‘Gov. William B. McCleary didn’t meet expectations’ – Hon Julian Fraser, RA

Hon Fraser is one of the four members of the Opposition who sit in the House of Assembly to represent the people of the Territory. Because they are not being given the opportunity to effectively communicate issues of concerns with their constituents, they held a press conference yesterday September 9, 2014 at Maria’s By the Sea where Fraser made the statement.
“[We are speaking out] because we don’t want to be the ones blamed for sitting and doing nothing. We intend to bring matters before you the people on a regular basis,” he said.
At a recent meeting with the Rotary family on September 3, 2014 the newly appointed Governor His Excellency John S. Duncan OBE had alluded to Overseas Territories not getting what they initially intended to get when they agreed to become British branded.
He had also said that as Governor he has to ensure that the United Kingdom pays enough attention to their Overseas Territories (OT). This is something he said he intends to lead the call to his fellow Governors in other OTs as there is no representation from the OTs in the UK Parliament and that British news entity BBC is guilty of not broadcasting to the islands.
He said that there are certain things that socially and culturally the United Kingdom should be doing to make sure that the Overseas Territories which have decided to be British have enough access to British culture and society as they would like to have.
“I think that is an important area that the Government can play a role,” HE Duncan had said, but Hon Fraser had a different view on this matter.
“We’ve got examples of their performance and behaviours within the Overseas Territories and when they act they act swiftly and I am concerned,” said Hon. Fraser. He said that is why the Opposition of which he is a part is active.
He also urged the Governor to be focused on doing the job he was appointed to do and he said the lines of communication are open as it relates to British Government and the British Overseas Territory.
“What the Governor needs to do are the things that are expected of him while he is here or any Governor, which is to ensure good governance and transparency is the business of the day, he has a document to follow which is the protocol and if he follows that, if he holds the government’s feet to the fire when it comes to administering their policies under the protocol, you’ll see a very different Virgin islands,” said Hon Fraser.

11 Responses to “‘Gov. William B. McCleary didn’t meet expectations’ – Hon Julian Fraser, RA”
What a c...ard move this! Why you could say this when he was here ???