school seniors in the Virgin Islands (VI) who are interested in the teaching profession will now have an opportunity to get recruited straight out of school as a teacher-trainee according to Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Honourable Sharie B. deCastro (AL). Photo: Facebook
She reminded that teachers in the Cayman Islands, for example, get a starting salary of about $70,000 while in the neighboring US Virgin Islands (USVI) the salary will be $50, 000 starting August 2023. Photo: Internet Source
She reminded that teachers in the Cayman Islands, for example, get a starting salary of about $70,000 while in the neighboring US Virgin Islands (USVI) the salary will be $50, 000 starting August 2023. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola VI– High school seniors in the Virgin Islands (VI) who are interested in getting into the teaching profession will now have an opportunity to get recruited straight out of school as a teacher-trainee, according to Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Honourable Sharie B. deCastro (AL).

The Minister, during a Government programme called Public Eye broadcasted yesterday, June 13, 2023, said this is one of the ways the Education Ministry is looking to mitigate the effects of teachers shortages in the VI.

Programme to be re-launched 

According to Hon deCastro, Government is looking to relaunch the recruitment/training programme.

“We used to have a teacher training programme way back where persons were in high school, graduating seniors, who were interested in teaching had the opportunity to come into the profession as a teacher trainee.”

Hon deCastro said the trainee programme will allow the seniors to be teachers for a year to two, then go off to study as part of a programme that was implemented where some current teachers in the system got their start like that.

“And so we're reinstituting it, we’re about to make some announcements and have some meetings with our high school seniors to see how we could channel some of them into the profession.”

Opportunity a gateway into profession 

Hon deCastro added, “Because we believe that to be an opportunity and a gateway where we could recruit the requisite talent right out of high school and give them the professional development certification and degrees necessary to come up and grow in the profession,” she said. 

Hon de Castro said the move will also fill the need for teachers, which is a challenge in the VI given the regional demand for teachers and the better remuneration being offered. 

She reminded that teachers in the Cayman Islands, for example, get a starting salary of about $70,000 while in the neighbouring US Virgin Islands (USVI) the salary will be $50, 000 starting August 2023.

45 Responses to “Gov’t moving to recruit trainee teachers straight out of high school– Hon de Castro ”

  • STARK RAVING MAD!!!!! (14/06/2023, 15:02) Like (37) Dislike (5) Reply
    It is bad enough that there are not enough qualified teachers and some who have the paper qualifications are hogs and lack social skills to positively impact the students’ development.
    • @STARK RAVING MAD (14/06/2023, 15:33) Like (11) Dislike (15) Reply
      Always with the negativity! A trainee teacher will be assigned to a classroom with a teacher to be mentored! They do not have their own class!
      • Well Sah (14/06/2023, 16:11) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
        It has nothing to do with negativity. It has to do with facts. How can a trainee learn from a "supposed" teacher who can NOT teach and does not have the requisite qualifications? Would you like for your child to be placed in that situation as a student? Give me a break!!!!!
      • @ “@ STARK RAVING MAD” (14/06/2023, 16:28) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
        You people always QUICK to call people “NEGATIVE” or “HATERS” for having a difference of opinion.

        It is a bad idea and not beneficial to our children.

      • @@Stark Raving Mad (14/06/2023, 19:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        So there's no teacher shortage then? Yes or No. if yes how is that being addressed. Assigning trainees to teachers that remain isn't addressing the immediate teaching staff shortage.
    • I foresee (14/06/2023, 15:39) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
      Not a good idea! Children are different these days. I see lots of fights between students and pupils. 20 years ago I’d say brilliant idea. Not today.
    • Well Sah (14/06/2023, 16:07) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      Stark raving mad is joke!!!!! More like CRIMINAL!!!!!!! They simply do not care about our children and their education. Their actions tell the story. Or lack of.
      • Just saying (16/06/2023, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Think about it. The government should never be responsible for raising our children. They learn English, mathematics, science, history but never learn financial literacy, how to manage their emotions, what it mean to authentic and live their truth. Not one skill that's useful when it comes to all the other struggles in life that's not money related.
        Then we get mad when the "system" failing our children. When WE never thought about what's ACTUALLY useful for us to teach them. Because you got caught up in the same system you putting them through and not even realise the never ending cycle.
        See what you said, "They simply do not care...". If you care take the initiative to do something. It's up to us. We can't depend on the government to find all the solutions. lol they just trying what they can to keep the situation at bay.
    • Yes, very mad (15/06/2023, 08:49) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      The education system in the BVi has become a very expensive babysitting service and this is the evidence. If the ones who teaching were just the other day called out by this young lady as being unqualified, then what do you call the ones coming out of the high school? The standard of education at high school level is zero. The standard of maturity, responsibility and accountability is even less. Anyhow, good luck buddy. What else can one do but hope for the best.
  • one eye (14/06/2023, 15:10) Like (25) Dislike (28) Reply
    This lady turn out to be the best person for the education ministry
  • good (14/06/2023, 15:22) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
    This sound good
  • resident (14/06/2023, 15:56) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Always wondered why the BVI never used Peace Corps volunteers from UK or US. They are usually highly skilled and competent. With 30 new teachers to be found by Sept some in skilled areas isn't that an option that can be looked at?
    • @ resident (15/06/2023, 15:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      We know who the Peace Corps and VSO are. Who says BVI never had such volunteer service? Before you made this assumption of lack or less, did you inquire? FYI we still have living among us such persons who came as volunteer teachers and nurses, for example, and chose to make this their home many years later.
  • WTF (14/06/2023, 16:05) Like (29) Dislike (6) Reply
    What kind of nonsensical thing is this? The present enrolled students are unable to form a proper sentence. They know not the difference between a noun and a pronoun. They cannot spell. They are weak in the sciences. They cannot even find the BVI on a blinking map and you want to do what? This is the best this woman can do? Not surprising when she just walked off the job as a teacher.

    I am waiting for the day when a parent sues or a class action suit is filed against the government and the Minister of Education. I can NOT wait!!! We have certainly scraped the bottom of the barrel by letting this woman run education. And you wonder why businesses , local and foreign, do not want to hire our graduates? This is madness!!!!!! YOU ARE PLACING OUR CHILDREN IN A POSITION WHERE THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO COMPETE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. What the hell is this government interested in? Take the $250,000.00 and BEGIN to fix the high school!!!
    • @wtf. (14/06/2023, 20:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      True. Very true. But what's the alternative?
      • WTF (15/06/2023, 07:27) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        New elections!!!!! They have shown their conceited brazen hand now that they have been handed the government by a traitor. Kick their a**es out!!!!!
  • Isaac (14/06/2023, 16:22) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    This is not a good idea. The country already have enough illiteracy. How about send them same high school graduates to further their education them they can come back and teach
  • Trouble maker (14/06/2023, 16:33) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    Breaking news: The best new form of birth control is the BVI educational system - who in their right mind would want this for their kids?
  • Manjack (14/06/2023, 16:40) Like (7) Dislike (11) Reply
    There is a teacher shortage and teaching our children must be taught. This is a good move, adjusting to the situation with limited options. Management is part adjusting to situations outside of the norms, which are easy. Teaching is a noble profession and us a labour of love. Education is a vital service behind health. Educate, train, and compensate them well and all will be fine. Every position in the territory from Premier down to the unskilled worker are taught through the public or private education. That said we need an education master plan for the VI.
  • Hmm (14/06/2023, 16:57) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    I hope young females who want to train are not put around nasty predators like some government departments(I'm not gonna call names). Seem like women have no rights in this place, you can't even go to work in peace.
  • Let's TALK about (14/06/2023, 17:05) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The one demon that throw a rock and broke the teacher back glass which caused injury to a child sitting in the back. These lil demons are becoming to f!@%ing evil.
  • ok (14/06/2023, 17:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Teaching courtesy and proper social behavior is key to a peaceful helpful tolerant society.

    Can a child who just graduated teach this, yes but the majority of them do not have good manners or are mature.

    Many adults need social training including the teachers. The requirements are all backwards when its the training of a generation at stake.

    Id rather a teacher who teaches proper social behavior without shouting at the kids than a teach with degrees that flies off on them.

    We've all been to school.... the teachers with the most respect treated kids well and were obeyed. Students pressure other kids to behave around those teachers.
  • lmao (14/06/2023, 17:26) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Makes no sense to add unqualified young people, when it was already stated, that there were unqualified teachers in the system, why not train those who are no qualified.. what is the pay for these trainees, who are essentially 17 and 18 year old babysitters.
  • retired (14/06/2023, 17:48) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The ministry needs to find quite a number of teachers by Sept. What do some of you blogging propose the ministry does. That was one solution. I started teaching straight out of high school. I worked with a teacher for one day. After that I was on my own. I taught for 4 years before I did any teacher training. I don't suggest that be done now but it doesn't take rocket science to keep small children engaged. The trainee teacher will work along with a trained teacher. This us what used to happen in the bvi before. The trainees stayed in the classroom for 2 years then went to hlscc. Those are some of our best teachers to this day.
  • Huh?? (14/06/2023, 18:02) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    The solution is simple! Pay teachers what they deserve!
  • Unbelievable (14/06/2023, 18:09) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    So, let me see if I understand this: you are planning to take new HS graduates and put them in a teacher “training” position. These graduates have been subject to Irma caused reductions in their classroom time, in addition to Covid pandemic caused reduction in class room time. So they have, in the past five, had much less time in the classroom than needed.
    This sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
    Yes, what about Peace Corps or qualified teachers from the UK?
  • King Charles II (14/06/2023, 19:27) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is what happens when you don’t give teachers the respect and compensation that they deserve. Teaching is a noble profession and is one of the building blocks of any society. They have been taken for granted for many years.
  • think twice (14/06/2023, 20:17) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who would want to go to a Dr trainee just out of high-school, no proper training, and trust them with their health? How is education any different???
  • Gud ting (14/06/2023, 20:45) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    As an Educator myself, I think this is a good initiative. It's a teacher trainee, hence the person is observing the teacher and helps with the function of the classroom. With the teacher shortage that we presently have and will have in September, again, I would say that this is needed. Many times we have to sub. for other teacher. This would aleviate the burden.
  • Welcome to ther BVI (14/06/2023, 22:38) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wonders shall never end. So our best resort is to take children as trainees but they will actually be assigned a class under cover. How many trainees does any school have who actually shadow a trained teacher? This is how it should be but not how it is. How many persons came into the education system to perform a different function and end uo with a classroom. No training at all but they're teachers.

    We are looking for a better BVI and this is the conversation. This is not forwards ever, backwards never . This is backwards from here after.

    This place is going to the dogs mehn.
  • Citizen (15/06/2023, 00:08) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Fly on the wall: Guys we need more teachers and have two options. 1. Advertise the positions with salaries that would encourage teachers to apply (but then we will have to pay this salary across the board or the current teachers will kick up or 2. Let’s get some high school graduates mentored for one semester so that they can teach by the next semester. The plus in this is that we can pay them close to nothing. Anything we pay them they will be happy. No bills, still living with parents so they won’t complain like these teachers we currently have. Number 2 is a win-win guys. Let’s see if these students bite.
  • good thing (15/06/2023, 01:25) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is a good initiative. God help those who help themselves. Let our young people learn how to be responsible we have to stop underminding our own. Everyone have to start somewhere we keep writing off our young people and putting them down . If we do not help the young people who will be our future? Remember that most expats come to get on their feet and once they get on their feet it's home sweet home that is good for them in the mean time we have to do what is right for us. We have to build our country ourselves and stop looking for others to do it for us.
  • Great Idea. But.. (15/06/2023, 05:59) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    At lease give them a 3 months course on teaching before they go to the class room. Being a teacher is more than teaching, dealing with personalities, dealing with anger and conflicts, etc.. I like the Idea, once, they get the necessary preparation..
  • Guest (15/06/2023, 06:17) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Some of you bloggers just talking pi**. The majority of senior teachers started right out of high school. No teaching experience. When I started teaching that was the norm. We taught for 2+ years then went off to school. Some did school while also still teaching. The two years or more were to make sure this is what you want to do with your life. The older retired teachers and principals did not even go to High School. There is nothing wrong in using High school graduates. They will be making more money than Some of you who on here talking rubbish. Some of you were educated by teachers right out of high school. I f you have another plan bring it forward. Minister De Castro I listened to your interview with GIS and I was impressed by your knowledge and your passion. Keep striving Ma'am. Your labs will bring fruit. I also like the idea about the Peace Corps. Had a couple of them myself.
  • shocking (15/06/2023, 07:27) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    It appears that the appropriate education of the young people in this community is not a priority. Children, just out of high school, teaching children?
    This shows no respect for the children and no respect for teaching as a profession. Yes, teaching is a Profession. It requires professional education, certification, and compensation.
    You are doing your young people and nation a great disservice by not making education a priority.
  • MY OPINION (15/06/2023, 07:34) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree with Hon deCastro. Lots of teachers started out as teacher trainees. She is trying her best to find a solution to an existing problem.
    All around the world teachers are not given priority when it comes to their salaries. This is an area that needs immediate attention. Teachers have to deal with a lot on a daily basis. For the teachers who only do it as a job and don’t have their heart in it, they won’t stay. The teachers who care about the wellbeing of the students, stay for the fulfillment they get.
    NOW, if we as parents would play our part and bring up our children with discipline and respect, it won’t be such a challenge for the teachers. When teachers have to deal with violence and verbal abuse on a daily basis, who would want to stay. Parents, stop letting your children do what they want! Be parents! If you don’t know how to parent, don’t have children who grow up to be a menace to society. When a teacher tries to discipline a child, the first thing the parent does is march up to the school to abuse the teacher. We are raising monsters. Hence the shortage of teachers. If we as parents don’t do better, we will continue to have this problem as no teacher, no matter how much they care or how much we pay them, will want to deal with rude, violent and disrespectful students.
  • Truth (15/06/2023, 09:18) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wait a minute, did she say high school? Why not the college?
  • vex (15/06/2023, 09:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    OK instead of increasing teachers' wages they want to train high school students. LOL after you train them they go to the Caymans. It would be better to go to Cayman and pay you back for the training from the $70k a year.
  • RedStorm (15/06/2023, 09:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ my opinion, you made a lot of valid points. What parents trained at home is what the school and community will receive. So, if they train them bad that’s what we will have, some parents are very respectful, but they allowed their children to keep bad company and so the behavior changes occur slowly without them notice what’s going on until it’s late. Teachers should always remind their students the reason why they at school. Encourage them, show them how strong they can become the person they do desire to be.
  • ausar (15/06/2023, 12:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Think twice", many persons do go to doctor trainees. That's what the first three years after medical school- residency, is all about! You are being treated by a physician trainee until residency is completed.

    You really didn't believe that once a student graduates from medical school, they are doctors? In theory, yes- not practicality. Residency, or the training necessary to hone in the professional skills, are required!

    And yes, I agree with having teacher trainees.

    What's wrong with encouraging more of our students to become teachers. The real incentive, would be to start such students, after trainee sessions and college,with a enviable employment package.

    I know there are issues with reading, ritin', and 'rithmetic, currently. But we cannot let those issues deter us from the problems at hand- getting qualified, and interested persons with the interest, to teach in the classrooms.

    This,we must resolve to do,to ensure a knowledgeable society for us all !
  • guy hill (16/06/2023, 08:20) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good move. Positive is how we are moving and living cuz..
  • great (17/06/2023, 17:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I personally think this is a great idea. However I'm very concerned as to the level of treatment they may experience at the hands of some who are qualified and whose egos they may touch. For it is evident that the learnt have no mercy for the unlearned especially our young people.

    The question is always asked where will be their place of refuge or shelter. It is sad to see the level of pushing around the young people of this territory gets.

    1. The learnt have no tolerance for our young
    people in jobs they push them around like
    they are shifting paper then trash them.

    2. They are looked down upon because they
    sometimes have to tell the learnt the truth
    Then they are deemed rude.

    3. The learnt doesn't understand the young
    people of today. Infact they refuse to
    understand them. Before they try to
    Embrace them they push to fire them
    because of egotism. It is just a Shameful
    Act That the youths seems to have no
    chance of survival.

    Perhaps we need to change the way we teach our children in school and go back to the the olden way of teaching them a trade because that may be the only way they may survive.

    We are just in a sad state. I cry for our territory and I cry for our young people.
    For heaven sake we need a better approach towards our young people. Down with our foolish ways towards them and help to allow them to reach their fullest potential. They need guidance, love, a shoulder to cry on, wise counsel, respect, allow them to be themselves,
    And the list goes on. Sometimes it requires putting your hands in your pocket even when you are hurting to help them. It takes a village to raise a child. All of us can do better and stop making life so hard for them. I'm speaking to all those of us who feels we have already arrived. We can do better and stop making the young people lives a living hell fire. Stop it. stop it. Stop it.

    You dont have to like my post because it may offer you but some one have to stand up for them. If it takes me alone to stand for them I'm prepared to do so. The question to all of us today is, are we prepared to change our ways towards them. It matters not if they are your close relatives or friends, to me all lives matter.

    Seek out the best in people and stop dwelling on the past and their weaknesses. embrace the new generation of change. They are the change agents of today and tomorrow.

  • ..... (17/06/2023, 20:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    people give it a chance. You all have not heard the horror stories of how some of these supposed teachers are treating our children bcz of their bad minds and not understanding our culture.

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