Governor defends Auditor General’s ‘one-sided’ Covid Assistance Grants Report

The Audit of Covid-19 Assistance Grants made by Members of the House of Assembly (HoA) was laid in the House on July 13, 2023.
A total of $3,885,074 was awarded in 2,276 grants.
According to a statement from Governor Rankin today, July 14, 2023, the Audit notes that the grants enjoyed some measure of success, as they were able to assist persons in financial hardship brought on by the pandemic.
‘I continue to have full confidence’ in AG- Gov Rankin
Governor Rankin continued; however, that at the same time the Report finds that there were applicants who took advantage of the programme to obtain public funds in order to accommodate their lifestyle or otherwise obtain grants in the absence of genuine need.
“I fully support that conclusion and I once again thank the Auditor General and her team for their work. The methodology used in carrying out the Audit is set out in the report and I continue to have full confidence in the Auditor General in carrying out her independent functions under the Constitution,” Mr Rankin stated.
The Governor highlighted the Audit concludes that Grants were approved where applications were not supported by documentary evidence; There were no tracking mechanisms to prevent multiple awards to the same person; The requirement for the Financial Secretary to review and approve applications for awards in excess of $5000 wasn’t adhered to; The transparency of many payments was lost, particularly for some large sums paid directly to some applicants; And the Public Finance Management Regulations were not applied in procurement of services for District/community works.
Absence of controls
The Report, according to Mr Rankin, finds that the absence of controls in the programme led to multiple abuses and the award of public funds to ungenuine applications.
He said the primary recommendation from the Audit is that “the management of all Assistance Grants should remain within the remit of the Social Development Department. This will ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable persons are addressed and protected against abuses and unscrupulous activities”.
Mr Rankin said what is most important is that lessons are learned from this Audit, that public funds go to those in genuine need and that mechanisms are in place to prevent abuses.
“It is positive to see that the Ministry of Health and Social Development is currently consulting on a social assistance programme, and I encourage people to participate,” Governor Rankin stated.
See link to related article:
Elected Officials lambast 'inaccurate' Audit Report on Covid Assistance Grants

45 Responses to “Governor defends Auditor General’s ‘one-sided’ Covid Assistance Grants Report”
And the way they attack her, is by calling her reports one sided or she doesnt have the right qualifications etc.
Her reports cannot be one sided if she asks for information, which most likely the politicians do not provide.
IF you do NOT provide the information, that act itself speaks volumes and allows the AG to come to a "full sided" conclusion.
To the general public, once you accept money from the public purse, you can be subject to investigation. If you do NOT want to be investigated, do not take the money (especially if you know you are NOT needy).
Politicians, because you do not know how to do YOUR jobs, please do NOT tell the AG she does not know how to do HERS.
She is doing EXACTLY what we need her to do, right now.
2. Granted, the pandemic presented extraordinary circumstances, but is that a reason to suspend due process, and to just open the public purse and hand out money, especially after Irma/Maria used up what little funds we had?
Absolutely nothing as usual.
A vote would be the reliable proof of how many. In my opinion based on documented and observational the UK should be the one to make the decision.
The crooked big shites
are the only ones with anticipated loss resulting from a UK takeover.
1) Treated the public officers fairly ................ F
2) Paid the public officers' increments ........... F
3) Praise the UK efforts with the vaccines ...... A
4) Praise BVI Covid efforts ........................... F
5) Market himself & past governors as perfect ... A
6) Put the people to fight each other & love him A
7) Developed a credible succession plan for the police ..... F
8) Left the force without a succession plan so
he could ensure there will always be a UK Head ... A
9) Organized PR to make him look like the savior .. A
10) Was after anyone who spoke out against his
mission even it was online media house ............ A
11) Misuse the police force for his mission ........... A
12) Ensured the COI & report was independent .... F
13) Held some good functions and parties on tax
payers' money................................................... A
14) Included the Governor & Uk local staff to adhere
to registering their interest in the registry of interest act ... F
15) Seem to act above the law ...................................... A
16) Respect our House of Assembly ............................... F
17) Acted like he truly cared about us & not only his UK mission ... A
18) Free the rest of NDP except Myron ................................ A
19) Ignored $8 mill for BVI Airways .................................... A
20) Supports colonialist behavior ....................................... A
21) Reported to his UK head office with facts what
was happening on the ground in BVI at all times ................... C-
22) Acted as if he was elected by the people & know
what is best for us without checking us ............................... A
23) Agreed to modern slavery tactics such as order in council
for financial services and to suspend our constitution ............. A
24) Always told the truth ................................................... C- (Just check to see when he turns red & bounces)
25) Believe in the people of the BVI .................................... D (could not get an F because of the few who supports
his unjust mission)
26) Did he want good governance ...................................... C+ (He wanted it but only on his terms and conditions
regardless of how it violates our rights and culture)
27) Acted dictatorial ......................................................... A (especially with the police act to give the police
permission to violate citizens' rights by searching homes without a warrant)
28) Blamed all sitting governments for Governors' failures ...... A (All Governors are more perfect than Jesus Christ,
as in his book none of them did any wrong).
29) Took away the VG from our passports to go
USVI without needing a waiver ............................................ A (Part of the overall plot of modern enslavement)
30) Had nothing to do daily so got involved in busy mischief ... A (The position should be an elected one)
Until next semester I will stop there for now or until his PR team starts to respond.
31. Agreed that wealthy or undeserving people should be given a grant...........................F
Made 2 mistakes....A
Made 3 mistakes.....A
Made 4 mistakes......A
Made 5 mistakes.......A can guess the rest.
a public office was awarded over 109,000 usd for " living cost" ?? and yet we berate the auditor general for digging into this ??
comeon people, we need to hold people accountabe, we are and have been robbed by cunning individuals, whether it be the 7 million for an aircraft or 109,000 for living costs. those who bring this to our attention and dig deeper should be applauded, not chastised.
With an exception to the foreign jailed entombed son of the soil who should be enshrined in gasoline and perched to dry out on that non so
lilfahie hill mound of dirt he created going down
WE in addition to the unwarranted destruction of coral and grape trees.
Thank You for your service Gov Rankin. Thank You for further underlying the truth that the real enemies to the progress of these VI and its people are VIslanders themselves.