Gov Jaspert ‘in a difficult position’ to apologise – CoP Matthews
The Commissioner was at the time speaking as a guest on the Tuesday, October 27, 2020, edition of the ‘Honestly Speaking’ radio show when moderator Claude O. Skelton asked for his position on the topic.
Slavery remains a stain on the UK – CoP Matthews
“I've followed the media response on the points that you raised and the first point I will make, is look, as you've rightly said as a white British guy, I'm not even sure I can put myself in the shoes of a black nation whose ancestors suffered at the hands of white people,” CoP Matthews said.
“It's a stain on the history of the UK and certainly… British people of today aren’t proud of that, although…not every person from the UK has relatives that were slavers, same as not every black person as relatives who were slaves.”
The Commissioner said that while he understands the emotion that comes with reflecting about slavery, he said reparations is a question that only governments can determine at the end of the day.
The Governor On Monday, September 7, 2020, during an interview with 284 Media, said paying reparations to the VI for acts of slavery and the slave trade is not the position of the UK at the moment.
He also called for relics of slavery such as the channel named after slave owner Sir Francis Drake to be preserved in the Territory, causing community outrage and several persons publicly called for the Governor to apologise for the statements.
Governor apologising is Queen apologising – CoP Matthews
According to CoP Matthews, “I suppose my only point that I can make... you're asking the Queen for an apology because of course, Governor Jaspert is the Head of State, he is the Queen's representative, he's here doing her will, her bidding.”
He said it, therefore, becomes difficult to be looking to the Queen for an apology, “How do BVIslanders who are her Majesty’s subject, ask Her Majesty for an apology…. and for me, we have to take that with the personality out of it, you know it's not about the Governor,” CoP Matthews said.
“So, I think he [Governor Jaspert] is in a difficult position, I don't see he can personally apologise on behalf of the Queen and I think that's a difficult one,” the ToP CoP commented.
40 Responses to “Gov Jaspert ‘in a difficult position’ to apologise – CoP Matthews”
You more concerned about reparations instead the debt you owe to Christ.
Anyways, to the CoP, if the governor's apology would be the queens apology then that means that when the governor MISSPOKE then the queen also misspoke and certainly the appropriate thing to do would be to correct oneself, whether via an apology or otherwise. I think the governors statement concerning preserving names of places named after slave owners could not possibly have come from the queen as I have been led to believe that she is certainly more sensible and more careful and selective in her words than that. Please do not insult her royal highness. I think it must have been the governors personal statement and personal ignorance and therefore he must personally apologise.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II didn’t utter the explosive and disrespectful words on reparation to the 284 Media; Governor Jaspert did and he should be the one to apologize. Are we saying that because Governor Jaspert is representing the UK government/Crown and is the de facto head of state that he is not personally responsible and accountable for his own words? If so the UK may as well just send a robot to represent it.
In case we forget, we are living in the 21st Century, not in the Dark Ages. The notion that it is inappropriate for supposed subjects to expect an apology from the Monarchy for disrespecting and disparaging other human beings(Blacks) that have been dehumanized, brutalized and exploited for centuries by others (Whites) for their personal benefit is preposterous. Is it surprising to anyone that CoP Matthews sided with Governor Jaspert, as well as harbour the conviction that it was inappropriate to expect an apology from Her Majesty QEII? Is reparation just an unearned hand out?
Slavery was one of the UK’s greatest sin. It was barbaric and dehumanized, brutalized, marginalized, exploited…….etc people/slaves of African descent. The dehumanizing action seemed to have removed the guilt of ill-treating slaves. Slavery, slave traders, purchasers, processors, colonialism, imperialism........etc created great wealth for many Britons. Slave labour built the UK economy, fueled industrial capitalism, capitalized the industrial revolution……etc. Slavery also give birth to White hierarchy, supremacy and privilege.White privilege created preferential opportunities and advantages in health, education, jobs/employment, housing, social services, police protection, legalized segregation ……..etc for slave owners and their descendants. Slavery created and sustained many extractive institutions that served the elites well at the expense of slaves. These extractive institutions have not gone away.
Moreover, everyone but slaves and their descendants benefited greatly from slavery. Slaves were the prime factor of production but benefited the least, if at all, from slavery. They could not earn property, trade, deprive of proper education, health, housing, police protecting, nutrition, employment; deprive of opportunity to build wealth and pass on an inheritance..........etc. Additinally, in 1833 under the Abolition Act, the UK borrowed and appropriated £20M to compensate slave-owning families; the families of many current prominent Britons were compensated. The loan was paid off in 2015. However, to date, the slaves’ descendants have not received even a farthing. And they cannot even get a simple, half-hearted apology for an inartful comment from a sitting Governor. By the way, is there a difference between slavery and subjects or colonialism and neocolonialism?
He is here to represent the Queen and her government. He therefore CANNOT say anything about reparations other than state the UK policy.
He COULD have stated a personal view on renaming Francis Drake Channel etc that supports that renaming, but instead he chose to state a view that supports the status quo. I believe this is very much missing the mark and not in tune with the shifts prompted by the BLM and associated movements; HOWEVER it is neither for nor against UK Gov Policy because no real policy exists on renaming of historical landmarks.
The only thing that does exist is the UK Gov position on not paying reparations, over which Jaspert has no choice but to toe the line. Therefore, criticise the UK Gov policy by all means, but you cannot criticise the Governor for REPEATING that policy.
Furthermore, if a governor cannot effectively represent the UK’s position without hiding behind the Queen’s coat tail, perhaps, the crown would be better serve by just sending a robot to represent it.
Frankly, hiding behind the Queen coat tail is just an excuse. The action/behaviour is weak, lack courage or even worst.......The UK would have been better serve by kicking the can down the road. Now, it is clear that the UK don’t give a rat’s ass about slavery or the harm that inflicted on Blacks. In kicking the can down the road, what could the Governor have had said: Slavery was a horrific act against Blacks and in looking back the UK government and people are saddened by it. However, the UK is exploring ways to make slave descendants whole.
you people want the most from the Governor, while you sit and encourage the injustice committed upon others by your own authority so please... Go sidung
People in the BVI do not even understand Sovereignty,and in today's time,you would expect all these Virgin Islanders bt DESCENT,who were not born in the BVI,but their parents were born in the BVI,so they are likewise BVI-Citizens,to educate their less fortunate brothers and sisters on British Colonization,under the British Empire.
Go to Her Majesty the Queen,and call on Her Majesty to compensate or apologize for what you believe she should apologize for.
How can a Governor appointed by Her Majesty,apologize to Her Majesty's Citizens?You people are taking the joke too far now.
You are misleading the citizens into making themselves foolish for something they cannot change.
WHAT ABOUT REPARATION for all the abuse Island woman and expatriate woman faced under local men in the 60's-70's,and for all the times Immigration arrested Island people and Expatriates,and deport them unlawfully,with a hearing and other abuses.
We see the hate every day.But no call for reparation. HYPOCRITES!Leave the daaam Governor alone.Reparation my aaaasss.
ah yu tu fresh in tola. doh apologhi for nottin.
So, it's never gonna happen, huh?
Well, we didn't hear the Queen apologize to her black granddaughter-in-law, Meghan, so I guess it will never happen here!
The problem is, we've never been the equal to those people. Imagine in this modern society, we're still referred to as "subjects"!
No wonder Princess Meghan was given the "subjects" quarters, to renovate and "survive" in!
I think it's more glaringly clear that as long as that Queen remains in power, those references towards us as a group, will be a constant!
Could a younger King as William have a different understanding upon his ascent to the throne , remains to be seen!
What I do know is that Jasper's leaving as governor, begins the ushering in of modern viewpoints-perhaps, even female- as a gesture of inclusion, sensitivity and modernization!
Be angry about the historical racism, the exploitation, and promote (as you have in your last sentence) hope for a better future, but please don't confuse being black with being unequal. 99% of whites are not equal with the Queen. Again, this is a class issue, not a race issue.
Then you have the real bandits, up to no good, trying to distract the populace by inferring he said or meant something else. Ask yourself why? We all know why the electorate needs to be distracted from analysis of what’s happening and what is also being withheld. Where are the billions (much more than any justifiable reparations figure) that have gone in the last 40+ years? Third world facilities...