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Governor orders inquiry into leaking of Audit report on Assistance Grants

- said prosecution possible if any criminal offence is found to have occurred
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has ordered an inquiry into the leaking of an Audit report that was made available to Cabinet but was not intended for the public without redactions. Photo: GIS/File
Ministers of Cabinet. From left: Honourable Sharie B. de Castro (AL), Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports; Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), Minister for Natural Resources and Labour; Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Premier and Minister of Finance; Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works; and Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8), Minister for Health and Social Development. Photo: GIS/File
Ministers of Cabinet. From left: Honourable Sharie B. de Castro (AL), Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports; Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), Minister for Natural Resources and Labour; Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Premier and Minister of Finance; Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works; and Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8), Minister for Health and Social Development. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has ordered an inquiry into the leaking of an Audit report that was made available to Cabinet but was not intended for the public without redactions.

The Audit report into Public Assistance Grants made between January 2019 and May 2022, was reportedly leaked by a Member of Cabinet for political expediency.

The Report by the Auditor General was carried out in accordance with Recommendation B12 of the Commission of Inquiry Report.

According to Governor Rankin, in a statement this afternoon, March 1, 2023, the Report was received by him and the Premier on December 30, 2023, and it was thereafter tabled in Cabinet and is due to be laid in accordance with the provisions of the Audit Act 2003 in the House of Assembly in redacted form, with names of individual grant recipients removed.

At that point, the report will become public. 

Governor Rankin said a document, which has now been widely circulated, appears to be a copy of the report which was considered by Cabinet and which was a confidential document. 

“Cabinet confidentiality is paramount, and I have accordingly ordered the Cabinet Secretary to carry out a leak inquiry in relation to this matter.

“Should any criminal offence have occurred in relation to the leak that will also be a matter for the Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider and take forward as appropriate.”

In the meantime, Governor Rankin requested that the leaked document is not circulated further, given that it is confidential in nature.

54 Responses to “Governor orders inquiry into leaking of Audit report on Assistance Grants”

  • Something telling me (01/03/2023, 18:31) Like (17) Dislike (13) Reply

    Tis deh &th District Man who do it!

  • whatever (01/03/2023, 18:34) Like (17) Dislike (8) Reply
    Please. Much to do about nothing. Just assume it was everyone and no one.
    • @Whatever (03/03/2023, 10:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This has been occurring too frequently within government. If person's names have been mentioned in this lacked document, those persons are well in their rights to pursue a class-action lawsuit on each individual responsible for this breach.
  • True That (01/03/2023, 18:39) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply
    If u can read the grants were given between 2019 and 2022 was marlon part of the government?. Stop making ascertion.
    • please (01/03/2023, 18:59) Like (44) Dislike (4) Reply
      Don't be an idiot, the document was leaked by one of the current cabinet members. Stop acting as if you are slow.
    • @True that (01/03/2023, 19:06) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
      Act like you got sense please. It was released in cabinet and he sits where? In cabinet.
  • ABC (01/03/2023, 18:52) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    the entire BVI knows where this leak came from
  • Politicial power (01/03/2023, 19:17) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    Start with the two mischiefmakers Mitch and Marlon. They always pretending that they are saviors and saints but if you take a closer look at their back yard you may be surprised.
  • The Street (01/03/2023, 19:18) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    The street already solved this one. The guilty ones are the two M & M ministers in Cabinet.
  • Need to know... (01/03/2023, 19:27) Like (53) Dislike (15) Reply
    I had enough of this double standard side show by the Governor and his local sidekick Marlon & a few others and the Auditor General. We know they are all working together for years but this is over bearing now. Hold an inquiry to find out where are the following audits:
    1) On the Governor's office
    2) On the poor performance of the Governor for the past 20 years for subjects under his responsibility.
    3) The work and report for the man from the UK that the Governor brought to BVI to review the court system and left before the work was finished, got paid, and did not complete the work nor submitted a report.
    4) Audit on all the cash sieged by the Commissioner of Police and cannot be accounted for to this day.
    5) Misuse of the police boat to take non-police officers in and out of the territory without approval or documentation.
    6) Audit on Commissioner selling police vehicle and no account of the money.
    7) Marlon Georgie Hill project that started at $300K but ended up over $1.3million in the crab over run.
    8) Audit update on the $40 million over run pier project.
    9) Audit update on the missing plane and $8million dollars
    10) Audit on poor stewardship of W&S
    11) Audit on years of poor stewardship of the Tourist Board especially the New York Office and the management of the sister sister combination.
    12) Audit on when the NDP started the sewage project and put in the wrong pipes causing the delay in finishing the projects up to this date and huge cost overruns.
    13) Audit on the CTL building contract and the lack of transparency after Irma to date.
    14) Audit on the many loans Marlon gave out to friends and family from Trade after Irma and Maria that the Government had to pay back and is still paying back up to now.
    15) Audit on RDA under the Governor with the man that was being paid over $300k a year but did not produce for the money and according to the obligations of the contract.
    16) Audit on the Governor having a few UK people hired by RDA making more than $15k a month to do nothing but sit in the UK and attend a meeting a month on zoom.
    17) Audit on the many contracts Premier Smith wife had in government and FSC while he was the Premier that we know not the outcome.
    18) Audit on a former PS that used their position to set up a millionaire on one of our islands and is now the manager of that enterprise right after they retired as their reward and rewarded gussy with a house and funds.
    19) Audit on Russ Harrigon many contracts with no outcome seen to date.
    I will stop there for now because I see this ongoing exercise as a target on the VIP without any consideration for what they had to face as a country with covid for the past 3 years. I am not a VIP supporter but as someone with sense I can see injustice from a mile & I intend to call it out for what it is which is targeting and trying to influence the outcome of the elections.
    • Josiahsbay (02/03/2023, 08:44) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Need to know: Consider becoming a journalist to keep the people informed. It's so much that the general public doesn't know.
    • :) (02/03/2023, 10:23) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
      ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨????????????????????????????Thought I was the only one seeing the big picture. hmm,they better play this out smart, ain't got that much time to make it right. this statement is one of the honest and smart I have seen.
  • hmm (01/03/2023, 19:34) Like (28) Dislike (21) Reply
    The local UK crew at it again trying to boost their standing with the slave masters by trying to destroy their own people. I guess ps Igowoy, Minister Smurf, the one who doing the targeted one sided reports by design with her evil second, and the so called pastor minister that lies without ceasing. There you have the results of inquiry from wasting time.
  • Paradox (01/03/2023, 19:42) Like (22) Dislike (13) Reply
    Proud of all you students! They would rather see this money spent on locking up the youths and extraditing them out on private planes. Some of those names I recognize and I know they are representing well!
    • @ PARADOX - SAM (01/03/2023, 22:47) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
      You are missing the point and according to Damian you are always trying to muddy the issue with intent to confused. The main issue is that lots of the kids and businesses who's name down for getting grant didn't receive a dime, or the amt reported....Why?
    • @Paradox (02/03/2023, 06:38) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
      The problem is people like you. Our youths have reached the place where they are, because for years because as a people, we have failed to correct them whenever they have committed wrongful acts. We have created an atmosphere where the profit from crime is more attractive than honest good work. How many of our youths have been, according to you extradited out on private planes? The answer so far is one and that "one" seems to have touched a special nerve in you. What have you done to keep our youths from being locked up? Or when they commit certain acts that are penalized by being "lockup" what should you do, pat them on their wrist and allow them to continue on their merry way? You are not really "Proud of all you students" . That is just a false front to cover the real reason for your blog.
      • Paradox (02/03/2023, 15:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        You are the one missing the point. We should be advocating for the young people to have more access to funds for educational purposes, whether it's for academic learning or harnessing a trade or skill. Education is the route to escape poverty and crime. I trust that through this process more persons will be encouraged to overcome the feeling of hopelessness and seek help to move forward with the advancement of their educational pursuits. The system can work with the right checks, balances and controls!
  • SO WHAT (01/03/2023, 19:53) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is bad about the leak , ???? please enlighten those of us , like me ,
    • The point is.... (02/03/2023, 07:47) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      This order of investigation is just to CONFIRM the the information that is being circulated is TRUE.
  • Not popular (01/03/2023, 19:55) Like (10) Dislike (22) Reply
    I have been saying something that is not popular now for a while but with time it will be which is the way the bias auditor general is doing these audits with open ended statements and conclusions that should not be made as a part of an audit report is going to get the government sued. It is only a matter of time and I am not saying this to try to hide anything dealing with public funds.
  • 2023 (01/03/2023, 19:56) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Scotland Yard in the House

    some folks come here gets all manner tax breaks and insensitive: pioneer status!!!!

    while our own people must in the back of the bus

  • i said it (01/03/2023, 20:03) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
    The writer of the reports has always been known to be an original fan of the original ndp and her deputy. They only hated the tall man in ndp so they dealt with him by design. They have been working with minister smurf and the minister 2nd D (king liar & bad word cusser) & the colonial master to do the reports in such a manner to exempt them but to be released close to elections to be damaging in content in they way they analyze the information and in the conclusion to try to influence the voters and thereby the elections in their favor. It is a crying shame what some of our people will do for power.
  • questions (01/03/2023, 20:13) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
    How come the list of persons who got business loans from Trade from Marlon who was over that after hurricane Irma never got leaked especially seeing that 99% never paid back the loan and the government had to repay all that millions of dollars? How come there was never an audit done on that nor anything about it in the COI? This guy is singing for his supper and has sold us out but pretending otherwise. Now he is trying to use these events for power at the expense of the youth.
  • dogman (01/03/2023, 20:18) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
    A friends and family affair, what's new in the BVI? One of the reasons why the rampant corruption persists is exactly because of this. The UK needs to take over. This mess needs to stop.
    • @dogman (02/03/2023, 08:04) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
      Or expats like yourself need to go home and benefit from your countries proceedings. ????. There is a lot of dirty work going on in Gov both past and present. My thing is , expose all and stop protecting those who run to the Gov .. aka M.P.
  • herbs power (01/03/2023, 20:31) Like (14) Dislike (38) Reply
    Rankin need to leave the bvi now. the people need to carry him to court, to dam lie.
    • @herb power (01/03/2023, 20:47) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
      It is always like that when one ah we get caught we try to rewrite the script. See why past Governors never got involved in certain things here? They do they damn they do not they are still damn
      • herbs power (01/03/2023, 23:55) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        Aslong one is telling the truth they dont have to worry. but when you are lying to a whole country and the world, thats a different level.
  • Handel (01/03/2023, 20:41) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    BVI politics is like a bad reality tv show.
  • civil servant (01/03/2023, 20:45) Like (27) Dislike (11) Reply
    Governor please don't lock up the person who released the document but rather those in the document.
  • Stop wasting time Sir.. (01/03/2023, 22:39) Like (18) Dislike (12) Reply
    Pls, step in. Suspend, take over for two us from ourselves,. When you are going to stop talking, haven't you seen enough Mr. Governor. This seems like a case of fraud using children to accommodate their action..Low and shameful..When Parents saying their kid name is down for receiving this large amt and its a lie the child didn't receive a dime..No wonder people like Sam on this Board every day bashing the Governor on Radio and praising the govt, they must have idea of the scamming that's going on and is afraid of this day,..Time is the answer for all wrong that was right and all right that was wrong.. Now is such time, lot more to be revealed.
    • @stop wasting time sir (02/03/2023, 09:01) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
      Spoken like a real slave. I was taught that when the slaves were first granted freedom, some later ran back to their slave masters saying please, can I continue to work under you. It is hard out there. Even if it means getting paid next to nothing if anything at all. At least you will feed me and provide me with shelter. Then there were those who became owners of their own businesses. They learned trades and performed them exceptionally well. Some were inventors meaning they learned how to use their own brain! There are people in this country who have a brain! They are the answer for the place to move forward. Not reentering into slavery. The mentality of a nation will either build it up or destroy it. My my.
  • Nightmare (01/03/2023, 23:05) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply
    I am glad that the truth is out. So many of our people have abused the taxpayers’ purse. Getting out from under this corruption drama seems like a nightmare that never ends. Corrupt people and corrupt politicians! When will we ever get it right?
  • King Charles II (01/03/2023, 23:05) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Help me to understand, if Cabinet makes decisions on behalf of the public, why should any Cabinet document be considered CONFIDENTIAL?? Especially when it includes taxpayer money? Even the names should not be secret.
  • what a pity (01/03/2023, 23:09) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    During the worse pandemic in the last 100 years the government did their best to help as many people as possible. We were not in normal times as the economy was failing, people were losing their homes and businesses, people were getting sick and dying and government was not functioning as normal and at times not at all. This what they want us to forger. Now that things leveling out here comes the well organized COI in the middle of the same pandemic, the Governor, Marlon, Mitch, Igway, auditor general, coming for blood with 20/20 hindsight that the regular rules and policies should have been followed knowing full well that this did not happen in any country as all governments were non functional. It was not normal times. It was the most difficult time in the world. Next time there is a major disaster or pandemic the government needs to sit and wait on the failed system to click in and watch some of you get sick and die, lose your home or business, or lose your mind and watch your children drop out of college because of financial hardship by their parents due to the disaster or pandemic. All that is haoeening now is nothing more than high handed ignorance aimed at destroying through abuse of power but under the disguise of good governance.
  • solution (02/03/2023, 07:23) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    The obvious solution is to suspend taxes; at least until we the people have the confidence that the government ceases to use our hard-earned money irresponsibly.

    Right now it is a free-for-all and those who know better are milking the cash cow. Highway robbery at its best.

  • 2023 (02/03/2023, 07:37) Like (14) Dislike (10) Reply
    my goodness the united kingdom stopped giving this territory financial support since around 1975

    we are spending our own money; we not here mismanaging money given to the territory by Great Britain

    Back in1834 London left this territory for dead our people made the British Virgin Islands what it is today but suddenly “the former slave masters” back in the house looking to make our people suffer again

    Where was London all these years
    a mystery just can’t express……the British are Back
    • To 2023 (02/03/2023, 23:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you keep identifying yourself as “British” then what do you expect?
  • Kickbacks (02/03/2023, 08:09) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Who cares about the leak! The issue is giving money for Farmers and Fishing people that don't have nothing to do with either (maybe one guy went fishing 20 years ago, but this was to provide local food during a pandemic).
    So, government buddies get a big check and buy a new car for they kids...that's stealing everywhere else in the world. If you don't like the law, have some spine and change the law! Otherwise, when there is an audit and someone get caught with they hand in the cookie jar - they busted!
    People in the BVI government do not want any consequences. The UK trying to add consequences into government.
    We need to deal with this! Not sweep it under the carpet, or talk about 'leaks'.
  • @ @PARADOX (02/03/2023, 08:19) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
    We should be aware by now it's that wigged blondie dude who is spewing out his usual racism rethoric on a daily basis , he thinks he is some kind of king ???? and is specialized omin creating propaganda , and he is using different names to create drama , ( just another spoiled child , who wants to have his own way ) so don't mind the NOISE , soon he will turn on himself
  • Non local (02/03/2023, 08:26) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    I need help for my kids too born here and attending local school
  • ... (02/03/2023, 08:42) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    This is one time I agree with the governor and believe him to be doing right for the people of the VI.

    If you received a grant why should one bad minded politician think its ok to leak many peoples names and the amounts. Next thing you know people get robbed by masked visitors or destroy family relationships because the privacy was disrespected by a politician.

    Stop thinking its ok the leak your own citizens confidential information & medical information too, to score political or gossip points.

    Any politician that does such a irresponsible action is not for the people. No regard for the people they claim to represent.
  • Why (02/03/2023, 09:22) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why is any auditor general report secret until it goes to the HOA. The entire process is flawed. Once the Auditor General finalizes a report and passes it to Cabinet, barring any national security issues, it should be made fully public and not redacted!!
  • OB (02/03/2023, 10:39) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    Don’t pray for uk to reign over bvi ! Be careful what u wish for!! Whites over black here in the bvi wake up ppl ! You can clearly see M& is a weak politrician! Keep sowande he’s educated one
    • smh (05/03/2023, 15:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What difference would it make if whites are in power? We black people are already fighting down each other.
  • charge (02/03/2023, 10:43) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
    Governor are you investigating yourself? because this looks like your handy work!!
  • Guest (02/03/2023, 11:07) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Leak or whistleblowing??
  • my country (02/03/2023, 12:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since the arrest of Former Primer, "The Head Coach"
    we have from one Drama to the Next.

    Drama after Drama

    It is time to make a Movie and place on Netflix with several series starting from the year 2000.
  • Data Protection (02/03/2023, 13:15) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    For those of you who are saying that the names should be published and you need to know there is a concept called “Data Protection “There is even a entire legislation on the matter.Yes it’s our money but some people who received assistance wants to be treated with dignity so that they don’t feel less of themselves.Others may have inherited the grants due to power and position but at the end of the day protocols must be followed to protect someone’s personal data.

    P.S some of you just want to know names to talk people business….
  • who cares (02/03/2023, 20:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who cares for these young people, you are laughing in their faces yet every day you are down trodden them. There is nothing to be ashamed of if names are exposed. All that money was for a good cause.

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