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Governor Pruce orders Isabella Merton deported

Governor Daniel Pruce, left, seen here with Superintendent of Prisons Jay Kendall, has ordered Isabella Merton deported from the Virgin Islands. Photo: Facebook/File
A section of the Deportation Order by Governor Daniel Pruce gazetted February 24, 2025. Photo: Team of Reporters
A section of the Deportation Order by Governor Daniel Pruce gazetted February 24, 2025. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A woman, who was found guilty in 2020 of inflicting grievous bodily harm and reckless and negligent act and subsequently sentenced to imprisonment, was recently ordered deported by Governor Daniel Pruce.

Isabella Merton, who resided at Josiah’s Bay at the time of her arraignment, was found guilty of hitting a man with her vehicle and breaking his ankle.


Court documents state that the Virtual Complainant (VC) was involved in a fight with Merton’s boyfriend on the day in question.

After the fight ended, the VC was walking in an area in Greenland, Tortola, when he saw a Jeep belonging to Merton driving towards him at a fast pace.

He tried to avoid the vehicle, but it hit him on the right side of his body, and he fell down. The vehicle then turned and came at him again and to avoid further injury; he threw himself into the ghut.

While there, the VC allegedly looked up to see Merton pointing a gun at him and uttering the words: “If I’m disrespecting her man, it is she I am disrespecting and it’s kill she to kill me.”

Merton was then pulled away by another man.

Merton was also charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life; however, a No Case Submission was upheld by the court for lack of evidence.

It is unclear to our News Centre at this time where Merton is originally from; however, Governor Pruce signed the deportation order on February 21, 2025.

Deportation Order

Governor Pruce said it came to his knowledge that Isabella Merton is a person not deemed to belong to the Territory and that she has been convicted of the offence of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent contrary to section 176 of the Criminal Code (Revised Edition 2013) and is a person whose presence in the Territory would, in the opinion of the Governor, acting after consultation with the Chief Immigration Officer, be undesirable and not conducive to the public good.

“NOW THEREFORE, I, DANIEL PRUCE, Governor of the Territory of the Virgin Islands, in exercise of the power conferred on me by section 40(1)(b) of the Immigration and Passport Act (Revised Edition 2013) do hereby order the said ISABELLA MERTON to leave the Territory of the Virgin Islands on or before the expiration of seven days from the date on which a copy of this Order is served on her by an immigration officer or a police officer, and thereafter to remain out of the Territory;

“AND I do further order that the said ISABELLA MERTON be placed on board the first available ship or aircraft about to leave the Territory and that the said ISABELLA MERTON may be detained until she is placed on a ship or an aircraft, unless she appeals to the Governor in writing against the making of this Order before the expiration of the said period of seven days.”

15 Responses to “Governor Pruce orders Isabella Merton deported”

  • Hit the Road Jack (04/03/2025, 12:00) Like (32) Dislike (2) Reply
    There's plenty more to deport
    • @ Hit the Road Jack (04/03/2025, 12:11) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      That's a fact!!! We have our own criminals send home the outsiders.
    • zip it (04/03/2025, 13:02) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yes,at least 1/2 ofthe freeloading parasitic CARICOM occupants in our Haotel Balsum Ghut and thise others including DR that were ordered deported years ago but are still slithering around and practicing their thieving skills.
      There is a convenient reason why identiy of the human danger to us is lmitted but mostly , origin are sitting ducks for the unfettered crimes within our elected, their families, friends and other "business men " secrets..they can't risk outing by the VI's under world .
    • resident (04/03/2025, 13:41) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Next plane out (04/03/2025, 12:44) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Picture please
  • run way (04/03/2025, 13:05) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Go back Jamaica with your wicked ways .
  • Just my 2 cents (04/03/2025, 13:06) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    @next plane out. You really don't want to see she at all. Not something you want to see
  • resident (04/03/2025, 13:07) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why wait five years?
  • Ye Ye (04/03/2025, 13:15) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where is she from ?
  • Real (04/03/2025, 13:40) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many of those granted Belonger Status need to be aware that it can be taken away and there need to be many more examples. Let us deal with our own criminals, send the rest of them home!!!!!!!!!
  • Post her picture (04/03/2025, 14:24) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the event she try to sneak back into the Country illegally and someone can recognize her and call immigration and the police.
  • thank you (04/03/2025, 14:47) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you governor Pruce for this, the law on the books state if you aren't from here and you do 3 months or more up Balsum Ghut, you are to be deported. Seems nobody looking into this but we don't need to be harboring any non-national criminals, we have our own to deal with. Given second chances these criminals graduate to more serious crimes
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (04/03/2025, 15:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    One less, Jezeebel, devil woman in the B.V.I to deal with. Amen.
  • For a man (04/03/2025, 15:32) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    That will soon leave her. Women don't think rationally, its all high emotions. Ok. You gone from the BVI. Time to reflect and your stupidity. Just don't commit suicide.

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