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Gov’t Ministers & senior officials meet to discuss VI’s future

- VI’S policy alignment for sustainable development discussed
Government Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, and department heads came together on February 7, 2025, to deliberate on the operationalisation of key legislative measures and strategic plans for the Territory. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said the meeting was just one of many steps in ensuring that policies are aligned with the needs of the people of the Virgin Islands. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said the meeting was just one of many steps in ensuring that policies are aligned with the needs of the people of the Virgin Islands. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Government Ministers at a critical meeting with Permanent Secretaries and other head of departments on February 7, 2025. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Government Ministers at a critical meeting with Permanent Secretaries and other head of departments on February 7, 2025. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Government of the Virgin Islands has reaffirmed its commitment to aligning policies with the needs of the people, as key government ministers and senior officials convened for a critical meeting on Friday, February 7, 2025, that focused on shaping the Territory’s future.

Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) spoke to the significance of collaboration in driving national progress and told those in attendance, “As we move forward, it is essential that we work collaboratively to ensure that the Virgin Islands continue to grow and thrive.”

According to the Premier, “This meeting is just one of many steps in ensuring that we are aligning our policies with the needs of our people and that we are working together to create a prosperous future for all.”

The high-level discussions, according to a press release, brought together ministers, permanent secretaries, and department heads to deliberate on the operationalisation of key legislative measures and strategic plans for the Territory. 

Public Service Management Act & NSDP discussed

Among the central aspects of the meeting was the implementation and administration of the Public Service Management Act (PSMA) 2024, which aims to enhance governance and streamline public service operations.

Another critical topic discussed was the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP), which emphasises improved governance, planning, budgeting, and reporting.

Ministers, along with their respective permanent secretaries, engaged in detailed discussions on aligning ministerial priorities with the overarching national goals.

The meeting is being seen as a marked step in advancing the government’s vision of sustainable growth and development, with the administration’s missive reiterating its commitment to effective governance, transparent policies, and sustainable progress, with a strong focus on innovation, inclusivity, and efficiency.

The activity brought the key stakeholders to effectively engage in critical discussions focused on scrutinising the operationalisation of key legislative measures and strategic plans for the Territory.

11 Responses to “Gov’t Ministers & senior officials meet to discuss VI’s future ”

  • Legalization (09/02/2025, 12:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Make sure you decriminalize weed same time from locking up people for it
    • VI's Future. Hmmm. (09/02/2025, 13:36) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
      The Future is dim and getting dark. Worst water, roads and the economy have ever been . Hope the speak honest at this meeting and cut out the excuses. Honesty is the key to real solution
  • freedom (09/02/2025, 12:57) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Them civil servants done turn against the government set of hypocrites
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (09/02/2025, 13:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Twenty-four years of this millenm has already passed, and changes of lifestyles is rapidly helping pressure on humans lives daily, especially non and low income earners, as the minority wealthy people continue seek more wealth for self, family and business and political colleges, the B.V.I is no exception.

    Like political governments of other countries are in the process of making changes to stable economic swaying and survive contrary competitive manuenuvors that threatened instability among their community diverse lifestyle, same must our political leaders follow suit as in process.

    I do welcome this, but I also do hope that our political leaders that some some past decisions that then seem to have favored their interest have backfired, and are also hurting them too in more ways than two. In other words, "what goes around comes around."

    In addition, I do hope that some political meetings will be held in all nine districts, and the people of the B.V. I will be able partner with our political leaders in the discussion of our Spiritual, social, economical, educational and physical well-being facing the uncertain future together. It is possible, by the strength of God's grace, only.
  • $6.50 hour (09/02/2025, 17:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tola so little, So many government staff, What do they do all day. I hear 2500 in total
    • hmmmmmm (10/02/2025, 08:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You need to check PWD they do nothing for tax paying money and if any do its just about 5%who do and as for the Supervisors they out the office doing they own thing and still collecting a hefty salary and that's unfair to those that attend and sweat for a salary take an audit and ask each staff what they do all day other than just sit and not showing up and collecting a salary
  • Tompo (09/02/2025, 17:38) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    @legalization...please. guh diddung wid dat
  • Strupes (09/02/2025, 22:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    look at the panel with the ministers all head down in the phones instead of engaging with the convo. just like walking into government offices where they deliberately ignore you
  • Oh No (09/02/2025, 22:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The future of these beautiful Virgin Islands is very dim in the hands of those people. What a ting messon. Feeling hopeless
  • Young worker (10/02/2025, 01:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is no future here for the young people!! The older head just have this old mentality about this place even with the land!
  • resident (10/02/2025, 08:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we need leaders with a vision for the future like lavity stoutt

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