Gov Jaspert signs controversial Bill to create alternative Gov't

It was over the controversial Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Bill 2018 which the United Kingdom (UK) wanted in exchange for up to $400 million that the Territory can borrow from leading institutions and the British would guarantee the loans.
Outside of some small grants and technical assistance which included manpower, food and water immediately after Hurricanes Irma and Maria the British have offered nothing else.
We do not trust the NDP with money
The main purpose of the Bill was to keep the NDP politicians hands off the loan funds because of the UK mistrust of the Smith Administration and as a former Governor John S. Duncan OBE described them in public statements “their reckless spending and lack of priorities".
The Bill now an Act went through the committee of the whole House of Assembly (HoA) and was amended, however, the public to date is unclear what is in the Act as it has not been gazetted.
Elected members from both sides of the aisle sent mixed information, as to what is actually in the Act.
However, last Thursday, April 12, 2018, the UK appointed Governor Augustus J. U Jaspert aka ‘Gus’ signed the Bill assenting to it in Her Majesty’s name and on Her Majesty’s behalf.
Bill now a law of the land
In a government statement released last week, Mr Jaspert said, “The Premier has confirmed that the appointment of the most senior staff to the Agency and the procurement regulations Cabinet will approve, will be free from political influence in order to safeguard independence.”
In registering his office mistrust of the current government Governor Jaspert went on to note that the recovery agency “proves to the world that BVI is leading the recovery efforts with a clear set of accountability and good governance standards as a guide.”
His statement echoes the words of Sir Richard C. N. Branson letter on the Territory’s recovery when Governor Jaspert said that in setting up the Agency “we must now make sure that the practicalities... are achieved in a timely manner so that we can move swiftly towards a Stronger… smarter, greener, better BVI.”
Three was against & 2 stood the test of time
The Bill was passed on March 27, 2018, with a 10 for and 2 against vote with Hons Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) voting against. Fifth District Representative, Hon Delores Christopher, who was strongly against the bill, was absent on the day of the vote with an apology but confirmed she would have voted against the Bill.
Premier Smith said last week that members of the agency’s board will be appointed as soon as this week.

31 Responses to “Gov Jaspert signs controversial Bill to create alternative Gov't”
This board and all its tough measures was a necessary evil and I hope the lessons learn to the BVI people is that when you go to the polls vote wisely. We need a code of ethics in the house of assembly that has consequences when broken. Our house is passing unethical Laws to fix immoral behavior in our society at the expense of hard working mothers and children.
There are a number of reasons why we are in this position its not all about dollars and cents but ethics and morals.
Agree with your points; BUT who can the Governor turn to?
Where is the Opposition ? Two divided “ man Congos”
I have been preaching Lard Oil to Andrew but as usual here in “d bee wee ooiii” Not until we shout “ boii IF I HADDA KNO “
The UK doesn't trust ANY govt the BVI has had in the last 25+ years, you know that!
Don't be trying to pretend is only the NDP that makes money disappear like magic.
Also, don't be trying to pretend the UK is directly giving us money. The Recovery Act was about accepting certain terms from the UK (ie that all money lent to the BVI would be accounted for all the way to its final use) so the the BVI could go and get loans from anywhere else in the world, at a cheaper rate. (the UK's Triple A rating means because we are being backed by them, we get loans at lower interest rates).
If we didn't accept this bill, those who are in a position to help would not have help. We would have shown them the BVI prefers to be arrogant and corrupt than let any outsider come in and help fix our problems - both Irma problems and all the self-harm we've done for so many years.
Second: outsiders done a whole lot for this place, whether you like it or not. Two pillars? Tourism and Financial services - they weren't home grown. In fact, name an economic sector that is, aside from the civil service - a welfare scheme - and agriculture/fisheries - declined to death, almost.
Last: the UK may seem like the bad guy all the time but in reality it is a) in chaos thanks to Brexit and doesn't know what's up in London today or tomorrow, let alone making secret plans to oppress the people of these tiny islands; b) so ... in real life ... happiness for the UK gov is any day they don't have to study this minor possession they don't really want. You think they don't got bigger fish to fry than we?
So much talk here is about our terrible treatment by outsiders and so little is about our terrible treatment of ourselves by our own. Time to get real, get back on our feet and get our act together for the future.
You know nothing of the bvi no outsiders started the tourist industry as it is today Cyril b Romney was the one who put the bvi on the map tourism wise before then the bvi was just a whole in the wall destination facts .if people In tortola will start thinking outside the box and get innovative the bvi can prosper very well but most people are zombies
Love it!
Yes, Cyril, yes, Ralph, yes, Laverty etc etc etc. Whether BVIslanders were central to our growth is NOT the point being made. Of course they were.
But not one of them got things going without partners, loans, expert help etc.
Let's not be too stupid to admit the truth. That way lies disaster.
Create alternative Government. WOW!!! You guys really think there's anything stopping the UK from coming in here tomorrow and just taking over the show because our Government has shown that they are incapable of the simplest things? Instead of running the country everyone is trying to position themselves for power positions. The UK doesn't need an Act for an alternative Government, they can waltz in here and take over if they wanted to, be real.
The Protocols which were direct results from the VIP mis-Gov is biting at the bit and with the same players. A fact which cannot be ignored by the UK. Thank God they are not in power or we would have really been in a mess. They were not even allowed to borrow or access what amounted to pennies compared to NDP when they seized the rein. I will guarantee that if VIP wins the next election, UK will takeover immediately and they are putting things in place just for that possibility.