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Gov Bryan appealing to Trump for 25% tariffs on VI could backfire- Skelton-Cline

- as the USVI governor seems intent on countering VI's plans to increase yacht charter fees
United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr, right, has threatened to petition US President Donald J. Trump for the imposition of tariffs on the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: Internet Source
Outspoken social and political commentator Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline is again cautioning against United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr’s threat to petition US President Donald J. Trump for the imposition of tariffs on the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: Facebook
Outspoken social and political commentator Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline is again cautioning against United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr’s threat to petition US President Donald J. Trump for the imposition of tariffs on the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: Facebook
In response to the USVI's threat to seek President Donald J. Trump's intervention on the charter fees row, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said the Virgin Islands will not be bullied. Photo: GIS
In response to the USVI's threat to seek President Donald J. Trump's intervention on the charter fees row, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said the Virgin Islands will not be bullied. Photo: GIS
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI—Outspoken social and political commentator Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline is again cautioning against United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr’s threat to petition US President Donald J. Trump for the imposition of 25% tariffs on the Virgin Islands (VI).

He was at the time—on his Honestly Speaking broadcast on March 4, 2025—addressing the impending visit by Governor Bryan Jr, at the behest of Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), scheduled for Friday March 7, 2025, on Tortola.

Governor Bryan recently said: “We are moving forward with our own strategy, and if we need help from the White House, I’ll get it from there too,” Bryan said. “I don’t think it will come to that, but I have shared my position with the Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House. He told me, ‘If you need my help, just let me know.’”

Skelton-Cline, as such, questioned the wisdom and potential consequences of such a move, urging both the VI and USVI to approach economic disputes with cooperation rather than conflict.

The commentator opined that Governor Bryan’s suggestion that he might seek Trump’s intervention to impose his proposed 25% tariffs on goods entering the USVI from the VI could backfire.

"Governor Bryan said that he is going to appeal to Trump about imposing tariffs. Now, I still don’t understand. Whatever tariff Trump imposes on the Virgin Islands, do we? Am I missing something, that we do not import anything into the US Virgin Islands? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know where the governor is going with this."

It’s only fair that we make some money too?—Skelton-Cline

Defending the VI’s decision to adjust its charter-yachting industry fee structures—arguing that it was long overdue and necessary for economic sustainability—Skelton-Cline stressed that the VI had provided financial opportunities to USVI-based charter businesses for decades, and it was only reasonable now, that the territory seeks to secure a fair share of revenue.

"The charter companies who are the ones seem to be driving much of this… We've had some happy plans going down there. I don’t know whether they are for us or against us. Since 1992, we have not raised, addressed any fee issue, our fee structure, which is an issue on our side. But now we've raised them. I mean, you've been making money off of us all along. Don’t you think it’s only fair that we make some money too? I’m just asking."

His comments come amid growing tensions between the VI and USVI over increased maritime fees imposed by the Wheatley administration government, a move that has drawn criticism from some USVI stakeholders.

Unity, not division

Despite his scathing criticism, Skelton-Cline did seek to reiterate the deep historical and economic ties between the two territories and urged both sides to find common ground, telling the listening audience, "I also want to say to the good governor, remember we are family and friends. Remember that we are going to need each other in a way in this season, this very season, when it comes to exchange, when it comes to commerce. I know you have to look out for your constituency. And I understand that some of you are hurting."

Drawing parallels, Skelton-Cline also pointed out that the economic struggles of the USVI were not unique and that the COVID-19 pandemic had forced many consumers—including those in the VI—to seek alternative shopping options, reducing the revenue that once flowed into the USVI.

“The people all across the world, including us, have found other ways and more economic ways to shop."

12 Responses to “Gov Bryan appealing to Trump for 25% tariffs on VI could backfire- Skelton-Cline”

  • joe (05/03/2025, 07:53) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well sah
  • Bishop (05/03/2025, 09:26) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let him go ahead with his tarriffs. I guess he don't know its the people from the BVI support Kentucky Fry, Cost U Less, Kmart, Price Mart and other St. Thomas businesses. Bryan I know you well. Use your head.
    • HMMM (05/03/2025, 10:18) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not really. The majority don't travel like that anymore. The high cost of the ferries, taxis, taxes, custom duty, luggage costs, etc., has altered that tremendously for quite some time now, but yeah, it would kill the cow then. I understand that he ferries are now weighing the luggage at cost. So soon, nobody will want to even transit. Travel through PR and do your shopping there, spend a night or two and enjoy.
      • Ferries killing (05/03/2025, 10:58) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        The goose laying the golden egg with their short sighted thinking and greed. Dont let them fool you they are being subsisided by the BVI government so even when they are not many travelers they still make money. And they have never passed on that saving to you the tax payer. Just look at the ferry from Red Hook to St John Cruz Bay $6.00 for adult Kids under 11 $1.00 and ids under 2 FREE. BVI ferry from Red Hook to west end which is an additional 10 min from Cruz Bay ...$72 one way ---- there is something seriously wrong with this picture.
  • okay (05/03/2025, 09:38) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    So why is he coming here on Friday?
  • hmm (05/03/2025, 10:27) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    But there is nothing to be in unity for. It is our waters our airport. I mean he even doesn't want us to increase flights in our airport he wants to suck the life out of our economy and our people. The BVI must not grow these dam bad-minded people.
  • Norris Turnbull (05/03/2025, 10:46) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bryan turning yo a wicked disciple of Lucifer. Wow.. Hoa ahead jack donkey.
  • eastendgirl (05/03/2025, 12:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    can you impose tarrif on illegal imports?
  • BUSY BEE (05/03/2025, 12:43) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Oh Lord no! Don't mention it to the Donald! He'll start talking about making us the 52nd state!
    • @Busy Bee (05/03/2025, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Lol! Or he might decide to stop utilising the US$ so we better tred carefully. Orange face is so stupid and whatever comes to his mind his mouth spill and the Republicans just go along with this nincompoop. Oh well, stupid does what stupid sees.
  • Karnage (05/03/2025, 13:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Donald is a reflection of the people that voted for him. Trust me, they are no better.
  • A Voice of Reason (05/03/2025, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is much to do with nothing much. The 2 sides will meet and come to an agreement that's reasonable and fair. Everything else that's been promoted to the contrary is just theatrics. Let's move on to more important issues like world peace.

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