Governor orders inquiry into leaking of Audit report on Assistance Grants

The Audit report into Public Assistance Grants made between January 2019 and May 2022, was reportedly leaked by a Member of Cabinet for political expediency.
The Report by the Auditor General was carried out in accordance with Recommendation B12 of the Commission of Inquiry Report.
According to Governor Rankin, in a statement this afternoon, March 1, 2023, the Report was received by him and the Premier on December 30, 2023, and it was thereafter tabled in Cabinet and is due to be laid in accordance with the provisions of the Audit Act 2003 in the House of Assembly in redacted form, with names of individual grant recipients removed.
At that point, the report will become public.
Governor Rankin said a document, which has now been widely circulated, appears to be a copy of the report which was considered by Cabinet and which was a confidential document.
“Cabinet confidentiality is paramount, and I have accordingly ordered the Cabinet Secretary to carry out a leak inquiry in relation to this matter.
“Should any criminal offence have occurred in relation to the leak that will also be a matter for the Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider and take forward as appropriate.”
In the meantime, Governor Rankin requested that the leaked document is not circulated further, given that it is confidential in nature.

54 Responses to “Governor orders inquiry into leaking of Audit report on Assistance Grants”
Tis deh &th District Man who do it!
1) On the Governor's office
2) On the poor performance of the Governor for the past 20 years for subjects under his responsibility.
3) The work and report for the man from the UK that the Governor brought to BVI to review the court system and left before the work was finished, got paid, and did not complete the work nor submitted a report.
4) Audit on all the cash sieged by the Commissioner of Police and cannot be accounted for to this day.
5) Misuse of the police boat to take non-police officers in and out of the territory without approval or documentation.
6) Audit on Commissioner selling police vehicle and no account of the money.
7) Marlon Georgie Hill project that started at $300K but ended up over $1.3million in the crab over run.
8) Audit update on the $40 million over run pier project.
9) Audit update on the missing plane and $8million dollars
10) Audit on poor stewardship of W&S
11) Audit on years of poor stewardship of the Tourist Board especially the New York Office and the management of the sister sister combination.
12) Audit on when the NDP started the sewage project and put in the wrong pipes causing the delay in finishing the projects up to this date and huge cost overruns.
13) Audit on the CTL building contract and the lack of transparency after Irma to date.
14) Audit on the many loans Marlon gave out to friends and family from Trade after Irma and Maria that the Government had to pay back and is still paying back up to now.
15) Audit on RDA under the Governor with the man that was being paid over $300k a year but did not produce for the money and according to the obligations of the contract.
16) Audit on the Governor having a few UK people hired by RDA making more than $15k a month to do nothing but sit in the UK and attend a meeting a month on zoom.
17) Audit on the many contracts Premier Smith wife had in government and FSC while he was the Premier that we know not the outcome.
18) Audit on a former PS that used their position to set up a millionaire on one of our islands and is now the manager of that enterprise right after they retired as their reward and rewarded gussy with a house and funds.
19) Audit on Russ Harrigon many contracts with no outcome seen to date.
I will stop there for now because I see this ongoing exercise as a target on the VIP without any consideration for what they had to face as a country with covid for the past 3 years. I am not a VIP supporter but as someone with sense I can see injustice from a mile & I intend to call it out for what it is which is targeting and trying to influence the outcome of the elections.
some folks come here gets all manner tax breaks and insensitive: pioneer status!!!!
while our own people must in the back of the bus
Right now it is a free-for-all and those who know better are milking the cash cow. Highway robbery at its best.
we are spending our own money; we not here mismanaging money given to the territory by Great Britain
Back in1834 London left this territory for dead our people made the British Virgin Islands what it is today but suddenly “the former slave masters” back in the house looking to make our people suffer again
Where was London all these years
a mystery just can’t express……the British are Back
So, government buddies get a big check and buy a new car for they kids...that's stealing everywhere else in the world. If you don't like the law, have some spine and change the law! Otherwise, when there is an audit and someone get caught with they hand in the cookie jar - they busted!
People in the BVI government do not want any consequences. The UK trying to add consequences into government.
We need to deal with this! Not sweep it under the carpet, or talk about 'leaks'.
If you received a grant why should one bad minded politician think its ok to leak many peoples names and the amounts. Next thing you know people get robbed by masked visitors or destroy family relationships because the privacy was disrespected by a politician.
Stop thinking its ok the leak your own citizens confidential information & medical information too, to score political or gossip points.
Any politician that does such a irresponsible action is not for the people. No regard for the people they claim to represent.
we have from one Drama to the Next.
Drama after Drama
It is time to make a Movie and place on Netflix with several series starting from the year 2000.
P.S some of you just want to know names to talk people business….