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Governor snubs Premier’s orders; asks UK Navy ship to secure VI’s borders

-Gov’t position was that VI was capable of managing its own border security
The embattled Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert on his way out of office has snubbed a decision by the Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration to handle its own COVID-19 border security and instead requested a UK Navy ship to return to the territory despite the government’s position to decline the UK offer. Photo: VINO/File
The Governor announced his decision in a press release last evening, Friday, September 25, 2020, where he said that while the initial decline of the offer was a disappointing one, he thought it was best for the HMS Medway, a British Royal Navy patrol ship, to return to the territory. Photo: Internet Source
The Governor announced his decision in a press release last evening, Friday, September 25, 2020, where he said that while the initial decline of the offer was a disappointing one, he thought it was best for the HMS Medway, a British Royal Navy patrol ship, to return to the territory. Photo: Internet Source
The Governor also called for the preservation of slavery relics and places named after the very people like Sir Francis Drake who killed, raped, murdered, abused and inflicted harm on the ancestors of the Virgin Islanders in the British slavery era. Photo: Internet Source
The Governor also called for the preservation of slavery relics and places named after the very people like Sir Francis Drake who killed, raped, murdered, abused and inflicted harm on the ancestors of the Virgin Islanders in the British slavery era. Photo: Internet Source
Premier Andrew A. Fahie said his administration declined the United Kingdom’s offer of military support because of his confidence in the abilities of the Territory’s law enforcement agencies to get the job of border security done. Photo: Facebook
Premier Andrew A. Fahie said his administration declined the United Kingdom’s offer of military support because of his confidence in the abilities of the Territory’s law enforcement agencies to get the job of border security done. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The embattled Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert on his way out of office has snubbed a decision by the Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration to handle its own COVID-19 border security and instead requested a UK Navy ship to return to the territory despite the government’s position to decline the UK offer.

The Governor announced his decision in a press release last evening, Friday, September 25, 2020, where he said that while the initial decline of the offer was a disappointing one, he thought it was best for the HMS Medway, a British Royal Navy patrol ship, to return to the territory.  

Governor upstages Gov’t orders

“As your Governor, it is my constitutional responsibility to protect the people of BVI and ensure the security of these islands. That is why I made an offer of UK security support earlier in the year, alongside the medical, technical and other support being provided by the UK.”

Governor Jaspert continued, “I was disappointed that the offer of security support was not accepted at the time, as I felt it was a missed opportunity to enhance our local capability and protect our community from external risks.”

The Governor further moved to justify his reasoning for upstaging the orders of the democratically elected government by noting, “I feel I must do all in my power to protect the people of the British Virgin Islands and to support our dedicated law enforcement teams.”

The outgoing Governor’s decision is now being seen a violation on the people of the VI as the Premier, Hon Fahie in August 2020 made his position clear that there was no need for the UK Navy ship.

UK ‘itching to put military’ in VI jurisdiction – Premier

As part of declining the offer, the Premier had stated that the UK was ‘itching to put military’ in VI jurisdiction and that the territory was well capable of handling its own border security.

Since then, the administration has strengthened its collaborations will the USVI and utilized local ships to patrol VI’s waters through a joint task force comprising officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), the Immigration Department and Her Majesty’s Customs, a move that has been very effective in keeping the borders secured.

Many have now labelled Governor’s Jaspert’s decision for the return of the Navy ship to be more of a military occupational force as the Premier had suspected.

Governor asked to apologize for ‘reparation’ comments

The new controversy surrounding Governor Jaspert upstaging decisions by the democratically elected government also comes at a time when Mr Jaspert is being asked to apologize for allegedly racist and disrespectful statements that the VI will not be getting reparations from the UK for acts of slavery.

The Governor also called for the preservation of slavery relics and places named after the very people like Sir Francis Drake who killed, raped, murdered, abused and inflicted harm on the ancestors of the Virgin Islanders in the British slavery era.

91 Responses to “Governor snubs Premier’s orders; asks UK Navy ship to secure VI’s borders”

  • facts (26/09/2020, 11:21) Like (4) Dislike (34) Reply

    The r***t will never stop

    • privy council (26/09/2020, 20:59) Like (57) Dislike (4) Reply
      To say that a governor of a british territory cannot bring british soldiers to protect british boarders is absurd.Its British.The premier should organize some town hall meetings to sensitize citizens of his limited executive powers under the Constitution.
      The Governor is responsible for the Police Force,and he is responsible for both external and internal security.
      The presence of British Sailors on our waters,cannot affect the Governments operations.The tax payers of the BVI are not paying to have the sailors here,so whats the HOOPLAH about?
      The sailors are not interfering with Police and Customs, so go ahead and continue doing your duties,like Police and Customs.Let the British do their duties in British waters.I can understand if it were US Sailors in British waters,but its British sailors in British waters, what is the problem?Hmmmm
      • @ PRIVY COUNCIL (27/09/2020, 05:28) Like (4) Dislike (39) Reply
        The government said they dont need them, it should stop there
        • @ PRIVY COUNCIL (27/09/2020, 10:17) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
          There have been two brazen murders in the last month. One in broad daylight. If it keeps people like the perpetrators of these abominable acts out of these islands, then I’m all for it.
          We don’t need criminal types from the USVI over here.
        • Wrong (27/09/2020, 10:45) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
          The governor is responsible for security, not elected reps. They are supposed to be doing the people’s business, assisting private sector for a healthy economy. Are they?
      • Thank youb (27/09/2020, 10:04) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
        At least somebody have sense , thank you for your comment sir/madam , we dont have anything to hide right? Well done Mr Governor
  • lol (26/09/2020, 11:30) Like (2) Dislike (68) Reply

    Taught he say he represents the queen ..but yet he talking about the security of bvi people..bull .s**t only because we our people denounce that ugly wicked curse of a song we were chanting on our self all these years ...u ain't proven nothing to no one we know who u are .

  • Jonah strikes again (26/09/2020, 11:31) Like (6) Dislike (66) Reply
    Why can't leave now and take his bad luck Jonah influence with him
  • bystander (26/09/2020, 11:31) Like (89) Dislike (1) Reply
    Gus doesn't seem too embattled to me. He is able to read the Constitution and I suspect the vast majority of the population of the BVI will be pleased to have some proper and effective resources committed; in part to forestall more lock downs. We can't all dip into the Social Security fund.
    • @ bystander (26/09/2020, 13:51) Like (3) Dislike (57) Reply
      he is very much embattled as he was recalled he is on his last power trip he is worse than a child
      • @@bystander (26/09/2020, 19:22) Like (41) Dislike (0) Reply
        You do know the governors are here on 3 year terms, don’t you?? His time was up months ago and he extended it until the end of the year.... he wasn’t recalled. He’s doing his job. You do yours and be a good citizen.
        • DON Q (27/09/2020, 04:30) Like (2) Dislike (22) Reply
          The longer the governor stays here the more the country suffer
        • :) (27/09/2020, 12:42) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
          He did 3 years (expiring in Aug 2020) asked for and was granted a 1 year extension, and was then recalled in Jan 2021!
  • Mister gus (26/09/2020, 11:38) Like (3) Dislike (54) Reply
    We want u to protect the bvi people from reflection of the scorn of those racist rapping murders image names and remarks out ur own mouth...u $@$$## liar hateful
  • China/barbadus (26/09/2020, 11:40) Like (35) Dislike (2) Reply
    Love that move time at hand
    • @ Reply (26/09/2020, 15:26) Like (9) Dislike (66) Reply
      The governor has no respect for the people it’s the slave Masters actions all over again another very black day in the bvi
  • when the dust settles (26/09/2020, 11:41) Like (28) Dislike (4) Reply

    all the hot air some of we putting into the atmosphere is simply wasting precious time: at the ended of the conversations, who comes out on top: it is disgusting how a few continues trying to speak on behalf of the masses: i sympathize with their concerns and endiviours but one should not back a jacka$$ in horse race: emotionally speaking and speaking factually are 2 different things.....when all is said; look at what is being done: the british will be sending there Entourage to secure her property{like it or not united kingdom owns this place}.....respectfully speaking i did not arrive in the BVI by airport or seaport it was via midwife i am don't need anyone's validation

  • china (26/09/2020, 11:42) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply
    UK can fit in china many times so there will be swallowed up by her.
    • re: china (27/09/2020, 13:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      .....And bvi would disappear. Bigger than BVI has fallen already .. your time will come.
  • R Chalwell (26/09/2020, 11:44) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
  • london (26/09/2020, 11:53) Like (34) Dislike (18) Reply
    Let the BVI take that do not mess with england they are the boss The Governor had a right people are wondering what the Premier has to hide why he does not want the ship and its crew in thhe BVI The Governor was only wating tillhe fgot the clearance from Britian tis now the shit going to hit the fan play with puppy and it lick your throat people be aware of what is happening the bvi is under seige call NDP to help the BVI
    • Reply (26/09/2020, 12:25) Like (5) Dislike (40) Reply
      This is a sad sad day for the bvi what happened to we democratically elected government?
      • Rubber Duck (27/09/2020, 06:18) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
        It’s not democratic. It is elected by a minority of the population and represents only that minority. A situation that historically never lasts long. And yes I’m a voter.
    • A VOTER IN #6 (26/09/2020, 12:42) Like (40) Dislike (1) Reply
    • FEO GOMEZ (26/09/2020, 13:32) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      I will call yuh modda before those 3 letters
    • @ London (27/09/2020, 06:38) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
      Justice for our people and the elected government will come the oppressors will not prevail
  • Agreeable One (26/09/2020, 12:00) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    I do not like the way this is shaping up. That is a good example of who holding the handle and who holding the blade. I understand the concern our Premier, Claude and others have with the UK and how they deal with us. The fact of the matter is because we are an OT they have the position and more importantly the instrument (our constitution) to do what they believe is in the interest of the territory OR in the interest of the queen. Our focus then must be to put our energies in changing the constitution that will bring about the change we need. The change will include a multiplicity of things including how we handle our own affairs here on the ground. Until the nature of our relationship changes we can expect more of the same and it does not matter who is a governor. Let’s fight the good fight but make sure it is the right fight!
    • Hmm (26/09/2020, 21:35) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Change we need?
      Or change the greedy want?
      What Caribbean island And it’s people is better off with independence?
      Banana republics do not make good investment locations.
      • tola (28/09/2020, 08:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        All the carribean islands are better off. These are just a few of them. Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Bahamas, St Lucia, etc. Follow the news . Sports ,education , economy and standard of living. They are free of colonization and enjoy self rule.
  • Not2Sure (26/09/2020, 12:24) Like (3) Dislike (63) Reply
    The man gus is a dictator he has not respect for we the people or the constitution smh
  • good idea (26/09/2020, 12:25) Like (82) Dislike (0) Reply
    Seems a very good idea to me to use additional free resource to protect our borders. Just a few weeks ago things went badly wrong. Why would any politician not want people smuggling and drug smuggling to be stopped??
    • @good idea (26/09/2020, 13:41) Like (61) Dislike (1) Reply
      “Why would any politician not want people smuggling and drug smuggling to be stopped?”


    • @ good idea (26/09/2020, 16:38) Like (2) Dislike (45) Reply

      What damm good idea? For the governor to rade the treasury having us pay for the ship and dis the elected government it’s a r**** move and you know it

    • Concerned (26/09/2020, 17:36) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why indeed? That is the question. Who or what is the Premier really afraid of? The answer is not the UK.
      • Why AND Who (26/09/2020, 21:10) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
        Why would any politician decline an offer to stop smuggling (people, drugs, guns)?
        Why are people and luggage returning from abroad via seaports not scanned? If you clear in St. John, everyone gets off the boat with their luggage, are processed and scanned before proceeding on to St. Thomas...
        Who is running the boats and has been for years?
        Who has been looking the other way while these boats have been running?
        Who is benefiting from a parallel black economy operating?
        Who stands to gain and who stands to lose from a border patrol that will intercept regardless of where you are from?
  • E. Leonard (26/09/2020, 12:26) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    Undoubtedly, job 1 of any government is to protect the public (public health and safety). This protection includes health, environmental, economic, public safety(fire, police), physical security, national security……etc. Nonetheless, the person(s) on the ground and closest and up close to the action(s) may be in a better decision making position. Premier Andrew Fahie stated, “Premier Fahie has refused this help, saying accepting military assistance from the United Kingdom will be a last resort for the BVI.” From this statement, it appeared that Premier Fahie believed he had the tools at that point in to arrest control of the situation and was holding UK military assistance offer in abeyance.

    From many vantage points, Premier Fahie, as the leader of government, was complimented for his action in managing Covid-19. For an extended period perhaps from March 2020 through late August 2020, the numbers plateaued at 8 cases with 1 death. Recently the numbers spiked to approx 71 but appears to be stabilizing.

    Moreover, Gov AJU Jaspert said, “I was disappointed that the offer of security support was not accepted at the time, as I felt it was a missed opportunity to enhance our local capability and protect our community from external risks. I have continually pressed this as a priority with colleagues.” However, in addition to security protection, residents of the VI also needed/need to live and eat. Covid-19 resulted in significant layoffs and the VI government requested help from the UK with unemployment assistance. Nonetheless, the territory is still awaiting that assistance. The territory was apprised that it had a consolidated fund balance and a robust social security trust fund and that the UK has its own problems. I’m reminded of Queen Marie Antoinette of France supposedly telling her subjects to eat cake, lacking for bread. Moreover, to help with the unemployment situation, Social Security had to make an unprecedented and surprising move by giving a $40M loan to government(should have been a loan, not a grant). VI residents are disappointed that they didn’t get the unemployment assistance during a difficult, challenging and needy time.

    Moreover, politicians never missed an opportunity to distract, defer, divert…….etc away from adverse trending issues. Several weeks ago, Governor AJU Jaspert showed a lack of awareness, sensitivity, disrespect…..etc on the UK’s position on reparation for Slave descendants, along with keeping the name of pirates, buccaneers, slave traders, murderers…….etc name on local landmarks. He was tone deaf. Governor Jaspert was asked to apologize for his in artful comments. He is a diplomat and should be skilled at effectively communicating even a negative message. He was asked by a cross section of the community to apologize for his tone deaf comment. To date and in further disrespect to Slaves and their descends, he has not done so and neither has the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    Further, Guv AJU Jaspert said, “In a statement Friday evening, Governor Jaspert said he decided to invite UK assistance because border security is now more important than ever.” Here is a news flash. Border security has always urgent and critical. It was in January as it is now. Could this action be a distraction to the reparation issue? Don’t p….s on us tell us it is raining.

    In a crisis, unity is essential in effectively managing it. Regrettably, during this deadly pandemic, there appears to be a competition and lack of unity between the power sharing agencies——-Guv office and Government. The losers are VI residents. The extent of Guv Reserve Power must be an item on much needed constitutional review. This is the second time in recent years both Premier Smith and Fahie have been pi..p slapped. Be well, stay safe and be safe.
    • Eagle and Buffalo (27/09/2020, 07:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      September 26, 2020 at 4:21 PM
      @ E. Leonard, good and interesting read. It looks like event(s) begets action. The despicable comments on reparation debate raging, the UK is offering all kind of services for free. Interesting. True to form the UK is quick to offer up services to control its supposed subjects, eg, building penal institutions. What was the last major special project that the UK was willing to fully fund, ie, Her Majesty’s Prison at Balsum Ghut. However, it is slower to offer services/projects that promote the personal and national growth and development of people, eg, literacy, education, technology., economy …….etc. Slavery, colonialism, plantations, police actions…….etc have always been about control.

      This ship deployment snubbing the Premier’s desire for a delayed deployment is a distracting red herring. What issue has inflamed the territory for the last two week, ie, the Governor’s comment on reparation and local landmarks that he is stubbornly refusing to apologize for, furthering and deepening the already gaping hole disrespect wound created by the grotesque and inhumane treatment of slaves.

      As Disinterested noted, it is a distractive shiny object exercise away perhaps from the reparation comment. It is a common tool tried by many politicians in trouble. It is a key Trumpian move. This was coordinated move between the Governor and the UK to embarrass the LOCAL Premier. Let’s not be fooled by the smile. That is a mirage.

      Is reinforcing border protection a good strategy and tactic? Yes. However, it is the timing and mode that cause many to speculate on the move. Is the reparation comment driving this sudden unilateral action? Further, in recent times, Governors have used reserve powers to thwart the will of the people’s duly elected government. First, local government budget ( local government responsible for finance and is self supporting) authorized and appropriated, Governor Duncan override the will of the duly elected government and increased the funding for the RVIPF. It is important to note that RVIPF falls under the purview of the Governor but is locally funded. Now, Governor Jaspert is employing similar action thwarting the will of the people’s duly elected government. Both actions clearly demonstrated who has the JUICE, the true POWER, embarrassing the local government leader.

      [Let’s lead as eagles, not careen off the cliff as Buffaloes]
  • England (26/09/2020, 12:29) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply

    I the BVI is clean what the hell does the premirrer has to hide this is tge time that the Governor is using to clean out thelarge whales who get ketch get ketch but England is not playing, They have their aides in the BVI so people do not feel that no one is watching. The former members of Government and this present one is under england GLASSES so the ship came to see better and hold what they have to hold People it is time to pick sense from nonsense ENGLAND is a Power headed country The prime minister of england is laughingf at the BVI necause he pronaly knows what will be happening. CLAUDE GO ON THE RAIO AND TALK THIS NOW XLAUDE SHUT YOUR A$$ UP AND GLADSTONE TOU TOO SHUI UP BEFORE YOU GET ON THE NEXT NAVAL SHIP

  • vi (26/09/2020, 12:29) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good move once they go around Jvd they have the tools and has no friends in the bvi u say u protecting but u still say people coming in still u need ur own helicopter mr premier
  • Windy (26/09/2020, 13:02) Like (1) Dislike (49) Reply

    This r****t man is bad news just a few weeks before he leaves he causing controversy and confusion in the bvi I hope the U.K. is watch his childish behavior

  • Ooo boy (26/09/2020, 13:19) Like (56) Dislike (1) Reply
    I guess we'll be hearing more crap from Claude
    • @ ooh boy (26/09/2020, 15:30) Like (3) Dislike (48) Reply
      I hope claude and elected members speak out forcefully against this wicked nasty mischievous move by Jespert
  • FEO GOMEZ (26/09/2020, 13:36) Like (0) Dislike (20) Reply
    Don't worry people because of basic genetics Gus people will be struggling to be a majority in 20 years. Please by all means continue to drink the expensive rums and eat all roasted pork etc. Don't forget your cigarettes goood job.
  • Serious times (26/09/2020, 13:59) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Enlightened leadership is needed now more than ever. Promising to give handouts won't cut it. How long can we keep that up with a stagnant economy. No one knows what 2021 will bring and we definitely cannot continue on the present path. The governor of course realizes that border security is our greatest vulnerability that must be addressed promptly and effectively. It's literally a do or die situation... this is no time for games. Billions of dollars of investment are at stake and we cannot play cat and mouse with persons who couldn't care less. This is about time for games.
  • Uncle Remus (26/09/2020, 14:06) Like (54) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thank you Gov Jaspert.
    Now, if you could give a hint as to why the Premier resists protection of our borders, we wouldn't have to guess the obvious.
    What a Mighty God we serve.

  • Anonymous (26/09/2020, 14:54) Like (6) Dislike (48) Reply
    The bottom line is the governor is on a power trip as he is embarrassed he goT to go before his time is up.

    This ship not invited should not be allowed to stand, THE GOVERNOR AND THE SHIP MUST GO
  • next (26/09/2020, 15:00) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hit them again .you are in charge of national security not the government. Bring a next white commissioner of police . Do not allow politrikcians impose you a counterfeit cop.
  • GG (26/09/2020, 15:36) Like (5) Dislike (29) Reply

    The w**** s****** pushing his agenda again even on the eve of his departure as most of us strongly believe all the man need now is his Kuks Ku klan hoodie

  • trrefdrfds (26/09/2020, 15:43) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thanks, Governor Jaspert, the deceion that you have made is far wiser than the former one, that was made by our current Premeir. Brave move. Again I say to you, thanks. May God, the righteous One continue to guide you. Because of you couragious heart, illegal activities will reduce.

  • Ghost (26/09/2020, 16:21) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK refusing to assist us in this pandemic time Was really not nice for we are their oversea territory..Though the above, and not nice to usurp the Premier’s decision, I’m trying to understand how this is a bad thing.. don’t we need all the help we can get?.. I never understood why it was refused in the first place.. it could have prevented the rise in c-cases from persons entering illegally and also stopping some of the wickedness being undertaken at our borders.. I see it as a good thing..
  • wow (26/09/2020, 16:40) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    So he has Ritter and May out blogging horse droppings
  • tola (26/09/2020, 17:06) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    Open up November 1st
  • ENTRANCE (26/09/2020, 17:19) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    ENTRANCE the shios will be comming like iy or not claude skelton Cline talk too nuch the ship come to to clear the path before the other governor comes people learn sense. Jaspert is no edit the man got his head on Mr Premier this time you get frig and there is more frigs to cpme so sto[ Cline from futher running his big shouting mout necause his shouting reaxhes England. Lets hear it GOD SAVE THE QUEEN if the BVI think they getting rid of the Queen and the Prime Minister they will get rid of you the Ship here in the BVI is on a patrol mission you hear a patrol mission Premier walk with your bottle of alchol especially the GREEN ONE PATROl is on the loose by the HMS SHIP PREMIER TAKE THAT THE GOVERNOR HAS THE POWER
  • from buckingham palace (26/09/2020, 18:08) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    My biggest is with educators of the BVI who allowed students to go through the educational system,without explaining our sovereignty to 'we the people'.It makes no sense talking about british nationality act and bvi constitution,and uk laws on its british overseas territories.
    what we have here,is the premier and the governor,not telling us who have sovereign power and who have internal power and who does not have what or have that.stop misleading our people,who dont understand sovevereignty.
    i want to know if the governor acted lawfully,constitutional or if the governor exercised his reserved powers in contravention with the bvi constitution.
    this is what andrew fahie must explain to us,and stop making us believe that the governor do this and do dat wrong?
    i dont care who secure our boarders,once it is secured that what matters to the citizens,this territory is a british territory,the governor has more power than the premier in securing our boarders.tell the citizen the truth,
  • Disgusted (26/09/2020, 18:21) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some officers who are now responsibility for the borders have been disgusted by the fact the friends and relatives continue to slip through. We are not safe with what the premier has in place. And it is cronyism at its best. These officers are not trained in maritime security. It is like asking a mason to put a cast on a broken foot. The governor must have had information that things were not working. And democratically elected government or not the governor has constitutional authority for security. End is story.
  • @# (26/09/2020, 19:18) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    #England.... they have prison cells onboard the ship for all of them.
  • Spectator (26/09/2020, 19:20) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you Gus.We should not be too proud to accept needed help.Gid speed
  • mvw (26/09/2020, 19:28) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Man from boy
  • action (26/09/2020, 20:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    What us tge premoer vex gor he should be glad roe tge help but there may be more in the pot beside water boiling. The british work with their mouth shut so CLINE learn ro shut ypur mouth because the actions of the British ps done very silently Premoer you get comb with this one and more is there to come . The Governor may not turn on the BVI but when he turn round the round rock then you will hear way way way.
  • 4real (26/09/2020, 20:28) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    People of the BVI stop making these things a big deal and educate yourself by reading and understanding so when these things happen you would not be surprise for some time I've been hearing that Customs is in charge of the border to be more specific i heard our last Premier with that and no one corrected him well you see who is responsible for it now the Governor is responsible for internal and external security of the BVI the police falls directly under the Governors group so it takes a rocket scientist to tell you whos responsible for the border so people stop listening to that man of the cloth and his nonsense all the governor is doing is his job he is responsible for the border it was just common courtesy when he ask the Premier for his take on the UK ship coming here simple diplomacy that's the way a diplomat operate
  • from buckingham palace (26/09/2020, 20:43) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    These are trained british sailors trained to fight terrorist and extmist.we dont know what information or intelligence they received.did these sailors come to fight us or to protect us?what is the premier hiding?since when these coward local law enforcement officers can protect our boarders.
    right now we cannot travel,we must stay inside,so if we inside on island and the sailors out on sea,what is there to curse about.i in my bed sleeping and sailors on sea,so what?
    stop this foolishness about governor dis and dat.the governor cannot make such decision on his own,he must consult the secretary of state in the uk.
    bvislanders dont want to accept that the bvi is a british overseas territory, like a town of the uk in the caribbean sea,with a local government,whose ministers must swear true allegiance to her majesty the queen,as head of state.we misguiding our students and the uneducated to making them believe that the premier is incharge of the bvi. the premier is not incharge of the bvi, the governor is incharge of the bvi.
    the premier,and other departments like immigration are incharge of all the expatriates in the bvi because a expatriate can get deported after immigration recommend to the governor, and is the governor who must sign the deportation order, that is how our democracy is set up.
    all de noise bviislanders making about governor governor is just to scare expat that if we can curse governor is little you expat we cannot curse?
    mr.andrew fahie, you are not incharge of the british virgin cannot stop british military personnel from disembarking on british soil.for too long you politicians are misleading the citizens as to who is the head of state.her majesty the queen is the head of state of the bvi, not andrew fahie.
  • hog city (26/09/2020, 20:49) Like (1) Dislike (23) Reply
    Blacks lives matter what is clear this governor does not care about us
  • ha (26/09/2020, 20:55) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    The only people upset with this move are the people that have something to loose!
  • hut (26/09/2020, 21:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The locals are whiners. If somebody using you.. matter what colour not.. your still getting $#+#
  • The British are Cummin Yeah (26/09/2020, 22:00) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    One U.K. Navy Ship can defeat the entire Virgin Islands..
  • Since March, Yet no plans (27/09/2020, 03:56) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    This Govt is sleeping,. 6 Months and they can't produce a plan for Open borders..Our borders were supposed to or should have been open in a control way August 1st, that was the perfect time... Covid was under control then,. That's a missed opportunity... I am of the opinion that if the borders were open August 1st,. We wouldn't have this spike got late August early September, *I am sure Gus is of the same opinion* Those people who smuggle their way in don't even know they had the Virus, but if the borders were open they would have tried to come in legally which would required them to be tested before coming, they would have been found to be positive isolated and treated where ever they were coming from.t..If we had open in August 1st, by December our plans would have been tested, fixed and working to perfection in December....We cannot implement a plan in December and expect it to be perfection, some things will need to fix, redo etc, this will take a few months to get it right... Yep
  • Ghut Man (27/09/2020, 04:35) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
    The silent majority will keep writing to the fco this move is just wrong and heavy handed
  • Optimist (27/09/2020, 06:43) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    "Good move Mr. Jaspert". Now we may finally be able to get some payment from the social security, being that the national guard will be filling the border security spot.
    • @ optimist (27/09/2020, 18:27) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      How the hick this can be a good move by a man who has No respect for the constitution and the elected government ?
  • Trump (27/09/2020, 06:44) Like (2) Dislike (13) Reply
    What’s even more oppressive is that the tax payers got to foot the bill for this ship in these hard times

    This is slavery and racism over and over again
    • @trump (28/09/2020, 11:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think the Guv said that the UK is footing the bill for the ship. Is this correct?
  • I not to fool (27/09/2020, 06:47) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    Looking at the bloggers majority always for favor of this white injustice prove to me that there is a agenda ...them are the one set postings and clicking like on blog ..and many mischief in the bvi....and so fort politics etc
  • indepth (27/09/2020, 07:18) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Governor had a right tis time tge BVI get strighten out WHO GET HURT GET HURT lets ho]e it is no one we know some know wjy they donot want the navy but they know why The bvi will be geting a clean sweep so rihjt now England is putting her brooms together. People of the BVI reconing day is comming and believe it or nit a lot of people is going to get DRAG UP only time will tell If CLAUDE WAS NOT ON THE GOCERNOR CASE SO MUCH ENGLAND MIGHT HAVE LEAVE THINGS ALONE but he cause ROCOS
  • Listen (27/09/2020, 07:42) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply
    We should look at actions over a period of time to judge what’s going on and not just take things lying down because of who doing it.

    This Governor full of nonsense. He vex and trying to throw jabs before he leaves. Smuggling been an issue for the BVI for years. Did he offer this help to NDP? Why this help couldn’t come 2017, 2018, 2019?

    And is it really help? Give us 12-24 months of patrolling by this ship. What is a few weeks really going to do? Who will help from November onwards – it will be us.

    What I see here is a Governor who for his entire time here not having a clue about national security issues of the BVI for years and not having a plan for an area that was his responsibility. . Now our Premier must take a lil few weeks of help here and there so the Governor can look good or play politics

    Thank God a lot of us can think for ourselves and have common sense to see what’s going on. Even England has s seen this Governor as an issue and decided to remove him earlier. That is not to be taken lightly.
  • asking for a friend (27/09/2020, 07:53) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
    why is this governor still here? why do we need a white governor in 2020? Why is his replacement another white man?
  • ndp (27/09/2020, 08:42) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
    AH GLAD!!!! FOR AYO!!!!! because you all let him get away with saying racist things about our ancestors now he here getting away with this yet again poor we the people and tax payers
  • need help too (27/09/2020, 16:05) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    u k need help to secure their own boarder
  • White supremacy (27/09/2020, 18:29) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    Gus got chased out of the bvi he now flicking his power smh
  • Yes (27/09/2020, 20:44) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good job Governor
  • Rick (27/09/2020, 21:06) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    I think the people of the BVI needs to have a town hall with Gov Jaspert his actions around here is very fishy . We need some answers of what's going on I think he gets involved in the local politics too much we elected a Government to work for us not a Governor from the Uk
  • teacher john (27/09/2020, 22:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good for vip they should have voted for Fraser’s motion
  • My girl (28/09/2020, 09:38) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    the public and the people need to march on this governor, he is here too long making mischief, we need another john Lewis type leader
  • Rick (28/09/2020, 10:16) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    The weird thing is some people around here always condoning his actions like the UK is so perfect in what they do. People you all need to check the UK news daily and you all will see that they can't even handle their own problems and the Royal family is dysfunctional so why all you want them controlling us
  • Lord Max (28/09/2020, 10:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's funny how the "Native" BVI -Landers think the Queen (UK) has to ask for permission to do anything here or in any any of the territories govern by her. SHE OWNS HERE! lol.. Like it's hers. Like how you own your car. This is hers. It's out of kindness they allow the "Government"to make decisions.

    Anyways .. Open the borders so I can freely go and come from my Island. Yes I'm an "Island People" :)

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