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Governor tasked to publish CoI report as ‘as soon as he is able’– CoI Team

- No indication from Governor Rankin on what date report will be released
Governor of the Virgin Islands, H.E. John J. Ranking CMG has been encouraged to publish the final report of the UK-Sponsored Commission of Inquiry (CoI) ‘as soon as he is able to’ according to new information coming out of the CoI team through Secretary to the Commission, Steven Chandler. Photo: VINO/File
Meanwhile, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a recent March 25, 2022, press conference said while his government had no issue with a transparent and fair CoI, the concern was over its timing and the manner in which it was established. Photo: GIS/File
Meanwhile, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a recent March 25, 2022, press conference said while his government had no issue with a transparent and fair CoI, the concern was over its timing and the manner in which it was established. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Governor of the Virgin Islands, H.E. John J. Rankin, CMG has been encouraged to publish the final report of the United Kingdom-sponsored Commission of Inquiry (CoI) ‘as soon as he is able to’, according to new information coming out of the CoI team through Secretary to the Commission Steven Chandler.

In a statement today, April 5, 2022, Mr Chandler said the Terms of Reference of the Commission has now been fulfilled with the final report now in the hands of Governor Rankin.

Governor charged to published report  

“Whilst the Commissioner has endeavored to make the Inquiry as open and transparent as possible, publication of the Report is a matter for the Governor. The Commissioner hopes that in due course the Governor will publish the Report,” the released said. 

Governor Rankin was also encouraged to publish the report alongside its supporting documentary evidence, according to the CoI team, “and indeed [The Commissioner] encourages him to do so as soon as he is able,” the release said 

The press release further added that Commissioner has sought to assist by presenting his Report together with the supporting documentary evidence in a form which he considers can be published at large.

It remains unclear when the Governor intends to publish the report, which is reportedly 1,000 pages and has over 40 recommendations.

Governor Rankin, in a release today, said he will not be making any further statements on the Report until it is reviewed. 

Meanwhile, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a recent March 25, 2022, press conference said while his government had no issue with a transparent and fair CoI, the concern was over its timing and the manner in which it was established.

“The issue has been the manner in which the Inquiry was done and the timing of it given the hefty and complex challenges that the Government and our public officers and our people – all our Virgin Islands and residents – had to be dealing with in the middle of COVID-19,” the Premier stated during the press conference.

The CoI was abruptly announced on January 18, 2021, by controversial Ex-Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert without any consultations with the Government, a move that was criticised and slammed by CARICOM heads.

11 Responses to “Governor tasked to publish CoI report as ‘as soon as he is able’– CoI Team”

  • john public (05/04/2022, 14:13) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Jones (05/04/2022, 14:25) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who going to jail first?
  • Give the man time.. (05/04/2022, 15:09) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Governor definitely needs the time to come up with a strategy how he is going to introduce and enforce some of those recommendations that are serious and painful...
    • nope (09/04/2022, 06:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I guess they might suspend parts of the constitution, because they won’t just ‘do’ what the governor recommends.
  • QUACKS and INVALIDS (05/04/2022, 20:20) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sit down and STFU.
  • Dancing with the Stars (05/04/2022, 23:15) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    The timing of the release of the COI report is considered a vagrant interference in the political life of the country. With a General Election due in not too distant future, one can surmise that any negative findings could sway voters in their preference of candidates. Never the less one has to wait and see what influence it will have on the electorates. April 02 1982 was the date when the British landed troops in the Maldives islands or the Falklands islands in the South Caribbean and they celebrated that day a few days ago as the 40th anniversary on April 02 2022. Which country is next? The British can flex their military muscles on defense less people.

    Those persons who are happy that the British should take possession of these islands will regret when they see the might of the whites over the poor black boys. We have to be strong and resolute to ensure that these islands don't be administered by persons who are not looking like us. May God bless these beautiful islands. Time will tell.
    • What? (06/04/2022, 08:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I presume you mean Las Malvinas in the South Atlantic, not Maldives in the South Caribbean... And the fight to liberate the Falklands was a just war so not really a worthy comaprison for your point
    • WHY? (06/04/2022, 08:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Dancing…why do you believe the UK, or anyone else for that matter, wishes to take over the BVIs? The Territory’s GDP is 0.01% or less of the UKs, so it can’t be money. Most of the skilled trades are from somewhere else, and the population of the BVIs about 0.05% of the UKs so it can’t be labor, not that most locals are known for their industriousness. Every govt project has been late and overbudget, so it’s not govt know how. The Territory here doesn’t manufacture or export anything of economic value (besides being a Colombian transfer station). The infrastructure leaves much to be desired (think roads, power generation, waste management), and education is not a priority. And, locals are quite happy flaunting the law without consequence.. that’s a lot to take on for a few beautiful beaches and islands. I can’t see UK tax payer/voters supporting the idea. Lastly, I will say how anyone looks is entirely irrelevant. What is important is competence, commitment and dedication to addressing and solving the Territory’s challenges, rare qualities in these parts. Whatever the consequences of the CoI, keep in mind they will be the outcome of actions taken by BVIslanders, not anyone else.
    • student (06/04/2022, 08:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thanks for the laugh this morning...
  • Native senior citizen of the British Virgin Islandsands. (06/04/2022, 03:21) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Premier Andrew Fahie, after when your have received, read, discussed the CoI final report now in Governor Rankin procession, what discussion with him on the report do you think will change the outcome? What's done is done. Comply with same or prepared yourself, and others too, to bear the consequences for any rebellious acts against it's ruling.
    Be wise Premier. Be wise.
  • Accountant (06/04/2022, 11:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please note It is not just the thousand page report handed over to the Governor, It also includes all the supporting documentary evidence

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