Governor signs instruments assigning Ministers’ responsibilities
According to Section 56(1) of the Virgin Islands (Constitution) Order, 2007, the Governor acting on the advice of the Premier can assign ministers responsibility to conduct the business of government.
The section states, “The Governor shall, acting in accordance with the advice of the Premier, by directions in writing, shall assign to any Minister the responsibility for the conduct (subject to this constitution and any law) of any business of the Government of the Virgin Islands, including responsibility for the administration of any department of Government.”
Based on the advice received from the Premier, the Governor has assigned the ministers responsibilities as follows: The Premier, Dr. the Hon. D. Orlando Smith’s subjects of responsibility in his capacity of Premier are co-ordination of government policy, consumer affairs, development planning, economic planning, government information services, immigration, industrial development (including incentives), information (including monitoring of broadcast media and press), internal affairs unit (including the BVI International Finance Centre), Investment promotion, manpower planning, regional affairs, science and technology, statistics, tourism, town and country planning, trade and business (including licences), weights and measures and Wickham’s Cay.
Dr. Smith’s subjects of responsibility in his capacity as Minister of Finance are accountancy, banking (including National Development Bank of the Virgin Islands), budget, companies, currency, customs & excise, development aid, finance and fiscal policy, financial services commission, insurance, internal audit, licences and fees, postal and philatelic services, revenue, taxation, tenders and trust.
Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Dr. the Hon. Kedrick Pickering subjects of responsibility are administration of crown lands (except Wickhams Cay), including the seabed, agriculture, airports, climate change, coastal zone management, cooperatives, environment, fisheries, food and food security, forestry, geology, global warming, housing, labour, land policy, land reclamation, land registration, minerals and mining, national parks and marine parks, nature conservation, survey and veterinary.
Minister for Communication and Works, Hon. Mark Vanterpool’s subjects of responsibility are building standards, civil aviation, electricity, explosives, fire and rescue service, hazardous materials, marine transport, meteorology, ports and harbours, public works, roads, telecommunications (including broadcasting media), transport and traffic, water and sewerage and wrecks.
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton’s subjects of responsibility are cemeteries, charities, clinics, community centres, community development, drug control, environmental health, gender affairs, hospital administration, medical services, mental health, national health insurance, public health, social housing, social security, social welfare, solid waste management and voluntary organisations.
Minster for Education and Culture, Hon. Myron V. Walwyn’s subjects of responsibility are censorship, cinemas, colleges and universities, culture, ecclesiastical affairs, education, festival and fairs, H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, historical sites and monuments, museums, prisons, probation, public libraries, race track, scholarships (excluding civil service training), sports and recreation and youth affairs.

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