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Gov’t ‘lacks a clear plan for reopening of territory’s seaports’- Hon Penn

- also accused the administration of lacking transparency on issue
Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), left, has accused the Government of Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1), right, of lacking a thorough plan to effectively manage the reopening of the seaports. Photo: GIS/File
The BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) announced late yesterday, February 24, 2021, that the reopening of the territory’ seaports to international operations has been further delayed, to April 15, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
The BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) announced late yesterday, February 24, 2021, that the reopening of the territory’ seaports to international operations has been further delayed, to April 15, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Following the announcement from the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) late yesterday, February 24, 2021, that the reopening of the territory’ seaports to international operations has been further delayed, to April 15, 2021, the Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) has come out swinging, accusing Government of lacking a plan and transparency.

The BVIPA had cited a number of reasons for the delay, including increased numbers of COVID-19 cases in the region and the emergence of new strains of coronavirus in certain countries.

The Opposition Leader, in a press release today, February 25, 2021, highlighted that three dates for the reopening have already passed and the delays show the Government lacks a thorough plan to effectively manage the reopening of the seaports.

‘Constant false start’

“The Government first announced a reopening date for our seaports of December 8. The reopening was delayed to January 21, and then a further delay of March 1 was announced. However, as the March 1 deadline is drawing near, we are now receiving reports that the reopening has a further delay of April 15.”

Further, Honourable Penn said to date, “we have not received any updates or any information on the progress, processes and/or logistics of how the reopening of the ports will be managed; leaving us to infer that a reopening in the near future may not be forthcoming.”

Honourable Penn expressed that the “constant false start” of the reopening of VI’s seaports stem from the Administration's lack of planning, lack of leadership and “reflects poorly on BVI and damages our global image.”

Businesses on ‘life support’

Adding that tourism is the lifeblood of the VI economy, especially for persons on the Sister Islands whose livelihoods are dependent on tourism, Hon Penn said yet the territory continues to see the “disturbing effects” these delays have on business owners who have had to make the unfortunate decision to close their doors or operate at minimal capacity.

“What we are observing right now is a clear indication of a crisis of leadership which is underscored by their failure to present a comprehensive, workable plan that finds the right equilibrium to protect the lives of our citizens and the many Virgin Islands businesses and employees that depend so heavily on Tourism.”

The Opposition Leader said affected businesses are virtually on life support right now and the livelihood of these business owners and their employees are at stake and they can ill-afford these constant delays.

14 Responses to “Gov’t ‘lacks a clear plan for reopening of territory’s seaports’- Hon Penn”

  • Rubber Duck (25/02/2021, 11:38) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    Spot on Marlon. They are totally clueless. Keystone government.
  • The watchdog (25/02/2021, 12:29) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
    Well sir look like penn have the upper hand these days
  • Vip6 (25/02/2021, 13:11) Like (6) Dislike (21) Reply
    If thé ndp had a plan after irma and maria how come the vip had to repair school roads clean up the place we was not no shut down but still marlon can see take to mental ward because he unstall
  • TORTOLIAN (25/02/2021, 13:18) Like (8) Dislike (18) Reply
    • @Tortolian (25/02/2021, 14:59) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      You work government huh? Cause folks who works government are the only ones who disapprove the reopening on the territory so the rest of us can work and support our family. I wonder what would be your tune if your work life is base on tourist coming to the bvi and that's the only way you're getting paid.
  • Thinking (25/02/2021, 14:25) Like (10) Dislike (20) Reply
    What plan is he talking about. This is a fluid situation the Government have to be cautious. This is a small counytry that is over populated. No one will like it if we have a break out of Covid.. Stop opposing for the sake of being the opposition.
  • tretretrete (25/02/2021, 15:37) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    @thinking let's not forget that is what he's been paid for to oppose. For sure you can't say he getting free money. Ha ha
  • next (25/02/2021, 16:40) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    he needs to shut up opened up let the country let everyone in and God for bid end up like some of the other Caribbean countries we need to be careful and not regretful in the end
  • CHAK. (25/02/2021, 18:31) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    I prefer the ferry closed with zero case and not the ferry open with the hospital full.
  • next (26/02/2021, 08:07) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    hospital do not have room for them it will be not good at all what about the other people in the hospital staff and other patients that have underlying health problems could we as a country with only 8 venterlators deal with it ?
  • lola (26/02/2021, 15:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its it me or am I the only one that knows that persons will still have to quarantine and follow procedures even after the boards are open?
  • hmm (27/02/2021, 21:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm so sorry for all of you who wants to keep the BVI close, now the moorings pulling out to go to the USVI. Wow!!!!!!
  • faith (10/03/2021, 19:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    God will provide. No bad wind blows.

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