Gold star Kyron A. McMaster receives $30G cheque from Government

While at the Airport, three of the athletes hosted a press conference. The three Virgin Islands (VI) athletes taking part in the press conference included Commonwealth gold medal winner, Kyron A. McMaster, Chantel E. Malone and veteran track star Tahesia G. Harrigan-Scott.
The Press Conference at the airport also included then acting Premier, Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4), who is Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (AL), Minister for Education and Culture and Mr Ephraim E. Penn, President of the Commonwealth Games Association and the local Olympics Committee.
Help the athletes-Harrigan-Scott
Following the press conference on June 14, 2018, there was a motorcade from the airport to Road Town which climaxed at the Government’s Central Administration Complex with a photo shoot.
The following day, Friday, June 15, 2018, there was another event for the 2018 Commonwealth Games athletes, this time starting after 2:00 PM at the A. O Shirley Reaction Grounds in the Capital City, with a procession ending at the Tortola Pier Park (TPP).
At TPP there were speeches by politicians and heads of sporting associations, while those in attendance included Governor, Augustus J. U Jaspert, parents, students, the media and other athletes.
Speaking on the behalf of the Commonwealth game athletes, Ms Harrigan-Scott urged the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government, to “do more to help all athletes” and asked the public to also continue to show their support.
Big money for two athletes
In addition, Commonwealth gold winner, McMaster was given a cheque for $30,000 by Government. Ms Malone was presented with a cheque for $15,000 while Ms. Harrigan-Scott was awarded a plaque for her long service in the track and field area of sports.
Our newsroom caught up with gold medal winner Mr. McMaster today June 17, 2018 who advised us that he was on his way back to South Carolina, USA.

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