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'Gov't departments have become play toys to ministers' - Hon Julian Fraser

- residents call for less talk & more action from the people
A resident calling for less talk and more action in order for the territory to move forward. This was during a public meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at the Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay, Tortola. Photo: VINO
Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA stated, in a response about the lack of laws being enforced in the Territory, said the government departments are being manipulated by the ministers. Photo: VINO
Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA stated, in a response about the lack of laws being enforced in the Territory, said the government departments are being manipulated by the ministers. Photo: VINO
Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA addressing concerns of residents during a public meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at the Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay, Tortola. Photo: VINO
Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA addressing concerns of residents during a public meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at the Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay, Tortola. Photo: VINO
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI - "It comes to the point where I'm sick of these meetings with the fancy talk. Sick of these presentations. We want to see action and we want to see specific action."

This is according to a frustrated resident during a public meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at the Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay, Tortola, held by Third District Representative, Honourable Julian Fraser RA.

The resident pointed out that the issues taking place now have been happening long before the hurricanes of September 2017.

"This problem did not start since Irmaria. This problem did not start with the government that's in now. This problem started with governments before and governments before that one," said the resident.

The man pointed out that "the people" are the problem if they are saying that they are the government and they elect representatives on their behalf.

He said, "We the people are the government. So if the people are the government and the government is the problem then who is really the problem. The current people that are in power or the majority of the people out here."

He further commented that when persons are not getting things done in their favour, they tend to speak out but if the tables are turned, they stay silent.

"Let's try to actually enforce laws"

The resident disclosed that he works for a government agency that is suppose to regulate development but observe that everyone wants to do what they want.

"We don't want to follow basic, basic principles and basic laws when it comes to how to structure a country because everybody wants to do what they want and then we ask ourselves why we in this mess," emphasised the government worker.

He continued, "Let's get serious, let's try to actually enforce the laws and let's try to update our legal system. Let's set targets so we can measure how far we are. Let's start with the mirror; ourselves."

"Gov't departments become play toys to ministers" - Hon Julian Fraser

In response to the resident's comments and suggestions, Hon Fraser stated that there are laws in place but government departments are often times manipulated by ministers.

"The department of governments too often become play toys to the ministers of the day," while adding that at the end of the day the leader has the power to effect and enforce change that is needed for the territory.

The Third District Representative also mentioned that whatever is taking place now, is a "reflection of what the leader wants."

The public meeting was to allow persons to learn the facts and figures in the Government’s Recovery and Development Plan and to have their concerns and suggestions documented and forward to the Recovery and Development Committee for consideration to the Recovery and Development Plan document.

16 Responses to “'Gov't departments have become play toys to ministers' - Hon Julian Fraser”

  • All hands on deck (22/02/2018, 12:07) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    whether you are for or against the govt of the day or a particular leader/ individual we will all benefit in some way or the other. The matter is we as a people must be part of the solution and not the problem. We become the problem when we don't give a hand or be down right negative to all process or stay silent as stated above. People we have to help build back the B V I one way or the other. Yes we can and yes we will. Many may say some run away but most had to in order to live to see another day. For example those with serious health issues and young children or for educational purposes or other but that doesn't mean they have give up on the BVI they may be still contributing where ever they may be and also may be back sooner than later. I say yes to a stronger BVI for all.
  • Just woke. (22/02/2018, 12:34) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    That resident spoke well.
  • power (22/02/2018, 12:39) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    The most powerful group in the BVI presently is the government back bench group... 7 of them can bring about change anytime.. I hope they cease their moment and uterlize their power or live to regret..They will never have this opportunity again..
  • hog city (22/02/2018, 14:02) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Fraser is the man but he needs to get his backside back in the VIP and accept fahie as leader
    • wize up (22/02/2018, 18:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ hog city) fraser, claude and willock(new party coming soon)....I hear so!!!!
  • Change Must Come (22/02/2018, 14:53) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The most powerful group in the BVI is the PEOPLE, they just don't know it yet. Food for thought. From my vantage point, political parties have been very divisive. Although a bold move, let's change the electoral system to one where individuals can be elected, not because they are popular, but because they are competent and love this country. Treat Government as a for profit entity, hire competent individuals and compensate them based on what they deliver. Go back to the merit system. We are still a rich country!!
  • Diplomat (22/02/2018, 15:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Each of us needs to take a peek in the mirror for the problems that are affecting the BVI. Now that we know the problems all we have to do is find the solutions.
  • um (22/02/2018, 16:00) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does everyone have such short memories that they don’t remember how vip ministers did their own thing as well?? And then the ndp and then the vip again and then the ndp again..There is no transparency, there are no checks so until I hear a minister or wanna be say how they are going to redo Govt or actually make sure everyone fills in their register of interests they are blowing smoke in your face.
  • nope (22/02/2018, 18:15) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Nope .. Its NDP thats the problem . point blank
    • @ nope (23/02/2018, 04:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      We need a unity government. 5 back benchers join up with the opposition and we good... Party loyalty is killing us and in extension killing the BVI..
  • Markus (23/02/2018, 03:07) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some what right about how departments are controlled by ministers, He Julian included when he had a chance. When you have a head of department who do not entertain the nonsense they rail road them out. Guy Hill is a prime example of this behaviour by our own so-called people against our own competent and committed. I pray God heal this land.
  • True colours (23/02/2018, 04:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope you Frazer work with back benchers to bring about change and don't stall the process over power and the hunger for power. U know u are the man for communication and a lot of people want to see you take charge of labour.Get on board..
  • Josiahsbay (23/02/2018, 15:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government is bloated. Ask yourselves these questions about the backbenchers and the At Large represenative:
    1) What are they elected to do?
    2) Do they have the means to do what they were elected to do?
    3) Can we hold them accountable for what they do?
    If they have no defined responsibilities or mandate, what is the reason for their being? If we don't equipt them with whatever tools or resourcesthey need how can they do their job? If we can't hold them accountable then how can we manage them?If we can't justify why we have them there, then we need to get rid of them.

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