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Governor could force same-sex marriage on VI with additional powers- Premier

- also said Governor could push through controversial Police Act
The Governor being given additional powers could result in some of the [British] Virgin Islands’ worst fears: legalising same-sex marriage and passing the controversial Police Act. Photo: Sarah Falugo/Vogue Magazine
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is also concerned that, among the many other things, the Governor would have the power to take over any government department or ministry, if given additional powers. Photo: GIS
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is also concerned that, among the many other things, the Governor would have the power to take over any government department or ministry, if given additional powers. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Governor being given additional powers could result in some of the [British] Virgin Islands’ worst fears: legalising same-sex marriage and passing the controversial Police Act.

This is according to Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) when asked about possible implications of the Governor being given additional powers.

“One of the very damaging additional powers that he [Governor Rankin] is requesting is the ability to introduce new legislation,” Premier Wheatley said during a press conference on Monday, January 8, 2024.

What damage can the Governor do with additional powers?

Premier Wheatley said one of the things that the Governor failed to mention during his January 5, press conference is the fact that he has the power to pass legislation once it’s already introduced.

“So, let’s just give an example, for instance, if he wanted to pass a same-sex marriage law he could do that.”

He also referenced other areas where high-handed legislations are at risk of being imposed on the VI, “If he wants to pass a police legislation where the police can just go into your homes without warrants, he could do that. He would have all legislative authority and we as a Virgin Islands People would have to determine if we are comfortable with that.”

Premier Wheatley is also concerned that, among the many other things, the Governor would have the power to take over any government department or ministry.

“That’s what he is requesting and that is a power that we gained with Ministerial Government in 1967,” Dr Wheatley said.

70 Responses to “Governor could force same-sex marriage on VI with additional powers- Premier”

  • Tvip (09/01/2024, 17:37) Like (38) Dislike (8) Reply
    Seriously....that's your takeaway?
    • Comment (09/01/2024, 18:54) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
      He can push that and much more.
    • BUSY BEE (10/01/2024, 11:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      It's the Boogie Man! Shameful, coming from a politician so cowardly as to call for a vote on human rights.
    • @Tvip (10/01/2024, 14:03) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Of course his takeaway is about controversial topics that will get people on his side. It's the same reason he was constantly repeating the word "colonialism" in his response. He wants to make the people angry so they protest against the Governor getting additional powers. He might as well say "The Governor wants to desecrate the bible and allow the gays to walk among us" or "The Governor want to take over the territory and re-enslave us". He's just saying things to rile up the public and, unfortunately, some among us are too dumb to realise what game he is playing instead of listening to the words that the Governor actually said.
  • herbs power (09/01/2024, 17:44) Like (22) Dislike (20) Reply
    How could a man come to a country and run it just so when the people already has a culture of their own. These white people crazy in them skont.
  • Andy Ant (09/01/2024, 17:55) Like (11) Dislike (13) Reply
    Who cares if I suck on a popsicle or eat cherries? Not the government business. All I say is, time to ring shop. Who got the best deals town?
  • Controversial? (09/01/2024, 17:58) Like (28) Dislike (15) Reply
    There is nothing controversial about the Police Act, unless you are a criminal.
  • Come on man (09/01/2024, 18:00) Like (24) Dislike (14) Reply
    Come on Premier, stop the madness. And if he does, so be it. If it happens, people just have to deal with it and get use to it like everywhere else. It is what it is bro. So no need in hyping up the masses in the BVI that is against same sex marriages about the Governor could force same sex marriages on the BVI. Stop the madness already bro.
    • @Come on man (09/01/2024, 21:01) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
      Not here, y’all keep pushing the envelope of abomination on this earth. Today men with men, tomorrow you’ll sleeping with your house pets and wanting to marry them. Nasty Souls!
  • Some of what the Governor wants more power to do (09/01/2024, 18:04) Like (14) Dislike (26) Reply
    Imagine the Governor wants more power to allow him to ignore the democratic process to do the following(Note these are just a few of his alleged intentions cloaked as good governance):
    1) Take over Immigration: He wants to immediately give over 4000 of his kind status so they can out number the people of the BVI and then allow them to have a secondary take over plan.
    2) Pass the new police act on his own: He wants to give the police unlimited powers to do many anti-democratic things such as but not limited to searching anyone's home without a warrant and do so on mere suspicion. Talk about making the BVI a police state where people will have no basic human nor democratic rights.
    3) He wants to pass the Jury Act: Here is where he wants the cases to proceed without any jury to decided the cases but rather have the Judge themselves decide if you are guilty. Not only is this anti democratic but it represents dictatorship as all the UK will do next is flood the position of Judges with persons from the UK who have like minds as them against the locals and Caribbean people. It is another tier of their take over plan.
    4) Powers to pass laws by himself without HOA: Here is where he wants to legalize same sex marriage. Here is where he wants to redefine who is a Virgin Islander.

    I will stop there for now but people of the BVI these people have no good intention for us. They have no respect for our democracy and democratic rights. It is time to wake up and stand up for what is right and represents true democracy and not sit back and allow a wicked agenda by the Brits to get through.
    • El Demonio Negro (10/01/2024, 08:31) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      I could imagine all 18 dutty blanco people disliking this post plus Sambos like David A, he a real life Stephen from the movie D'jango. This is the most clear honest post on this subject.
  • Hypocrisy (09/01/2024, 18:05) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
    The Governor admitted he is also behind with certain COI recommendations being implemented with the subjects he is responsible for. So how come in a modern partnership the BVi cannot take away some of his powers under him for his failure to hit the deadlines he help set? The Governor and UK are a set of hypocrites
  • We must secure DEMOCRACY (09/01/2024, 18:07) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
    The BVI has a democratic system and if any one wants to run the BVI then let them seek to get the people's support through the established democratic process. No one knows the agenda nor history of any Governor as they are appointed by the UK and not selected by the people of the BVI. So like most people in the BVI on the ground, I share in the strong views that no Governor should have such unlimited powers without going through the democratic system.
  • Hold Governor accountable (09/01/2024, 18:08) Like (6) Dislike (22) Reply
    The Governor is over the police and has failed in the area of crime and keeping the people safe. The Governor is over the public service and has failed to ensure fair promotions and salary increases. The Governor is over security and pardon of prisoners at HM Prison but only those who are white were pardon and all others refused in the last 10yrs. We have seen enough high handedness by the Governor with the little power he has and now he wants more? Our democratic and civil rights as Virgin Islanders will be loss forever. We will fight against this slavery attempt with all we got.
  • vg youth (09/01/2024, 18:10) Like (14) Dislike (10) Reply
    The BVI or no one will ever satisfy the Brits. They are known for always shifting the goal post and not keeping their word.
  • Law Abiding citizen (09/01/2024, 18:11) Like (26) Dislike (7) Reply
    Boy, this premier is an imbecile.
  • Be fair & consistent (09/01/2024, 18:13) Like (12) Dislike (8) Reply
    The Governor is not being fair nor consistent in the way he deals with public officers who are accused of allegations of wrong doing. The Commissioner of police needs to be sent home immediately and a full transparent investigation done on him like all other public officers. It is not right what the Governor is doing. It shows what he would do to the people of the BVI if he gets more power. This is not a reflection of democracy.
  • Remember I said so (09/01/2024, 18:17) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    Whenever one race feels they are more superior than another race there will always be war.
  • True (09/01/2024, 18:17) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    The gays won’t like u for saying this
  • Clearly (09/01/2024, 18:18) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    The UK is not seeking peace nor the best way. They are solely seeking to get their way or no way.
  • JVD (09/01/2024, 18:21) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
    More and more it is clear why they had to go all out to try to get Fahie out of the way and make it look like their hands are clean.
  • alicia (09/01/2024, 18:43) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    So what ! Let them live their lives and take their money .
  • Reply (09/01/2024, 18:50) Like (15) Dislike (18) Reply
    Keep fighting premier
  • which means (09/01/2024, 18:53) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
    The Premier don't intend to adhere to all what he agreed for and signed to
  • Lesbian lover (09/01/2024, 18:55) Like (27) Dislike (22) Reply
    Go right ahead and take all the power that you need from them Mr. Governor.
    • FEO GOMEZ (10/01/2024, 08:33) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      How come most of you all look like AC Green or straight up FEO?
  • NB (09/01/2024, 18:56) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Dear VINO, tomorrow the action starts. We expect play by play reporting on that just as you report everytime the Governor goes to the bathroom.
  • Unfortunately (09/01/2024, 18:56) Like (30) Dislike (11) Reply
    The Premier cannot tell us who to love.
    • say so (09/01/2024, 19:28) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
      Read your Bible!
      • Jones (10/01/2024, 06:35) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yeah you need to start stoning people who work on the sabbath
      • NB (10/01/2024, 07:58) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        @ say so. Ayo so holy meh son. Up in church with Bible looking nice and ayo heart for fellow humans rotten. Hating on each other, wishing them bad, degrading them. Get from here with the pretense.
    • Yeeeah (09/01/2024, 20:01) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
      Acting like a girl if ya ask me
    • jack@$$ (10/01/2024, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      The one can tell you who to love but laws dictate who you can marry. Love whoever you want and don't try to change the narrative deceiver.
  • Migoman (09/01/2024, 19:27) Like (33) Dislike (4) Reply
    Same old move out of wheatleys playbook. Something isnt going his way with the governor, tell us the public something to scare us into supporting his side. Lame old move Premier. Try again
  • Lb (09/01/2024, 19:27) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    All the slave master will sai is; We sympathise with any inconvenience caused to your freedom
  • vicky (09/01/2024, 19:30) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yes Mr. Governor. Pass legislation that would make same-sex marriage legal. And, while you’re at it, repeal the law that did away with the DEATH PENALTY . Make absolutely certain that it is on our books again.
    That way, when those murderers responsible for all these unsolved murders are caught, we just execute them by lethal injection once convicted. By now, it won’t be any damn hanging. We’ll be well past that. Let families watch that injection take effect.
  • hmm (09/01/2024, 19:47) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply
    Oh please. Can the Premier just do his job and stop the whining and complaining? We would never be in this position if Lorna hadn’t jumped ship and put this boy into power. Where is his plan to complete the COI recommendations? Nada, zip, nothing just more and more complaining. The opposition was a little more rational than him offering a few solutions rather than his moaning and crying.
  • nope (09/01/2024, 19:53) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    he can introduce the legislation into the house but he cannot vote on it, only the ministers can, this is just more shit throwing to hide how poor a job his government has done
  • BACKED IN A CORNER (09/01/2024, 20:07) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Yes Mr. Governor (09/01/2024, 20:39) Like (18) Dislike (6) Reply
    • As a Black man.. (10/01/2024, 05:37) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      The Governor now learn that he cannot trust the word of blacks or a trust a black man. Why you think they are killing each other, because they cannot keep their word, they cannot be trusted.. I know the Gov is feeling bad rite now, he is painted as the Devil by the same people he bent over backwards to help. I am sure he cries at night saying to himself, I should have accepted Hickenbottom recommendations
    • @ Yes Mr. Governor. I agreed. (10/01/2024, 05:51) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      . If he had put this much energy and effort he is putting in on attacking and destroying the Governor into getting the work done. We World be in a better place. I support the Governor.
  • Artist (10/01/2024, 00:11) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Boss u know u have to pay the costs to be the boss people u forget who them is people forget about Aids , pornel is boss brother them grow up in the same home . Fish what a thing do u see how he dancing band MAN.
  • Emanem Re-Anna (10/01/2024, 00:40) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Won't the 400 who voted for this man please stand up, please stand up. It's over now, go on and take a bow. Somebody looks so dumb right now. Trying to apologise, look so ugly when he cries PLEASE just cut it out! Please don't say you're sorry cause you're not. Cause you know you're only sorry you got caught. But you put on quite a show. Very entertaining. Now it's time to go. He really had them going. But it's over now. Go on and take a bow. The press conference with the Premier...I feel so sad and almost cried to see what the bvi have to offer as a Premier and look at his team. I almost cried. I have never seen such a sad display of a bunch of incompetent people in all the political history of the bvi. It only took 400 X's to put the whole country in a frig. Look at democracy. I want to cry so bad.
  • justin (10/01/2024, 01:03) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    can we really stop the uk from overtaking this territory
  • I say so (10/01/2024, 03:48) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    In fact everything the premier say is true. The governor can and he will do it.
    In fact the governor is in a same sex union. FASTS!
    And who wants the police to pass more than him. He believes in corruption that's why the police commissioner is still in office.
  • Really (10/01/2024, 04:41) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    You all are so stupid. I been saying this for years and now it will be forced on you. Well it's been forced on you but you stay sleep. Wait till the digital beast system Starts in England this month. They have alot of New laws which stop you from having freedom of speech and free will completely
  • Fido (10/01/2024, 04:55) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do I hear a whistle
  • hmm (10/01/2024, 06:27) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    The premier is being ridiculous. The governor has no intention of doing anything but ensure good governance. The premier again is playing to emotion and shows he is not fit to lead
  • Do as (10/01/2024, 06:29) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    With all the wickedness that takes place in secret on this island, same sex marriages are a drop in the ocean.
  • LAME EXCUSES (10/01/2024, 06:59) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
  • @Tvip (10/01/2024, 07:42) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    More fearmongering by our clueless leader. He is seriously missing the point of his ineptitude. The UK will introduce same sex legislation when they are good and ready. Neither the Premier nor the Governor can stop them.
  • Real Talk (10/01/2024, 08:38) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    We thought they were mad when they heard the governor was gonna pass the new police act and make law breaking harder, we thought they were upset when they realized the governor wanted to make immigration a fair and transparent process.

    But what really gets them upset is the idea of 2 men getting married.
  • Mr. Hodge (10/01/2024, 09:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What gives a person/people a right to cross the water or land and take over another's rights, privileges, customs and culture?? ENOUGH!!! It was done by the UK, The US, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, France...notice a pattern? Now Russia, Venezuela and others are using the same play book. Bullies, all of them. The only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to them. Stop going into another man's country and telling them what to do! Virgin Islands, you brought this on yourself. You failed to look after your people and you failed to take care of your country.
    • ALSO (10/01/2024, 12:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Turkey, Japan, Nigeria, Germany, Algeria, Rawanda and many others were bullies also , there’s no pattern, blacks, white and yellow all yearn for power.
      • Mr. Hodge (11/01/2024, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ALSO, I didn't mention color...Evil, comes in all forms.I am referring to any system that tries to dominate another. It just so happens in our particular case that this is a Afro-Caribbean country and the UK is the oppressor
  • Long ago (10/01/2024, 10:15) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Back in the 20th century, if you landed in the BVIs with dreadlocks you were sent back until the UK intervened and stated this was discriminatory. Same sex marriages are accepted in the UK and many other places. In that light, taking an anti-gay marriage is also discriminatory. IMHO, there will always be gay people. It’s not a contagious disease. Many have lots of disposable income. Taking an antigay marriage stance simply means they’ll go spend their money somewhere else.
    • hmm (10/01/2024, 11:29) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      The usual quote is this is a Christian society. Is it also Christian to fornicate, give bun, tief, cheat and steal?
    • jack@$$ (10/01/2024, 12:30) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yes but the 'Rasta law' went away with the Bill of Rights. And now you have all kinds of dreads that outnumber the rastas. And socially the BVI was hurt by not being a conscious society or identifying with the struggle against colonialism and the pan african diaspora, and we are still reeling from that poor decision to ban a hair style that represented a black consciousness. However, how does homosexuality spread if it's not contagious? By being accepted and by being seen as accepted by children. Isn't this their agenda anyway, put it in front everyone's eyes until it is so common that children who would otherwise be heterosexual are compromised by overexposure to try the homosexual lifestyle out since it's accepted? We're not saying Gay ppl aren't welcomed here, we're saying we want a society where womanhood is accepted and male-female relationships are protected. That being said this issue creates lots of attn partly IMO b/c there are so many down low gays in society, who are fighting themselves to stay hidden but also hoping that this becomes accepted so they can live free. But if half the population engages in homosexual marriages who will create children and then who will raise the children to ensure that there are more children so that society can continue? Gay couples can't make babies so the Gay Agenda is to convert hetrosexuals to their #'s. So it is not an innocent thing like you suggest, it is a systematic plot to erode our social values and destroy future generations of mankind.
      • @Jack A$$ (13/01/2024, 08:45) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Oh hush yo mout. Gay people are no threat to you, nor to a society where "womanhood is accepted and male-female relationships are protected".
        How the F does allowing gay people to come here for a civil marriage ceremony out on some beach you never go to, threaten your little weak-ass, insecure cultural security? You think BVI women are so weak? You afraid YOU will be turned gay by being on the same island as some gay people?
        One area you are correct - this whole righteous hatred towards gay people is a symptom of your colonized mind. Because someone FORCED christianity down your ancestors' throat in order to control them, you now spout fundamentalist Christian bull crap without even realising it's the ultimate slavery tool.
        And you all cluck around so proud that you KNOW "God" and are so certain of His Word (slave masters told you this, right?) that you feel you can go around spreading HATE and calling for gay people to be burned and killed and tortured.
        Think about how messed up this is. Let them be. Let them love. Love is better than hate, for all of us.
        You will never escape the fact that gay people do and have existed everywhere, all through time. So which is more natural? Gayness? Or the wyt man's book of mental control handed down from day's past?
      • Sounds like (24/01/2024, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        he on the down low
  • Occam’s Razor (10/01/2024, 11:01) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    The BVI belongs to the UK but is not part of the UK and don’t have the same rights as Britons. The UK has the might is right power to do what, when , where , etc, it wants..
  • Ask him (10/01/2024, 12:47) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    I would like a reporter to ask the Governor to define what a woman is, he doesn’t say an adult human female he needs to be impeached. The UK government is a disgrace with it wokery and corruption.
  • Stones them. (13/01/2024, 05:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just Stone same sex nastiness away.
  • Hmm (13/01/2024, 05:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You and the Governor better head out! With you'll nasty shit!! Set of semen sucker!!!
  • Disinterested (13/01/2024, 07:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Premier a referendum on same sex marriage so where is it ? Talk is cheap, money buy land , pressure burst pipe. Was the the promise an overpromise and underdeliver?
  • What?? (24/01/2024, 08:50) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    The is governor going to force BVIslanders to be homosexuals?
    Oh wait. No.
    If he does force a law through and it is about gay marriage, it won't affect anyone in the BVI in any way all.
    Except the poor gay people who have to live down low because they are afraid for their life in this crazy fundamentalist christian society that is closer to Taliban and Isis than anything.
    Low education, clinging to scriptures - originally imposed by slave masters - like they are the only truth, leads to intolerance and cruelty towards fellow humans. And still you think you are righteous and Godly.

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