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Governor’s Office staff get COVID-19 boosters

December 11th, 2022 | Tags: COVID-19 booster shots Governor's Office vaccination
Members of the Governor's Office got their latest COVID-19 booster on December 6, 2022. Photo: Governor's Office/Facebook
A member of the Governor's Office getting her latest COVID-19 booster on December 6, 2022. Photo: Governor's Office/Facebook
A member of the Governor's Office getting her latest COVID-19 booster on December 6, 2022. Photo: Governor's Office/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Although COVID-19 isn’t getting the attention it used to and it is unclear what is the number of active cases in the territory, some persons are not yet dropping their guard.

Members of the Governor's Office got their latest COVID-19 booster on December 6, 2022.

According to the Governor’s Office, on its Facebook page, the recently delivered Pfizer/BioNTech ‘bivalent’ Covid vaccine is designed to target both the original strain and Omicron sub-variants.

“Thank you to the staff at Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital for making the process quick and simple. The hospital is running a drop in service for adult Covid vaccinations weekdays between 8.30 - 4pm , no booking required,” the Governor’s Office stated.

The Virgin Islands has long dropped mask and social distancing mandates.

18 Responses to “Governor’s Office staff get COVID-19 boosters”

  • Lb (11/12/2022, 12:57) Like (25) Dislike (27) Reply

    Since no one wants to use the dirty gift of vaccines from the Uk he ashamed so his wh*** staff must use them

    All we got from the Uk was vaccines and a coi they are wicked we need our independence

    • @Lb (12/12/2022, 14:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      How can we go Independence when we cant even build good school, fix our road, give us a good working hospital can we do that our self NO....

      so please stop cry out for independence cause TORTOLA aint ready for it yet.

      and how you so sure the UK have not giving us anything the government hides and lies so much we maybe get so much thing but the government as always kept it for them self. just like the millions that was sent for covid where is that money right now.... NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.
  • resident (11/12/2022, 12:58) Like (55) Dislike (11) Reply
    these people are sheep
    • Died suddenly (11/12/2022, 21:29) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      I’ll just leave this documentary here
  • playing games with our lives (11/12/2022, 13:00) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Marlun stop checking the covid cases so that's why the numbers gone down
  • Kill shot (11/12/2022, 13:02) Like (50) Dislike (9) Reply
    Yall continue taking those kill shots until your body can't handle anymore.
  • Sheeps to the slaughter (11/12/2022, 13:57) Like (33) Dislike (9) Reply
    Y'all really careless with y'all life mehbwoy. So much people die from those shots and still people here taking those poison. He would have to fire me because guess what, I wasn't taking none.
  • Lol!! (11/12/2022, 16:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    When I used to MMR vacicine and mumps vaccine and the others, I got no one knew but my Mom my Dad and the nurse and my school !!
  • god is watching (11/12/2022, 17:20) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I can't believe C****l minding those w***e people!! Sad! Since when does something so personal have to be seen by the whole world? People wake UP!!
  • jokes (12/12/2022, 06:26) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply

    Thanks for the entertainment all you conspiracy theorists provide!

  • Reality check (12/12/2022, 08:25) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    I have connected with many well educated BVIslanders while standing in line for vaccinations. These people are not fooled by social media posts, instead have researched for themselves and understand the importance of vaccination for their families and the future of the Territory.
    • Really (12/12/2022, 09:31) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Your so stupid and those people. All vaccines has aborted fetus, do you know what that means it's a dead baby so why at your age would you put that into your body. Idiot idiot idiot that's what you are. This mRNA/RNA COVID 19 vaccine is the 36's on the numerology chart even corona virus is 36's on the numerology chart. The big question you need to ask is why did they change the name from corona to COVID 19. Let me tell you if you don't want to use your brain and do you own research in the medical encyclopaedia in 1989 corona was listed as a common cold so of course people like me know it can't or never will be deadly. All virus are man made all in labs to depopulate the world. You are what the WEF call a useless eater
      • @Really (12/12/2022, 12:55) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        Sadly its uneducated gullible morons like you would believe anything you see on a whatsapp meme that will keep this country the backwards third world hovel it is.
    • virgin (12/12/2022, 15:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Go right ahead my girl/boy/nueter gender, stand up in line every 6 months and take as many shots as you can get. reminds me of the sheep to the slaughter...old fool... go research some more and not where they tell you to research. LEARN TO THINK FOR YOURSELF.
  • But wait (12/12/2022, 16:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wasn’t faucci publicly laughing at all Americans ....
  • When yo hook yo hook (12/12/2022, 18:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jeremiah 10: 1-4.
  • LilyAnn (12/12/2022, 21:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    WYT ppl does run towards a noise and say Hello..... so I don't expect them to ask questions about the vaccine !!!

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