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Gov’t asked to consider “return to VI” drive!

A resident making a point at the February 27 meeting. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Government should institute an initiative that would lure qualified Virgin Islanders to return home and take up some of the positions now offered to expatriates, opined a resident at a labour meeting held on Monday, February 27, 2012 at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall.

The resident asked Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Dr. Kedrick Pickering if he and his team could brainstorm on ways to attract native VIslanders in a “return to the VI” drive.

“Why not offer them some of the same incentives that the expatriate workers coming in for Government are given. If we genuinely want to check the imbalance that seems to be going on, that is one avenue to go,” the resident suggested.

In response to her suggestion, Hon. Pickering said it’s one that has been looked into. He explained that during his Government’s previous stint in office, 2003 to 2007, Hon. Ronnie Skelton had spearheaded such an initiative “from where he sat and put a number of incentives in place to try and ensure that was possible”.

“For instance removing the duty for persons who were returning to bring home their vehicles, belongings etc...but my question is do we have enough that will still change the balance. I don’t know,” the Labour Minister stated.

Meanwhile, Janice Rymer, the acting Labour Commissioner, informed residents at the meeting that the department does have a database to review who is in the country and cross reference it with the persons on works permits.

“We have a database. It’s not where we would like it to be but we are currently working on upgrading it. It is the database that is used in Government called the J D Edwards system,” she added.

The labour meetings will conclude by next week, with Hon. Pickering and his team making one final stop in Anegada.

29 Responses to “Gov’t asked to consider “return to VI” drive!”

  • RealTalk (29/02/2012, 09:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And what will happen to those of us who been here busting out arses? Those who working for 20 years and cant make $24,000.00? What happened to those with degress and cant make any money? Why did all the NDP losers make almost $100,000.00? Wht Dr Smith wife making over$100,000.00? Then again, why ask why? Government will always do what they want to do. NOw that is some RealTalk there for your @$$!
  • NDP voter (29/02/2012, 09:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Return to the VI is a joke!!!!!. When they come home they are treated like dogs especially, if they are not from the right family. My advise to locals living abroad is stay where you are, as we locals home are catching hell, being discriminated against and our own do not like us and trying to victimize us and keep us down. Locals overseas, if you all know what’s best for ayo stay put, this is not a good time to come home until there is more appreciation for indigenous Virgin Islanders…and I see not signs of it happening.
    • YES WE CAN (29/02/2012, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Movements (29/02/2012, 09:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How many expats really work for Government? These people make me laugh! Private companies are the ones that hire most expats and the Government cannot force them to offer incentives to BVIslanders abroad. When will you guys realize that not because a company has a branch in the BVI, means it's managed in and from the BVI? People overseas managing these companies don't care anything about who born here, they want who they want and they want the work done in a certain manner. Nobody should offer a local living overseas any incentives. If they want to come home, let them come their a$$ back home, nobody need to be begging them. In my opinion, I favour any hard working humble expat over a proud cocky goody 2shoes local, any day. who the hell they think they are, we should beg them to come home from working at Target, Walmart and McDonalds, just because they want to say they live in the statesd? schups.
    • wongchichi (29/02/2012, 11:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not too sure which hole you crawled out from under but... you could haul ya "M@#ddasc@nt "(in my best tolian accent" ....The hell you come off talking bout VIslanders like that boss....You'd rather a hard working expat that you can pay next to nothing even though they should be getting more that you can scare with the thoughts of Immigration & labor... yes there are some VIslanders that are cocky and so forth but that's any country so why should we be all humble ... But I think the individuals were talking about hard working individuals who are doing well for themselves in the US. I for one can tell you not all of us were working at target and Walmart so get ya facts right before you start popping off at the mouth. People like you are the reason VIslanders shun coming home cause you would want to pay someone with a degree and experience entry level salary and have them filing. Furthermore if you had any sense you would see that there are benefits to having your locals come home with the knowledge and experience they will bring.... Now more than ever with all thats going on in the world we need locals who have the best interest of the country at heart flooding the job market...I have no qualms with expat workers but the reality is that only a small percentage of them are striving to live out their days in the VI the vast majority see it as a stepping stone to either build up their holdings in their native land or go forth to the great beyond up north and live the American dream...
      • Movements (29/02/2012, 15:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        So we should ask each BVI business to keep a slot open just incase a BVIslander wants to return home? Or they should send home their expat employee of 7yrs who ran their company great, just because you return? While you were gone what were we supposed to do? Sit and wait for you? It doesn't work that way! While you are in the states or wherever, life must go on. You returning home when you want doesn't mean a job is here waiting for you, especially one paying you what you want and with you being the boss. If you want to be the boss open your own damn business, it's simple! We walk in, get a trade license and we good, we from here. Why we always fighting to work for others, the same people we claim to not like? LMFAO!!! It's STUPID! You are bashing expats while at the same time you're arguing to work for them. The private enterprise is 95% expat owned businesses... do the math, don't hurt yourself! Start your own firm, call your own shots, if you think you're that smart, after all YOU BORN HERE! I'm one local that don't subscribe to that BS!
        • wongchichi (01/03/2012, 13:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Big man we are one of the few countries that allow indefinite work permits and so forth...Most countries employ an understudy program for skilled workers whereas you may hire an expat but someone in the company who is a local must be getting groomed for the position because you cannot have a worker in the country for 7yrs. Secondly its not about not liking expats you clown, its a simple matter of wanting to see our own excel. Thirdly we not saying jobs should be left open but in the labor code there is a section that states you can only hire non locals if no qualified individual applies for said job. If a qualified VIslander comes home and applies for job and there is no viable reason why he/she should not be hired then they should be getting the job point blank period. We have allowed this nonsensical practice of sending all the way to guam for a personal assistant go long enough.. This is home at the end of the day and as I said before in relation to strengthening our nation it benifits us all. that 60k paycheck given to a local goes alot further than if its given to an expat because a number of them cant wait to send their money elsewhere to invest. so yes let a local make 100k a year get a mortgage buy land and house I'm for that because if I travel to their land the government there has incentives for their locals.. You are a very simple representation of what I keep telling people about...that bitterness towards other locals is part of what is deteriorating our society as we speak. Brother against brother, daughter against mother. With that mentality we will continue to be the richest 3rd world country in the world because of the social suicide we commit everytime one of our own tries to bring down another. Regardless of your rebuttal I shall not comment further...there is an old saying I live by and this is as clear a case as any
      • Kingfish (29/02/2012, 16:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @wongchichi: Well said.
  • Pimp (29/02/2012, 10:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    They need to work on stopping qualified VIslanders already in the territory from being victimzed and underlooked. This is coming form someone with a Master's degree.
  • wongchichi (29/02/2012, 10:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am one that returned during the time the NDP did this...I came home and it took me 6 months to finally get a job because even though the gov't of the day wanted to see VIslanders come home and work and give back to their country. The people who are in charge, who sit in HR and work in top levels at the ministry have their own personal vendettas and rather than trying to put country first they put their opinions and feelings first, Honestly if I had it to do all over again I'd have stayed where I was.
    • icu (29/02/2012, 11:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @wrongchild, I don't know what kind of job you were looking for but I have known of individuals who landed in Tortola today and got a job tomorrow. We have to be proactive and vigilant, not waiting on Gov't to give us this and that. Glad that you finally got a job...btw, it's not only getting the job, but keeping the job. Hope that you can contribute productively to the BVI.
      • wongchichi (29/02/2012, 13:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        #1 I dunno who gave you a pokechild but the name isnt wrongchild (jk) ...#2 I sepcialize in a specific field, before returning I researched on the availability within said field and there were endless opportunities available. However it was said though I'm qualified I shouldn't get the position due to a)both my parents not being from here b) I wasn't a completely good boy when I was younger c) there were people who have been in the service for years in other fields that need promoting even though they have no clue about that field.... Let me clarify I did work when i got back just not in my field ... the upsetting part is that there was work available in my field and it took ages and some intervention from influential people to get the ball rolling..... The VI's biggest problem is that the people who are in high level positions rather than trying to guide others to follow in their footsteps somehow find a 22 yr old college student threatening and do their best to crush their spirits by holding them down. Until that changes 1) qualified VIslanders need not return home because they will never get a fair break... 2)we will forever be the richest country with a third world mentality.
        • icu (01/03/2012, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Point well tlaken. Big difference between wrongchild and wongchichi. Thanks for not being offended.
      • @ICU (29/02/2012, 14:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Those persons get a job tomorrow because their buddies hook them up before even coming to the BVI. Some of them come here on pretense and don't know anything about the job and it's their buddies who's doing the work for them. I've witness this on several occasions in several offices in this country in Govt, at HLSCC, and in some private companies.
    • Movements (29/02/2012, 11:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Exactly! Governments, both NDP and VIP have been blamed for things where the PS and other higher ups were the ones doing nonsense. But if the Government get rid of them, all hell break loose because they are from here. We don't realize that this born here nonsense affects us as well. You have people in Labour and Immigration doing what the want and nobody can touch them because they're local. But only when another local corn get mashed they make noise, they don't realise how many other people have to deal with the BS. A lot of those senior officers need sending home because they're doing a set of nonsense in those departments. It's time Ministers stop covering up for these people and let the chips fall where they may. I don't see this happening though, until we get rid of this fake patriotism, lauding all local regardless of good or bad. If a local doing nonsense they should be sent home, point blank.
  • Newsflash (29/02/2012, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Virgin Islands is already lost to the expatriates. Virgin Islanders have the most difficulty finding work in the private sector. When they do get a job, some expatriate is their supervisor or managers, who aim to make life difficult for them, so they can bring in either one of their countryman or another expatriate. The people coming here network well, they have done it through their national associations, through the churches and through clubs. There are well positioned and recruit their people. Even some statutory boards are flood with non Virgin Islanders. Work permit continues to be handed out like candy in this economic time. With the amount of belongers and naturalization given out in the last few years, the expatriates now have voting power that is properly equal to Virgin Islanders and will soon surpass Virgin Islanders. That will mean the politician will have to lean their way. My thing is Virgin Islanders need to stop the hate sounding talk toward non-locals, but put laws in place that secure Virgin Islanders in their own country. Right now the Virgin Islands is a swing open door. You go Barbados, Bermuda, St. Maarten, Turks you don’t see that. We also have to remember that we are a very small territory can our schools and health services bear the weight of this continuous influx.
  • youch (29/02/2012, 12:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know a lot of VIslanders who returned home and who were just mistreated and abuse by our system. There is no equal treatment or pay for VIslanders so why should they return home. My advice to them is if you have a good job and you are comfortable, STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Chances are you will regret coming back home.
    • @Youch (29/02/2012, 14:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You could'nt have said it better, "mistreated and abuse by our system". Virigin Islanders have been returning to this country and trying to make contributions, but they are not being treated right and fairly in their own country and that's why they leave. The same incentives and compensation Govt offer the expats is what they should give the BVI Islanders. If they are going to do it for one it should be done for all. It's time for justice and equality.
  • Mmm (29/02/2012, 13:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why bring them home to this??? (especially if they are comfortable where they are as others have said)
  • ... (29/02/2012, 13:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know many who came back home, couldn't find a job and had to go back to the states.. What a shame.
  • Diaspora (01/03/2012, 07:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many Virgin Islanders will be glad to return home. But too many that took that return trip did not get a warm welcome home. They are chastised for not sticking it out and sucking salt when time was tough and want to run back when times got better. Virgin Islanders sojourn overseas to seek a better life. Life overseas is no picnic; it is not home. BVI is in a time warp. We are stuck on old social stratification that does not exist anymore. A no name person with the wrong title who went overseas and struggle to better themselves comes back home and is given the run around and the cold shoulder. We suffer from crab -in- a-bucket syndrome ; we drag each other down. We prefer to build others up and drag our own down. This dysfunctional behaviour is holding back the BVI. We are holding on to social classes of yester year: whites, town, country, key, island man. The ghost of Willie Lynch still hovering and driving our dysfunctional attitudes. The attitude of our own people are what are keeping qualified away and helping to build someone else country. Until attitudes, minds, and hearts are change nothing will change. As long as we stuck in decades past nothing will change.
  • I wonder (01/03/2012, 09:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why the negatives and nonsense on Gov't considering a Return to VI drive?!? We are in 2012. The world is in chaos. What is wrong with locals overseas returning to the arms of their families who can assist in a better quality of life? I cannot understand the problem. Most VIslanders leave with the intention to return anyway, and I dare say sooner rather than later. I went out for 10 years and I am back making my contribution. So embrace our sons and daughters on their return. Encourage them if they would like to come home. This is HOME. Shouldn't it be a warm place where they are received gladly? This locals and non-local story is silly. I for one would love to see a familiar, smiling, friendly face rather than some of the ones I see on Main Street daily. Give me a break. More of us need to think about going home again. After all home is where the heart is.
    • wongchichi (01/03/2012, 13:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      My qualm with it is that even though it is 2012 the 1985 mentality that we will hold down one because his grandmother aint from here or we wont hire another cause we want to hire someone else less qualified because thas meh godsisters first cousin still exists in the VI and until that social suicide that we commit everyday in trying to ensure that this person does not excel past me or my friends regardless of if they are deserving is curbed and ultimately eradicated then there is no real reason to encourage others to come home. if someone is stable and working in the US 8/10 times their efforts are appreciated and in most instances rewarded with promotions and raises and so forth...whereas in the VI it doesn't quite work that way 2/10 times and that my friend is why I say its a good idea from the political and country standpoint but the main factor is that many of these people who work in decision making positions in both public and private sectors have vendettas and will carry them out to the detriment of their departments/companies . i have friends in the US that went with me and still have not returned..a few that did return and were given 21k salaries while they held a bachelors degree or higher and had to go back because 20k doesn't pay bills and build a future when you are at that age....this is nonsense for a country that boasts the type of financial prowess that we do. so why should anymore people come home to be subjected to this piss.... if the ideology is changed then by all means...but i see the belly of the beast every day and there is no real ease in sight..especially when the long in tooth decision makers still sit in their seats after nearly half a century.
  • ausar (01/03/2012, 12:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well NDP. I guess this will be one of the true test of your administration .Are you people really interested in US coming back or is just "talk". I've heard alot of horror stories about folks who came and had to go back. Even those whose parents both were from the outer islands -faced terrible discrimination. Always reminded they're not born in the territory. Not an easy proposition, dear now NDP. What measures is your government willing to take to ensure tha tVirgin Islanders(British) living abroad can come home to contribute. Any suggestion "drop" box that newly-returned Belongers can make suggestions. (Now we need a drop box that is directly connected to Minister's offices and NOT the secretary's)!How about a newly formed committee that newly-returned Belongers can go where they can be assisted-(i.e.-housing, jobs, loan information, schooling and day care concerns for young children, etc). I think when you guys get those types of initiatives in place, Virgin Islanders(B) away would be better convinced that the government is serious to tackle this issue! Until then, NDP-well, it's ALL about talk, just that, TALK!

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