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Gov Rankin orders review into complaints against CoP Mark Collins

- says he has asked a senior police officer from another OT to carry out an independent review of the complaints
A review has been ordered into a myriad of complaints against the territory’s Commissioner of Police Mr Mark Collins. Photo: VINO/File
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has said he has asked a senior police officer from another Overseas Territory in the Region to carry out an independent review of the complaints against Commissioner of Police Mark Collins. Photo: Facebookthat have been made
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has said he has asked a senior police officer from another Overseas Territory in the Region to carry out an independent review of the complaints against Commissioner of Police Mark Collins. Photo: Facebookthat have been made
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- His Excellency the Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has announced that a review has been ordered into a myriad of complaints against the territory’s Commissioner of Police Mr Mark Collins.

Some of the complaints against Mr Collins stem from leaked emails in which he requested senior ranks of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) to destroy certain evidence relevant to a matter involving a now-retired officer.

The line of complaints was officially handed to Governor Rankin in the form of a petition in late 2023. The petition included 55 allegations against Mr Collins.

Earlier today January 5, 2024, during his interaction with members of the media after presenting his Fifth Quarterly Report on the Implementation of the Commission of Inquiry, the governor was faced with the question as to why no investigation has been launched into the allegations against Mr Collins.

Independent Review ordered

“I have, in fact, in line with UK and international best practice, asked a senior police officer from another Overseas Territory in the Region to carry out an independent review of the complaints that have been made...and once that review is completed and the findings and recommendations have been made, then I will make the information available to the public, but I need to wait for the outcome of that but of course, I take all complaints seriously and so I have taken action in that matter as I have with other matters.”

No details as to which Overseas Territory the investigating officer hails from or their qualifications were given; however, Mr Rankin insisted that he has no bias.

'I am not biased'- Gov Rankin

“I have illustrated there is no bias on my part in this area and have ordered a review of the complaints … I reject the accusation of any bias.”

The Governor added that he is not aware of anything that suggests that the majority of the officers in the RVIPF are against the commissioner, as posited by one reporter.

“I have seen the petition which has been signed by a number of officers. Some of the complaints in that petition are of different nature from others but they will be looked into, and I do not believe there are grounds for not having confidence in the Commissioner of Police but await the outcome of the review and I shall receive it without fear or favour.”

Minister for Communications and Works, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), Opposition Member Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), and Talking Points radio show co-host Damion C. Grange are some of the persons who had publicly said the allegations against the Commissioner of Police should be looked into.

32 Responses to “Gov Rankin orders review into complaints against CoP Mark Collins”

  • bbc (05/01/2024, 18:03) Like (21) Dislike (9) Reply
    yea right. not on thing will happen. dont hold your breath. we wont even know when the commissioner vanishes from here. criminal conduct
    • ah fed up (05/01/2024, 19:27) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
      Ah fed up of the Governor and UK Officials have us in the islands for a set of a$#e$. He needs to be sent home ASAP.
      • @ah fed up (05/01/2024, 22:48) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        You fed up of the people y’all elected too? Big concert and next thing you know they are making it known money needs to be borrowed in order to fix the roads. You think you fed up? I FED UP ER
  • Head Coach (05/01/2024, 18:16) Like (21) Dislike (7) Reply
    A load of bull hockey why is the police commissioner still on his job and not send on leave?
    • @Head Coach (05/01/2024, 19:23) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
      This is the question everyone with sense is asking especially public officers...why is he still on the job? Why is he not arrested or interdicted first? Every black local or Caribbean person accused of questionable actions in the public service was either arrested or interdicted first and have to defend themselves in court, so why is this white UK Commissioner of Police behind treated differently? This is so dam WRONG!!!
    • vg youth (05/01/2024, 19:31) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
      So Wade got arrested for giving permission for boats to sail during covid. Najan was arrested for violating public service procedures. But this UK Commissioner of police who have 55 allegations of corruption levied against him, allegedly destroyed evidence, dividing the police force, among many other criminal actions but he is only going through a sham of a review and allowed to remain on the job. The people of the BVI needs to rise up on this one. It shows bias.
      • Eldread (05/01/2024, 20:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You see the BVI need to break the yoke of subservience by revolutionary action, all of the previous leaders of the BVI was lover of the queen an colonial system, they were institutionalized to respect British power and be responsible handler of power, if you want independence you gotta fight, eradicate all the building that housed colonial offices, a chase that governor and all colonial overseers out, so these structures just as the British did in Africa, they burn those buildings to the ground a behead our ancestors as trophy, now I am not creating no cover for those thieving politicians, because if the islands weren't overseas territories, there would not be checks and balances, in an independent country the premiere is the total power, even interfering with the judiciary , so the auditor general would become a lap dog and police commissioner would be use to bring the people under submission of the dictator, so we want independence but will we have economic independence? Under the democratic capitalist system now practice as we inherited from the British, the local black politicians will be selling all the lands to white people and themselves, we mourn in the independent countries at the police state of government we have to live with. But in the end I would encourage a people to eradicate all traces of colonial slavery architecture in place now, a lot a these structures date back to slavery where orders were given from to either whip are kill your fore parents, if the British wands a new partnership, it will be from new building architecture and not these masonic lodge structures.
  • nuff said (05/01/2024, 18:42) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    "and I do not believe there are grounds for not having confidence in the Commissioner of Police but await the outcome of the review". GOV John Rankin
    They already reach their own conclusion even before this review gets underway. Then again watch the language - review versus investigation.
    • wake up bvi (05/01/2024, 19:33) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
      It is time to march on this man and the Governor. Their disregard for good governance across the board is alarming. The Governor has shown he has no respect for the BVI people. The COP should be but on leave 911.
  • de silent one (05/01/2024, 18:45) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Wonder who will be assign to conduct such investigation, most likely some UK officers again, so we can expect nothing from it. Am sure that we have capable people within our caribbean region that can conduct a fair and transparent investigation, food for thoughts
    • @de silent one (05/01/2024, 19:25) Like (38) Dislike (3) Reply
      He needed to be arrested and face his day in court like everyone else. These kind of high handed moves is what causes revolutions to start. He needs to be put on leave immediately. What is good for the goose must be good for the gander.
  • resident (05/01/2024, 18:46) Like (98) Dislike (17) Reply
    Let CoP alone! He is trying to do his job and it is not easy to go against the system!
  • jack@$$ (05/01/2024, 18:50) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why wasn't he sent on leave since this matter is being investigated. It's funny the language he chose to use is 'under review' This seems biased to me, being that other public servants were sent on leave.
    • simple (05/01/2024, 19:54) Like (0) Dislike (49) Reply
      Once you're white you're right. Once you're UK then you're always okay.
  • SHOW FOR CLOWNS (05/01/2024, 19:01) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Unless he is sent on leave ASAP for a fair investigation this is just another clown show.
    • Hmmmm (05/01/2024, 19:36) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
      So the white UK Governor only doing a review using white UK people on a white UK Commissioner of Police who allegedly committed many offenses. While at the same time the black people are arrested and have to prove their innocence in court. Something is drastically wrong with this action. I have loss all respect for the Governor and UK
  • we know why (05/01/2024, 19:06) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Because he is under the Governor's Portfolio and 'Whyte' is right

    Who he trying too fool bout he is not baised.
  • Mustang (05/01/2024, 19:34) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    The outcome of this so called investigation is a foregone conclusion even before it gets started just as Sir Gary Hickinbottom’s CoI findings and recommendations were predetermined even before the commissioner even touch down in the VI. They are all part of the cabal. Any bets the assigned investigator will be another fellow Briton?? You know something is up when one states up front in a matter that one is not bias. Nuff said. Rankin is worst than former Commissioner John Agustus Cockburn Cruikshank and needs to just head back to the UK and head into retirement with head hang low, taking CoP Mark Collins with him.
  • question (05/01/2024, 19:40) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    When will the BVI see what these people are really up to with us? When last did any white person get investigated in the BVi under these colonial people? When last did any white person get arrested in the BVI? When last any white person was sent to HM Prison in BVI? When last a black person was allowed to be reviewed rather than be arrested for alleged wrong doing or alleged corruption? The answer to all these is NEVER! We are witnessing modern day colonial rule and slavery actions. This has no place in BVI.
  • you watch (05/01/2024, 20:12) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    He white he is not going anywhere soon
  • Gus (05/01/2024, 20:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The entire police force need to be investigated not only Collis what about the dcps specially the female. She is the one who advises Collins to make all these bogus decisions.
  • Guest (05/01/2024, 20:51) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mark Collins should be fully investigated for the criminal offence of attempting to pervert the course of justice, plain and simple. Anything else is just a smokescreen.
  • x man (05/01/2024, 21:06) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Gilbert charies , Rhon , London , copper and Calvin gorge they going down
  • hypocrite (05/01/2024, 22:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Zero transparency. Poor governance. Bias Bias Bias! Let me guess, it's the Officer you all just sent to Montserrat is who going to investigate. Who is suppose to be doing the investigating? Make it loud and clear. Why not follow the protocol you have set and arrest and charge the COP first then investigate later. This time, you have lots of evidence and witnesses, even from the DPP herself. You had nothing but rumors on the colored folk. No to this system of segregation, favoritism and nepotism. And what is the outcome of the autopsy report on the deceased officer. Something is very fishy in the place.
  • Barry (06/01/2024, 06:38) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The governor’s answer raises many questions .
    For instance, where is the transparency in all of this? Suppose he wasn’t asked about this incident during his press conference? When exactly was he going to tell the BVI public that he ‘asked a senior officer’ from another OT for an independent review?

    This sounds more like a personal favor than UK and international best practices as suggested by the governor. Something is not quite right with this picture. I believe that this will turn out to be the same kind of situation like the incident with the UK officer that died some months ago. The public will be left in the dark AND the governor would have left the territory.
  • WOW (06/01/2024, 08:25) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    For this investigation to be fear and transparent the investigator should not be any person or citizen from an British Oversea Territory. Black or White. Otherwise it's a fore gone conclusion.
    Also, why the COP in not presently on leave and his two Deputies. It might sound a bit difficult but one name was called in the email and the other was the one pushing for the matter to be withdrawn from the Court so the officer could get the extension. People think about it.
    The investigating officer must who is no longer in the Force must speak the truth and nothing but the truth. Also the Inspector that laid the complaint in the magistrate court. He profess to be a Christian so he must speak the truth and nothing but the truth.
    This blogg is particularly about the leaked email. But the Police officers must speak the truth. There is sufficient evidence for the COP to or one of his Deputies to face Diciplinary or criminal charges or Dismiss.
    People, the law, both criminal and civil is not for one set. This is not hear say. This is from the Horses mouth.

    People again, the word for the wise.
    A word to the wise.
  • keep it local (06/01/2024, 08:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    X c.o.p Brown or Frazer will be accepted to conduct this investigation or no go! A Bermuda x c.o.p is who I heard doing the investigation….wait didn’t Ranking Governed Bermuda before he came to the BvI? Tha got to be his road dawg lol these people slick Sah
  • To the people of the BVI & the members of the HOA (06/01/2024, 19:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is it going to take for you to take a serious stand against the Governor's clearly biased decisions. An 'investigation', not a 'review' should be conducted by a completely impartial officer. You have officers from other islands that are capable, qualified, many with law degrees that can conduct such an investigation but the governor chooses someone who he very likely can influence and since it is clear that he has already determined that there is no merit to the allegations, nothing will come of it.
    So you officers who are expecting to have your concerns addressed, don't hold your breath.
  • Citizen (07/01/2024, 09:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    At the very least the virgin islands civil service association should be issuing timely Statements highly critical of the governor daily as long as mark Collins remains on his job!!!!
  • Why, why? (07/01/2024, 18:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bias and double standard are frightening. Why is Collins still on the job? Why isn't he suspended like Wade Smith and so many more were? This is wrong very very wrong.

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