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Governor assents to Immigration & Passport Amendment Act 2024

-will see residence status for children born in the VI
Governor Daniel Pruce has assented the Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act 2024 on November 1. Photo: Facebook
The Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act 2024 provides pathways to Residence Status for children, including those born in the Virgin Islands to non-Belonger parents. Photo: Facebook
The Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act 2024 provides pathways to Residence Status for children, including those born in the Virgin Islands to non-Belonger parents. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Governor Daniel Pruce has assented to the Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act 2024.

According to a press release, the act, assented to on November 1, 2024, provides pathways to Residence Status for children, including those born in the Virgin Islands to non-Belonger parents.

Act addresses several issues

The Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act 2024 also addresses issues including the length of time required to qualify for Residence and Belonger Status, the establishment of clear guidelines for awarding status, and the creation of a defined process for determining immigration quotas.

It also outlines the responsibilities of various government entities to gather and analyse data on population trends, labour market conditions, and housing availability, all aimed at supporting the sustainable development of the Territory.

The release added that responsible for recommending annual immigration quotas to Cabinet based on the Territory's capacity and the needs of the population will be the Board of Immigration.

“These measures are part of the government's ongoing efforts to ensure that the immigration process is managed efficiently and in a manner that benefits all residents,” it stated.

A significant step forward- Premier Wheatley

Meanwhile, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said the amended Act marks a significant step forward in ensuring greater transparency and accountability in the immigration process.

“The Act addresses key recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry and sets clear guidelines for granting residence and Belonger status. These amendments will allow us to better manage the growth and development of our Territory while safeguarding the interests of our people,” Premier Wheatley said.

17 Responses to “Governor assents to Immigration & Passport Amendment Act 2024”

  • Xxx (14/11/2024, 14:48) Like (11) Dislike (48) Reply
    another plot to give aways the BVI
    • HMMM (14/11/2024, 16:13) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
      When ya'll go an make children in US is the US been giveaway.. go sit down and read a book.
    • The more u kno (18/11/2024, 13:55) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      The act speacks to granting children born in the bvi to expatriate parents who have not received status through the department residency it does not give them automatic belongership as they still have to apply for such as an adult
  • hummm (14/11/2024, 15:08) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let's see if Immigration Dept will process my residency application now... I am not holding my breath...
    • hmm (15/11/2024, 18:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Neither am I is is ridiculous
    • smh (18/11/2024, 13:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not because you apply means you will get a call right away there are thousands of applications you’re doesn’t jump to the front because the new act was passed
  • Chaz (14/11/2024, 15:40) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Bvi belongs to the natives,
  • legal (14/11/2024, 16:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is Belonger really ? After a person did his or her time and become a Citizen of the British Overseas Territories, what is the real meaning of Belonger. To buy land , Vote and pay little for Trade Licenses. ?
  • Violation (14/11/2024, 17:23) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Who elected this fellow?
  • HERE THEY COME (14/11/2024, 17:38) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    • NB (15/11/2024, 09:49) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      yes I guess you would know about anchor babies since majority of y'all run go US soil to anchor yours. stop accusing other people of doing what aye dah be doing
  • Be wise and smart (14/11/2024, 20:09) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    All I got to say becareful who you all grant statues. Find out their back ground in their country and other countries they travel and live for a period of time before residing here. Alot are deported from other countries with big huge criminal records. A lot paying money under the table to get good police records. Our government should hold off for awhile and do some research. Don't grant any more Residence and belonger for this year or next year. They come here to cover up . Check out their application and their back ground . A good bit of them not telling the truth. Thats my input . America ain't playing so why our country cannot do the same as America.
  • Casino (14/11/2024, 23:47) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    When will we get casinos to boost tourism ?
    See how St Maarten does it and all
    Other Caribbean islands
  • Bush Professor (15/11/2024, 14:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I’m not averse to naturalization or population growth. In fact for the economy to grow and flourish, requires population growth..Nevertheless, in small locales such as the VI naturalization needs to be measured and controlled.A rapid increase could have a significant social impact, on the society writh large, ie, making a difference in elections, etc. Was the intent of the CoI recommendations to flood the zone with people a particular nationality ? Why is this sudden interest in the VI when it was neglected and almost forgotten, bolting from it and casting it as an impoverished hell hole ,which was only useful as a bird sanctuary. Now, the same VI is a desired place to work, live and play. Some habits, preferences, etc, die hard, ie, look at how some immigrants deliberately segregate themselves, bringing the same better than attitude and behavior from their home countries. They do it because VI residents go along and put up with it. We must stop self-reinforcing discrimination and be confident and proud of who you/we are.

    Moreover, how does this proposed quota system going to work? Will it be an overall number? Or it will be by nationality? Some may argue that in the US, a huge country , immigrants can naturalize in as few as 3 years. Well, the US, UK, Canada, etc and other large developed countries cannot increase the population by naturalization without any immediate impactful results.
  • There We Go Again (15/11/2024, 14:45) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
  • shoo (16/11/2024, 12:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is the abundance of behaioural defective almost human that are imported and planted.
    Appallingly detrimental action to self and to country by the bureaucrats.
    Self hatred on all side.
  • vi (17/11/2024, 21:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just give the children what belongs to them some of them past voting age already they might be the ones to keep you in office

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