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Gov't leaking reservoirs contribute greatly to water loss

- Works Minister said upgrades to leak-prone reservoirs coming
A leaking reservoir at Hannah Hill on Tortola. There are at least 5 leaking reservoirs on Tortola. Photo: Team of Reporters
Currently, the Government of the Day loses thousands of gallons of water because of leaking government reservoirs that continue to account for loss of revenue. Photo: Team of Reporters
Currently, the Government of the Day loses thousands of gallons of water because of leaking government reservoirs that continue to account for loss of revenue. Photo: Team of Reporters
Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said his Ministry is currently preparing tender documents for issuance to upgrade and enhance the leak-prone reservoirs. Photo: GIS/File
Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said his Ministry is currently preparing tender documents for issuance to upgrade and enhance the leak-prone reservoirs. Photo: GIS/File
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- While many residents continue to opine about the lack of potable water supply, in many areas the Government is at fault.

While there is a long list of reasons for the lack of water to residents, including old pipes, lack of proper distribution, and lack of pumps, the Water and Sewerage Department needs leadership and staff.

Additionally, the Communications and Works Minister Hon Kye M. Rymner (R5) has also spoken about the lack of funds.

However, there are also other factors at play.

5 leaking reservoirs

Currently, the Government of the Day loses thousands of gallons of water because of leaking government reservoirs that continue to account for lost revenue. It is our understanding that there are some five leaking reservoirs on Tortola alone and water is lost daily unabated.

Leaking reservoirs have been contributing to the undermining of roads, private and public properties and even the land the reservoirs are located on.

There are leaking reservoirs in Sea Cows Bay-Hannah Hill, Sabbath Hill, Fort Hill- (the two reservoirs located there) and Balsam Ghut on the main island of Tortola. Because of the leakage, many areas are without water since the reservoirs are most often unable to fill up to the required capacity to provide more distribution.

It is unclear if the Government’s plans to fix the water woes, including fixing existing leaking reservoirs or their replacements.

A visit by our Team of Reporters confirmed, for example, a leaking reservoir at Hannah Hill where it appears to be leaking from the base, sending water down on the main road on a daily basis.

Leaking reservoirs to be upgraded- Hon Rymer

Honourable Rymer, in an invited comment, told our News Centre that the Water and Sewerage Department, along with the Ministry of Communications and Works, is "cognizant of the prevalent leaks" at several reservoirs throughout Tortola.

"These leaks have impacted our ability to reliably distribute water throughout Tortola," Hon Rymer confirmed.

The Works Minister said the leaking reservoirs are among the older reservoirs and are subject to upgrade.

"As a result, the Ministry is currently preparing tender documents for issuance to upgrade and enhance the leak-prone reservoirs. In the interim, we will be pursuing short-term remedies to mitigate against persistent leaks," Hon Rymer disclosed.

It is unclear the situation on the Sister Islands; however, both Jost van Dyke and Virgin Gorda have been having recent water challenges.

Meanwhile, Acting Director of the Water and Sewerage Department, Mr Brian Davis did not respond to our request for comment.

25 Responses to “Gov't leaking reservoirs contribute greatly to water loss”

  • jack (12/12/2024, 17:11) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    what else is new?
  • resident (12/12/2024, 17:31) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    if we knew this was a problem why wasn't this fixed at the earliest possible time, this is costing us thousands of dollars a day in waste and contributes to our water woes, only in the bvi are we this laid back about issues of this magnitude
    • Laslow (13/12/2024, 09:05) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Cause Vybz Kartel more important. Close to one million dollars in consultancy contracts in the Premier office alone.
  • Streups (12/12/2024, 18:02) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please make that and a consistent water flow among your top priorities.
  • Greg (12/12/2024, 19:16) Like (30) Dislike (1) Reply
    I'm done. People need to get smart. I bought (2) 1000-gallon tanks for me and my wife some years ago. I will no longer have a water bill. I have been catching rainwater and the tanks filled to the brim are more than we could ever use up. I also got tired of power outages and have solar panels over my roof, I have a generator for backup. When everyone around me is in the dark, I shine!! I was tired of always having water and electric problems so I did what I had to do. I live off the grid for my veggies, fruits, beans on our small 1/4 acre of land, eggs (we have chickens), we bake our bread and cakes. We are blessed on our tiny plot of land. I know so many of you have land you are not using to sustain yourselves, but have just bushes on it. I wish I could be land rich like you all.
    • Citizen (12/12/2024, 19:28) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
      smart man i will follow your example
    • @Greg (13/12/2024, 03:38) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am happy to hear that you are able to do all of that, as a result of owning your own property. Me? Well, I would like to do just that as well, but I'm a renter and I have no sitting property, that is in my name - another storey, for another day. Many others like myself have landlord's with their own rules and regulations. I wish a drum was outside my home, instead of my landlord regulating cistern water usage. I know some places do not have even a cistern. Even if I get a generator, where would I put it...some of us no matter what will have those limitations on us. Rent is so high, but someetimes the amenities is lacking or the physical space do not match that cost.
      Trust me, if I had my own property, I would suffice with a single level wooden domicile, decked with solar panels and the biggest drum that my money can buy.
    • @ Greg (13/12/2024, 11:21) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Greg, it is great that you have the means,,capacity and capability to purchase and install tanks,,install solar panels to meet your water, power, etc, needs. Nevertheless, not everyone can afford to do that. , though they want to. In any case, it is government role to provide a steady supply of potable water , electricity, etc. government was elected to do these things among many others, ie, paving our roads, picking up our thrash, protecting us, ie, police, fire,; preparing for emergencies, etc..
  • No common cents (12/12/2024, 20:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know this is not the thing for this but someone can explain what the building sea cows by just after water plant to go west most ridiculous thing ever they going have to put a crane on standby to get some these vehicles over the other side smh
  • Jose (12/12/2024, 20:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Rymer needs to go
  • @ resident (12/12/2024, 20:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • See (12/12/2024, 21:39) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Beyond pathetic.
  • Mommy or daddy (12/12/2024, 22:55) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Independence them say
  • 00000000000 (12/12/2024, 23:24) Like (0) Dislike (19) Reply
    everything under the VIP is coming soon but zero is happening Frazer to the recuse
    • Deh Watcha (16/12/2024, 20:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Instead of fixing the infrastructure he brought in Biwater, then blame NDP for not fixing the infrastructure.
  • yea boy (13/12/2024, 07:12) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    500 million on that airport expansion while how much millions to fix these?
  • eh (13/12/2024, 07:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    When them turning on water at 7, which household getting to use to water at that time? Ridiculous!
  • @no common sense (13/12/2024, 07:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Obviously the Seacows Bay drug lords have purchased a submarine and need a garage for it!
  • WE FORGET ONE THING (13/12/2024, 08:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • 3rd world (13/12/2024, 09:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How pathetic... it is so frustrating to residents that BVI generates so much money but has infrastructure which in some instances cannot reasonably be described as 3rd World standard. All this whilst constantly talking about being World Class. Is no one responsible for this? Or is it just another one to the list of BVI's "zero accountability" projects....
  • Laslow (13/12/2024, 09:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whoever is running this department should be ashamed. I wonder what good can be said about the department, what Hass changed it was fixed since it's been under their watch?
  • Stealth (13/12/2024, 09:44) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a case of pure lack of priority, and hopeless, embarrassing, unadulterated incompetence. The blind knows that the BVI is a water- challenged small bedroom community where every drop of thus precious matters. Yet the wastage and incompetence persists. Unnecessary wasting of water comes at a high price not only in dollars and cents cost to residents/ taxpayer but also the unreliable supply to businesses, governmental agencies, residential, etc, customers. Who to blame for the poor operations and management of the water and sewage department? Both VIP and NDP governments. It is shameful gross negligence to the Zth degree. It is a pitiful case of the Peter Principle, ie, putting people in place to a level incompetence. It is not only the ‘ green politicians’ but also the the system,,structure, etc that permits it—Westminster system. The system permits putting people who won a popularity, first to the pole contest in charge of shit he/she know not difference between pulled and fowl about. A piece of paper does not mean a wooden nickel without experience, which comes with time working under the seasoned tutelage of experience people. Experience cannot be gain by either osmosis or can be bought. The lack of experience is costly to taxpayers and residents by the poor delivery of services. Lack of experience has quadrupled the cost of delivering services. The Peter Principle, Cowboy/cowgirls must step aside to make room for people can make things happen. What action should government take in trying to arrest the leakage, theft,etc. ?

    Severely cutting back on the wastage of the precious water should be be Job #1.. The BVI does not have any lakes, rivers, ponds, dams, etc as water sources to tap into / up take from to process for delivery to residents, so it has to go to desalination. This requires production, storage etc. Consequently , these facilities must be properly constructed, maintained and repaired. These reservoirs or tanks must sit on a strong base with a built in safety capacity. Furthermore, the government must develop a) short, b) medium, and c) long- term plan to meet the community water needs. Water and sewage must immediately implement a wastage plan of action, ie, identified leakages must be addressed soonest and corrected. This requires crews to be trained and educated on maintenance and repair and be on stand by to attack leaks/ wastages . People caught/ identified stealing water should be harshly dealt with. Why in 2024 does water and sewage does not have an embarrassment of riches of people trained and educated on tge O &M of the water and sewage systems in the BVI? Why water and sewage is so poorly managed? Why water and sewage is under invested in? Why it is not a gop priority for government? Why there is no water and sewage master plans? The lessness and incompetence wreaks to high heaven. I’ m out. ????????????????????????
  • llDeep (13/12/2024, 11:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    These are and were everyday ongoing maintenance and routine upkeep. Who in charge getting & has gotten paychecks now sitting on their laurels jus so..
    Nauseating group of no good unconscionable vagabonds.. YT man no comparison to this domestic everyday assault and denial of our most basic of Human Rights by the Blacks like Me cruelty and wanton neglect of salaried duties
    Black on Black crime belly back and side.
  • ... (13/12/2024, 14:14) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Gov't leaking reservoirs contribute greatly to water loss???
    You lie!!! I can't imagine how daily water leakage amounts to water loss; this is unbelievable.

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