Governor Duncan can no longer defend VIG position to FCO on spending!

They have all accused the NDP of leaving the country broke to win the 2015 general elections and the evidence is being unearthed.
While Governor John S. Duncan OBE has denied this in public for the past two years, he has been harassing both the Minister of Finance and Premier Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith and the Financial Secretary Mr Neil M. Smith over the careless spending.
You will lose my support- Duncan
In a series of memorandum back and forth between the Governor and the Premier, most often copied to the Financial Secretary within the last year particularly, following the 2015 snap elections Governor Duncan had been warning the NDP Administration and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) about the lack of accountability and transparency with taxpayers’ monies.
In one of many letters to Premier Smith, the United Kingdom appointed Governor was very concerned even about the Government Medium Team Fiscal Plan (MTFP).
The letter stated, “In discussion with the Financial Secretary and in recommending approval of the 2016 MTFP, FCO officials stressed the need to ensure that BVIG project financing was properly prioritised, supported by well-reasoned business cases demonstrating value for money.”
Governor Duncan in the same letter concluded that “I recognise from our discussion in Cabinet that this represents an ongoing challenge.” So in other words the Government cannot guarantee fiscal responsibility.
Can’t defend VIG Spending- Duncan
In the letter sent this year from the Governor, he warned the Dr Smith led 5 year old Administration that “without evidence that it is being done I am unable to defend the BVIG position and the government will find itself subject to increasingly difficult discussions…” with the Secretary of State by the end of this year.
In the increasing lack of confidence with how the NDP Administration is managing the British Overseas Territory’s Finances Governor Duncan, who has one year left as an FCO senior civil servant, urged that “the Ministry of Finance officials work closely with the FCO to ensure BVI is on the right path to achieve agreement.” This again is further evidence of the control of the VI Finances by the Governor and the FCO.
In another letter, Mr Duncan raised outrage on the request made for $96,000 by a Government Ministry/Department for catering at a training course. He said this kind of reckless spending is “deep rooted and has a long history.”
History of direct rule!
While he used other examples in his letters of mismanagement of funds, Governor Duncan described the $96,000 for catering at a training course as “particularly egregious.”
The Governor has already reportedly imposed a high paid consultant from the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Treasury Department. In 2009 the UK Government imposed direct rule on the TCI for reasons of reckless spending, mismanagement of funds and corruption.

27 Responses to “Governor Duncan can no longer defend VIG position to FCO on spending!”
financial institutions here and certain businesses that get away with serious criminal and immoral acts against
the depositor or customer - the source of their money. The Governor refers one to the Premiers side of the gov,
and 'Doc' or his cabinet simply do nothing. Except ransack people. Then they slobber and obey ridiculous demands
from the likes of the US or UK to peer up everyone's kazoo at the same time. I'm sick of being ripped off and I hope
something dramatic happens. The BVI is basically good people, but is being pirated by satanic trash buckets.
Who do blame for this looming and embarrassing disaster? In every organistation, the leader has to step forward and should the blame. It was obvious even to the sight challenge that there was a severe lack of oversight of ministries. The Premier needs to institute an immediate standdown of government spending, except for essential functions. This problem is not going to be solved through procrastination. Urgent action is needed. Independence is not a panacea. The BVI is not ready for independence. I have no evidence but wonder if the calls for independence has anything to do with our financial situation. Looking forward to the Premier's address to the territory and in that adddress he will announce strict restrictions on spending. This will be painful but needed; the pain is needed to get well.