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Gov Jaspert: ‘There’s probably more rumours than people’ in VI

- said lots of people visit his office to seek recourse
Governor Augustus J.U Jaspert has said he picks up a lot of gossip, joking that for a small population there is probably more rumours than people. Photo: VINO/File
Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert, left, speaking to members of the media at a press conference at his residence on November 1, 2019, said the Auditor General has been working hard on the report into the scandalous BVI Airways deal. Photo: Provided
Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert, left, speaking to members of the media at a press conference at his residence on November 1, 2019, said the Auditor General has been working hard on the report into the scandalous BVI Airways deal. Photo: Provided
Governor Augustus J.U Jaspert has said his office deals with a ‘lot of issues’ relating to prison matters, including appeals from prisoners. Photo: VINO/File
Governor Augustus J.U Jaspert has said his office deals with a ‘lot of issues’ relating to prison matters, including appeals from prisoners. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- His Excellency Governor Augustus J.U Jaspert is of the view that more gossip exists in the Virgin Islands than the people who call the Territory home.

Governor Jaspert was at the time explaining to members of the media on Friday, November 1, 2019, some of the reasons why residents seek his office for recourse.

“We get a lot of issues relating to prison matters, appeals from prisoners in various ways and those things come to me to consider and depending on what the issue is I draw advice from the parole board or various committees of support,” he said.

“I pick up a lot of gossip. In the BVI, for a small population, I think there is probably more rumours than people,” he said with a hearty chuckle.

His Excellency said many of the other complaints relate to the type of service that residents receive, “in terms of permits and licenses and various things.”

Jaspert wants integrity commission

Meanwhile, Governor Jaspert said it is essential that institutions such as the Integrity Commission are implemented, as well as a ministerial code.

He explained that the Deputy Governor’s Office mapped out the other UK Overseas Territories (OT’s) and the Virgin Islands lack in the areas as mentioned earlier.

“This is why we are keen to bring forward the proposals that will bring us up to the same level, to have a ministerial code, to have an Integrity Commission so that it’s not the Governor who has the pressure, that there is an independent body who can go an investigate and properly draw up the conclusions around it.”

He noted, “But for me, the important thing is the institutions working correctly, and the ministries are able to respond quickly.”

20 Responses to “Gov Jaspert: ‘There’s probably more rumours than people’ in VI”

  • HAHAHAH (04/11/2019, 07:59) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    Get my Early morning laugh...Governor keeping it real and honest.... That's real talk...
    • Yup (04/11/2019, 10:24) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
      He kept it real and many people are NOT going to like it. We all know how much people on this island like to talk especially when a crime is committed, most of them like to run their mouths with pure foolishness except for saying who committed the crime
  • hmm (04/11/2019, 08:26) Like (19) Dislike (8) Reply

    This Governor is sh@dy lmao, I love it

  • facts (04/11/2019, 08:37) Like (15) Dislike (28) Reply

    This guy spends all day blogging bad on the present government while ignoring the past illegal acts of the past government.

    • Dr cool (04/11/2019, 11:15) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      The man for real he hearing and seeing everything how u can say he talking bad about the government his part of we one sided people in the vi cannot take the truth take it out in ur pipe and smoke it
  • Well (04/11/2019, 08:38) Like (6) Dislike (19) Reply
    The king of rumour talking.
  • bi sexual (04/11/2019, 09:56) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    He spreading half of the Romors
  • Pure Gossip (04/11/2019, 09:57) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ain't that the truth!!
  • Windy (04/11/2019, 12:28) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Sitting under a tree with all your buddies that have no desire to work what else are you going to do. Gossip ! (and smoke)
  • ... (04/11/2019, 13:09) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    he does be encouraging some of the gossips
  • Disinterested (04/11/2019, 14:43) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
    The Guv got jokes. He believes that there are more rumors than people that call the VI home. If this is his view, is he taking the concerns seriously? With this view and attitude, why would anyone have confidence in conversing with the Guv. Whether residents concerns have substances or not, they should be taken seriously and given a proper response. They should not be the butt of jokes. If residents need to steered back to government do so. Nonetheless, there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

    The issue could be that residents are not liking the decisions they are getting from governmental institutions that are consistent with policy and are seeking redress from the Guv. Or the rendered decisions are not consistent with policy(s) and residents are seeking redress from the Guv. Governing in the VI is a two lane process. The Crown has responsibility for external affairs, defense, civil service, internal security, RVIPF, shared responsibility for HMP with local government, and the courts; local government is responsibility for the rest. Incidently, local taxpayers pay for the some of Crown responsibilities. The system is flawed with the Crown/Guv having too much power. Constitutional reform needed.
  • SameUK (04/11/2019, 15:00) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    People are people, its no different to where he came from, VI Just small so travel fast!!!
  • Kio (04/11/2019, 15:01) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    The gossipers in the BVI have overshadowed the residents. Hope that this reporter quote the governor's words carefully because there is a particular reporter in one of the news online who always reporting rub***h. I trust vino but .........b new.. is .......
  • Doberman (04/11/2019, 15:16) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Well let us do a little survey. All the Administrators sent to the Virgin Islands were white Caucasian men. All of the Governors sent to the Virgin Islands were/are white Caucasian men. We never got a Black UK Governor for the Virgin Islands. We never got a woman Governor for the Virgin Islands. Compared to other Overseas Territories we must be special. The Guv you need to check with the Foreign and Commonwealth office more regular and report to the people of the Virgin Islands the issues and concerns of the FCO. What about Brexit and our future relationship with the European Union? What about the UK elections December 12th 2019 which we Virgin Islands will not be able to vote?
    • Jane (04/11/2019, 15:32) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      Agree with you: the next governor ought to be a woman at the very least, and really a woman of colour. UK population is 12% non-white so that means there is about 7.5 million people of colour to choose from. It's a disgrace that a non-white person hasnt already filled this post. For those that say that colonialism is alive and well this type of thing does nothing to dispel that perception.

      But Doberman, if you think BVIslanders ought to get a vote in the UK elections, you must surely also agree that British people resident here in BVI get a vote in BVI elections too? Fair's fair, right?
    • For any who seem to be confused as to the ROLE of the Governor... (04/11/2019, 23:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      See here:
      "The Governor is the representative of Her Majesty The Queen in a British Overseas Territory. The Governor acts as the de facto head of state and is usually responsible for appointing the head of government, and senior political positions in the territory. The Governor is also responsible for liaising with the UK Government, and carrying out any ceremonial duties."
      You know when he hands out instruments of appointment to elected leaders? That's him carrying out his role.
      Note also that he is a REPRESENTATIVE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN and serves at Her Majesty's pleasure. This is note a role bestowed on him by the local electorate; it is emblematic of the FACT that the Virgin Islands has Her Majesty as Head of State. Her representative reflects Her Majesty. There is no need for her representative to reflect the electorate. We honestly don't get a say on the ethnicity of HER representative unless.. wait for it... we decide we no longer want her as Head of State (Independence). So to demand otherwise is willful folly and ignorance of the colonial situation that exists as an Overseas Territory rather than an independent country. Children cannot demand from their parents; what they can do is grow up, move out of the home and fund their way in life.

      For those commenting that there is such a huge choice in terms of Black UK representation, bear in mind that a Governor, take a quick glance at former Governors' biographies and realise that the post of Governor is awarded to the HIGHEST ranks in the UK Civil Service. Meaning, you have to first be IN the Civil Service (2018 data figures show that Blacks were 3.3% of Administrative Officers and Assistants, 4.0% of Executive Officers, 2.8% of Senior and Higher Executive Officers, 1.9% of those at Grades 6 and 7 and 1.2% of those in the Senior Civil service), then you have to advance through the ranks and have the RIGHT combination of experience and positions to leverage a Governor of an Overseas Territory job. See data here:

      I would sincerely HOPE that those advocating a Governor of this territory would look towards their competence, experience and ability to FULFILL THEIR ROLE rather than thinking that what really matters is that they look like us. Look honestly at the percentages based on the data and out of those 50 (representing 1.2% of the Senior Civil Service) tell me WHICH of the 50 have the experience and competence to represent Her Majesty. If you don't know the 50 and their qualifications, but are only concerned about skin colour, that too speaks volume.
  • huh (05/11/2019, 00:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is half of y’all talking about?! What he’s saying it’s true. There are more rumors than people. How much time you hear of some rumor everyday whether you hear that somebody died in an accident while them in peebles getting treated for minor injuries or you hear some rumor of somebody sleeping with y’all husband. Stop trying to negate from the truth. What rumors have the governor been spreading that y’all so claim he spreads rumors?!

    For those speaking on black UK governors/women. That should be the least of your worries. You don’t even vote in women as your premier where you can actually vote them in yet you want a woman to come in as governor in a democratic country that you don’t even exercise your rights in for what you want & what truly makes sense? Y’all really are ridiculous around here lol
  • saying (05/11/2019, 16:30) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    As soon as the queen is dead the united kingdom is going to tell us they are selling this country to the highest bidder . Aryo better be ready for 1 independent or a takeover or sold out to the highest bidder
  • tretretrete (05/11/2019, 20:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So the good Governor has all the melee.

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