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Gov't forced to halt COVID-19 self-quarantine- Hon Malone

- points to high cost of security, quarantine violators as reasons for move
Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) said the VI Government will no longer let persons self quarantine at home. Photo: HoA/Youtube
The quarantine facility at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital. Hon Malone also revealed that the cabinet has made a decision to contract up to 100 more private rooms if necessary based on the arrival rates of people. Photo: Facebook/File
The quarantine facility at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital. Hon Malone also revealed that the cabinet has made a decision to contract up to 100 more private rooms if necessary based on the arrival rates of people. Photo: Facebook/File
DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI - Effective June 15, 2020, the Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) has discontinued COVID-19 self-quarantine as an option for nationals, belongers, holders of permanent residence and naturalised citizens returning home to the Territory.

While quarantine is still mandatory, Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) said, "After the 15th, a decision was made that we would not seek to have any further home quarantine space, only because of the cost of security and the persons who sought to violate this."

The Minister was at the time responding to questions from Opposition Leader, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) about the cost incurred by the government for its quarantine services, including all designated properties secured by the Government and the name of the owners.

The Minister said the government has so far procured a total of 12 properties representing some 250 rooms identified at a total cost of some $2.3M if contracted up to September 14, 2020. 

Gov't could secure up to 100 more rooms 

Hon Malone also revealed that Cabinet has made a decision to contract up to 100 more rooms if necessary based on the arrival rates of people.

As part of the phased border reopening, Hon Malone had announced that persons arriving in the Territory would also be subjected to mandatory quarantine. 

Hon Malone had also previously announced that persons would be allowed to quarantine at home for the duration of the 14 days period, however, the minister revealed that some persons have not been adhering to the quarantine rule.

24 Responses to “Gov't forced to halt COVID-19 self-quarantine- Hon Malone”

  • Ummm (19/06/2020, 22:50) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    If 250 rooms are available, could it be an option to allow 250 new people in every 14 days instead of procuring new rooms. Whole lot of money being spent here. Asking for a friend... Ummm
  • Tax Payer (19/06/2020, 23:12) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Paying my tax money to IBH? Collect fees for stay and food from them
  • watcher (19/06/2020, 23:17) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    This a joke mon, you better charge those or this law is a JOKE! We waiting on this $5000 fine or 6 months or it’s probably one of ayo friends
    • Great Landlord. Good people still around. (20/06/2020, 09:59) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Im still away in Nevis, Since March got licked out, have my apartment licked down, call my landlord to explain, she say its ok, no problem, just stay safe, its r months no work, By the time i get back when port open July or August, that will be 5 months rent at $900. Per month thats $4500 I have to find for rent a loan...I want to say thanks to my Land lord for her understanding...U will get your money, Im just asking for a small discount....
  • great move (19/06/2020, 23:21) Like (37) Dislike (3) Reply
    In other Caribbean islands, nationals have to quarantine at government approved facilities. Self quarantine doesn’t work here because many feel they are above the laws and they have no regards for rules and regulations as there no serious consequences when they break the laws. This should have been done in the first place. I
    • At Great move , ur right, ur wrong (20/06/2020, 09:51) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Depends on where your coming from and the result of the initial test at port of entry....Most port of entry have a instant temperature test gun, that takes a few seconds.....So, its not every nstional that goes into government facility, the difference is we playing, we joking, other countries are serious. Ur right with that..
    • Tongue Fu (21/06/2020, 11:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Many believe they are above the law because the dam laws are not enforced or inequitably enforced according to your connections, social standing or nationality.

      $5000 fee could pay for three Persons under quarantine. Enforce the dam law.

      This Government is soft and they wasting money left right and center. Legislate law but when time come to enforce they dissuade the enforcers.
  • Big Slick Willie (20/06/2020, 03:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What's wrong with Treasure Isle?
  • hello (20/06/2020, 05:58) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    permit holders should pay for those 14 days because some of them have so much chat about the bvi but still standing in line just to get back here set of ungrateful mofos!!!!!
  • trrefdrfds (20/06/2020, 06:00) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dat ugly talkative girl from vg spoil it
  • Local (20/06/2020, 06:41) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    A young man that is supposed to be in quarantine was at the club Crystal last night these people plan to put us in danger.
  • Eagle Eye (20/06/2020, 06:43) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    People stick to your herbs tea in the morning and you will be ok from corona or any other flew. Don't be awaiting for any vaccine or drug, leave those for the white people them to use.blessed up
  • Transparent (20/06/2020, 07:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Malone is justifying this by claiming some returning belongers/residents who were privately isolating had not complied with protocols. On 8th June the Premier stated that reports of persons entering VI and breaching quarantine order were untrue. This is another example of discrimination with belongers/residents getting preferential treatment. More importantly it is a money making exercise, they will be charging thousands for the 2 weeks quarantine knowing the Financial Sector will foot the bill for their employees
  • Challenger (20/06/2020, 07:55) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    the honourable minister in the HOA yesterday stated that the names of the hotels and hotel owners would not be made public for privacy reasons...what happened to transparency for this 2mill being spent...we have a right to know.
    those who decided not to adhere to the self quarentine rules should be procecuted...fined and dealt with accordingly...have they been ? their names sgould be published......not to mention the failure of the security company giuarding them. what was the point on paying all that money to security when they dont have the ability to " secure" those in quarentine....very frustrating.
    why are those staying the hotel facilities not contributing something...
    are the hotels paying the government accomodation taxes given that thy are peing paid for the rooms?
    it just seems that there are loose ends here which need sorting out.

    lastly....anyone received an "under employment " cheque yet from SS. ?
    respectfully submitted.
  • Mask wearer (20/06/2020, 08:30) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is why we need to keep wearing our masks and social distancing. If people are not adhering to their quarantine requirements, then for sure the virus is out there whether diagnosed yet or not. Take my word.
  • joke (20/06/2020, 08:39) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    enforcement enforcement enforcement. The first one or 2 you hit with imprisonment and a heavy fine a bit the others would fall into line. I can't even get the $50.00 off my electricity bill and a little help from social security with the false hope. But you going give persons free hotel. That mek sense? No it dont. The money you guys spending like crazy is going to hit us hard when the day of reckoning comes. make no joke, it is coming and we will be bankrupt
  • Concerned (20/06/2020, 09:08) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Enforce the $5000 penalty or jail.
  • I was self quarantine in a foreign country. (20/06/2020, 09:44) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    I went to another country in March I was self quarantine, they told me if i caught breaking tbe quarsntine i will be transferred to a government facolity....Ever so often a nurse and a police will come unexpectedly to visit me, thats a concept we can try,,,, , Say that to say nothing is wrong with self quarantine, its the enforcememt thats weak... We can get 2 nurses two police quaratine enforcement unit, drove around visit unexpectedly..Move those from the comfort of their home if they are caught in violation.....
  • Peter pay for paul (20/06/2020, 09:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    You see why we cant take things and people for granted. These set of lawless people cause this. You are so selfish yes I say so with no apology. The government and health department should make them a public example. This has nothing to do with fear its common sense.and being responsible for your actions.
  • harsh (20/06/2020, 11:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Point of law, a BVIslander that lives and works outside the country pays no income tax SS or NHI yet you are using that very money to house them and look after them when somehave already turned their back on the country but want to run home now things not so rosy elsewhere,they should also be made to pay.
  • hmm (20/06/2020, 13:14) Like (0) Dislike (16) Reply
    Look how a virus that will spread no matter what, have us like fucking idiots and treating people like animals!
  • . (20/06/2020, 14:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    They had no call allowing them to self quarantine home. Didn't they learn their lesson from the last time? If any test positive, we will be on 24hr lockdown again until they finish contract tracing.
  • Thankfull (21/06/2020, 06:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am in agreement with the minister put them in government facilities that is the right place for them thy are just for they self no consideration for others and the damage they can cause to this country it should not be like that from the beginning
  • Enforce the penalties! (21/06/2020, 08:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wouldn’t it be more sensible to simply enforce the penalties and make an example of those breaking the law? The monetary penalty will help offset the cost of your security as well. Come on people, stop using brain surgery to treat a paper cut!

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