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God wants VI’s National Sewerage System under RDA- Roxanne T. Toussaint

Pastor of 'The Alabaster Box' Ministries, Ms Roxanne T. Toussaint says for the Virgin Islands, God is directing that the National Sewerage System be placed under the Virgin Islands Recovery & Development Agency (RDA) if it is to ever move forward. Photo: Facebook/File
Under an initiative called ‘Pray BVI’ and a one-hour online sermon delivered today, Saturday, February 11, 2023, on Facebook, the Minister with strong roots in the VI has indicated that she is a messenger of God to deliver a message to the people fo the VI. Photo: Facebook
Under an initiative called ‘Pray BVI’ and a one-hour online sermon delivered today, Saturday, February 11, 2023, on Facebook, the Minister with strong roots in the VI has indicated that she is a messenger of God to deliver a message to the people fo the VI. Photo: Facebook
LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI- Pastor of 'The Alabaster Box' Ministries, Ms Roxanne T. Toussaint says God is directing that the National Sewerage System be placed under the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) if it is to ever move forward.

Toussaint in a prayer session on Saturday, February 11, 2023, said she was a messenger of God and that the creator was using her as a vessel to deliver a message to the people of the VI ahead of the 2023 elections.

Sewerage issues exist for more than 30 years- Ms Toussaint 

“We must take the National Sewerage System, which has been an issue in the Virgin Islands for more than 30 years, and we must put this national issue under the RDA, the recovery and development Institution that has been placed in this nation,” she said.

The pastor added that election after election, politicians have used the sewerage system as a political football with the people and it cannot continue.

“The National Sewerage System… will not get the attention that it needs unless we put it under the recovery agency that has been placed in the Virgin Islands.”

Toussaint added that the parties do not have the skills needed to take the project forward and that the RDA will be able to finish the project since it is an agency capable of executing the project.

Some political candidates are unfit - Ms Toussaint 

“The time for selling the people of the Virgin Islands party politics is over. It will not be the remedy that we need to take us forward,” she said.

Meanwhile, Ms Toussaint said there are persons who have offered themselves up for the 2023 general election who know they are unfit for the job. 

“This is your time to step back. You know that you do not have the skills that we need to take us forward,” she said.

36 Responses to “God wants VI’s National Sewerage System under RDA- Roxanne T. Toussaint”

  • lie (13/02/2023, 09:41) Like (47) Dislike (1) Reply
    You all always saying God say. He will deal with you all soon. Stop say God say
    • the rock (13/02/2023, 11:38) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Like wtf yes
    • Really (13/02/2023, 15:08) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      Man, God is seriously micro managing these days. All these wars, disease, loneliness, poverty an he still got time for our sewerage. Impressive.
    • @ lie (13/02/2023, 18:07) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
      If it ain’t that it’s The Lord told me to tell you as if we can’t develop a relationship with God and hear from Him ourselves.

      I would hope she had sense enough to know those prayers cloth she selling asking for $100 seed sowing in her ministry have nothing to do with prayers being answered or salvation.

      Robbery in plain slight.
    • Greg (20/02/2023, 22:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why does she look different in every picture? Are you sure they are showing the right person under her name?
  • herbs power (13/02/2023, 09:46) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    It looks as if those vaccine shots tickling y'all brains. So god told you but he couldn't tell the politicians directly.
  • musa (13/02/2023, 09:51) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is bad news &she is tell our leaders that they don't have capabilities ,I just need her to know that we have too much hate and bench warmers ,,,please fix that.
  • hmm (13/02/2023, 09:51) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
  • faith (13/02/2023, 10:03) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    This woman of God has a lot of nerve. How does she know that persons are "unfit for the job".?
    • Easy (13/02/2023, 10:45) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
      @faith a person can be doing a job for years and still unfit for doing the job. That’s very common especially in the BVI.
  • Let's follow GOD's Word (13/02/2023, 10:11) Like (5) Dislike (14) Reply
    KJV: "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." RSV: "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent." Timothy 2:12.

    If we continue to follow what man say and does and NOT WHAT THE CREATOR SAYS, WE ARE ALL DOOMED!

    • @ Let's follow GOD's Word (13/02/2023, 21:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don’t misconstrue God’s Word.

      Verse 11 presented what at first appears to be a controversial statement. Viewed in full context, however, Paul has simply stated that women should not be flagrant or excessively loud or frenzied during a church gathering. Just as clothing should reflect a controlled, reasonable person, so too should behavior in a church service reflect godly peace.

      How, then, is this phrase regarding women and teaching to be understood? In the local church, Paul specified men as elders (1 Timothy 3:1–7) and most likely as deacons (1 Timothy 3:8–13). The point made in the New Testament is not that adult women can never teach adult men, as both Priscilla and her husband Aquila did exactly that with Apollos in Acts 18:26. Phoebe also served in some type of church leadership role, with some believing her role of "servant" was as a deacon (Romans 16:1). However, men are consistently specified as the primary local church leaders, in the role of elders.

      The key is not the term didaskein, referring to teaching, but the Greek word translated as "exercise authority:" authentein. This word means "to assume a stance of independent authority, give orders to, or dictate to." In simple terms, women are not to serve in the role of elder, or attempt to lead in the specific ways in which elders are expected to lead. Though women were not—and are not—excluded from praying in church gatherings, men were taught to take leadership in this area.

      The repeated reference to "quietness" here again has more to do with self-control than with absolute lack of sound. Women were not to overtake a worship service, by taking control of public prayers or teaching, and especially not through hysterics or commotion. Elders were expected to oversee instruction and prayer in the church. First Corinthians 14:33–35 notes that this practice was not limited to Ephesus; it was true in all early churches.
  • WHAT!!! (13/02/2023, 10:12) Like (44) Dislike (0) Reply
    Utter B.S. is anyone so stupid to believe that their god is concerned about Tortolas sewerage !!!!!
    • Crazy joe (13/02/2023, 16:17) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      God is very concerned about sewage systems since his total screw up of the design of the digestive system. Having the food travel upwards in the gut against the pull of gravity was not one of his finest moments. Likewise having the same opening for food and air. Least he can do is to make sure we have some decent toilets.
  • Ummm (13/02/2023, 10:17) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    So out of all the problems we have, sewerage system was the concern?????
  • local boy (13/02/2023, 10:18) Like (3) Dislike (25) Reply
    Very powerful Roxanne. Let God continue to direct you. We cannot ignore what you are telling us. I have witnessed for myself the power of prayer what it can do for us, as a nation we must repent for our sins. There are crooks in high office of government including the ppl who supposed to be protecting us instead they protecting themselves and fulling up their pockets with our money ???? we must continue praying to get rid of those hooligans in the place.
    • & local boy (13/02/2023, 18:09) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Crooks selling so-called prayer cloths too
    • yeah (13/02/2023, 20:02) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      and they call themselves Christians and we are happy and sit in church with them.l????pray for the country like Foy?
  • asura (13/02/2023, 10:22) Like (1) Dislike (25) Reply
    she is a women of God just the message from teh Great God, stop the hate support her
  • Youth (13/02/2023, 10:37) Like (6) Dislike (11) Reply
    I agree with her on this one.
  • Rubber Duck (13/02/2023, 10:55) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    Is there anyone dumb enough to take this deluded fool seriously?

    And why is this media outlet giving the woman publicity?

    And does she know the numbers for next weeks lottery?
  • My Goodness (13/02/2023, 11:12) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    God always getting dragged into nonsense. Stop calling his name in vain and just say that it is YOU that wants it to happen. My goodness.
  • street reporter. (13/02/2023, 11:17) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    My dear Friend, stop saying God..Just say you think that the National Sewage System will be better served under the RDA control, I too think so.. Stop hiding behind God. U know exactly what you are saying. You onto something and you talking sense..
  • Mark (13/02/2023, 11:45) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Mark the words of the prophet in 2022 pay keen attention. If it is God who said what he said it shall come to pass.
  • Undercover Observer (13/02/2023, 12:46) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    I could be wrong but is not the RDA a design, construction and inspection agency, not an operational entity. What W&S needs is adequate funding and budgeting, planning, organizing, and programming, and effective and strong leadership and management. The prophets and prophetesses need to religion out of gutter politics, and focus spreading the word and converting souls. Politics and religion like oil and water do mix well.
  • WO (13/02/2023, 14:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    God as a Special on toilet paper next week
  • Lady (13/02/2023, 16:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Blasphemy (13/02/2023, 16:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really wish this woman would stop using the lords name in vain our God came to bring salvation to man not to worry about a sewer system stop looking for self recognition
  • Free Thinker (13/02/2023, 18:15) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    So let me get this straight . God is so all mighty, all powerful, all wise and he need to use you to get a message to me?
    Well I need so see you so that I can use you as a vessel to get a message back to God just to let him know if he can't come to me then don't send anyone with no message.
  • mm (13/02/2023, 19:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Evangelist Christians don't know right from wrong.Delusional.

  • Hmmmm (13/02/2023, 20:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Delusional irrational..typical..yet not uttered by all but the exceptionally egotistical and stupid.Only here..In this region can you chat such froth and have folks agree cause this is the warped mentality of lots of folks.Absolutly brain washed.
  • Loose mouth (13/02/2023, 20:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    As a Christian, there is much concern about the number of persons who are claiming that God spoke to them about matters in the BVI. With the on going number of crimes that are being commiting in the territory one would think that the message from God would be one of repentance, reconciliation or revealing to these so called Prophets, through visions or other means, the identities of these perpetrators. What message does God has for his Government here on earth the Church? To say that God spoke to her about sewage and Politics? Most believe that Jesus was the Messiah, sent to deliver his people from the envading or the occupiers who were the Romans, it is obvious that he avoided Politics. At one time he was questioned about whether or not his disciples should pay taxes to the Roman emperor ( and I cut this story short) His reply was "to render to Ceasear the things that are Ceasear's and to God the things that are of God's".Every Christian who can, should go out and vote in the coming elections. It is our civil duty. However it is important that we approach our decision as to who we elect to lead us prayerfully. We are reminded to pray for Governments and other leaders as this would lead to more peaceful lives but on the other hand we are warned that as Soldiers (of Christ) we are not to become entangled in the affairs of this life so that he may please the one who has called him to be a Soldier. This does not of course mean that we should not be concern about the things that are happening around us, including Politics, but to avoid becoming so embroiled that it could impact our influence on the people we are called to provide spiritual guidance to.
  • hmm (13/02/2023, 22:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The supreme creator of all things seen and unseen has a pronouncement on who should manage sewerage contracts in East End Tortola? What is it we hearing here?
  • Arrion (13/02/2023, 22:50) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    She doesn't even look like a woman of god with dyed red hair, lipstick, necklace, and earrings. She looks like any other woman walking the streets, so she cannot be seen as herself but wearing a disguise which is not how she naturally looks. If she is a woman of god, why is she covering up her real self that god wants her to be? I'm not listening to all of these holy rollers who will make me lose my soul.
  • 2023 (14/02/2023, 09:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    some of these preachers think the our God needs a public relations officer

    were was the woman 30 years ago when things in our territory began shifting

    nothing personal because just might be sitting at God’s Right Hands !!!!

    Keep the Faith
  • National park (15/02/2023, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    God need to direct national park. Need to get that woman out sah!

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