'Go Public with CCT decision' – Digicel tells TRC
“All Digicel has ever asked for in the BVI is for a level playing pitch between operators. These recent disclosures provide an opportunity for the TRC, as Regulator, to demonstrate its commitment to the basic principles of fairness, transparency and non-discrimination in the Telecommunications industry in the BVI. To this end, the publication of this important and controversial decision is certainly in the public interest," Digicel Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Declan Cassidy said in a press release today June 27, 2014.
According to an earlier release by Digicel on May 14 2014, the TRC had announced that it had decided to fine CCT US$50,000 for the illegal use of LTE spectrum. They alleged that the TRC publicly stated that “…After careful consideration and consultation conducted with reference to section 75(1) of the Telecommunications Act, 2006 (the “Act”), the TRC has determined that CCT breached section 20(1)(a) of the Act and, as a result, has imposed a fine on CCT pursuant to section 75(2)(b) of the Act in sum of US$50,000 (the “Fine”). Section 20(1)(a) of the Act provides that an authorization holder shall strictly adhere to its authorized frequency band(s).
When this news site today June 27, 2014 called Digicel for further clarification on the press release, company officials said that they could not offer any further comment.
Quoting from the TRC statement, the Digicel release continued, “CCT is not and has never been in possession of a frequency authorization for the 700 MHz band. After receiving a complaint from another licence holder and carrying out its own tests on the identified spectrum, the TRC questioned CCT over its alleged use of the 700MHz band. Whilst CCT’s responses to the TRC’s written inquiries were initially unsatisfactory, CCT subsequently admitted its use of the 700MHz spectrum during February and March of 2014. CCT was provided with a written summary of the TRC’s preliminary findings and the proposed Fine and neither the findings nor the Fine were disputed by it”.
Digicel further recalled that on May 15, 2014, CCT robustly retaliated against the TRC by issuing a public statement in which it alleged that the TRC was fully aware that CCT had been engaged in installing LTE equipment and that they had been using LTE spectrum outside of a regulated formal approval and spectrum award process. "CCT also publicly stated that it had actually been privately awarded LTE spectrum by the TRC," said Digicel in the release.
“This claim is at odds with various public statements made by the TRC. Digicel believes that it is in the public interest that the TRC, as Regulator, clarifies these matters by publishing its decision,” Cassidy said in the release.
Mr. Cassidy said that Digicel has for a number of years made known its clear desire to provide LTE services in the Virgin Islands.
He said that Digicel was the first operator to launch LTE services in the Caribbean region and is presently the leading provider of LTE services in the region.
“Digicel has been advised by the TRC that the awarding of LTE spectrum will only be done on foot of a fair and transparent spectrum allocation process conducted in accordance with the law of the BVI and international best practice. Accordingly, it was of some considerable concern to Digicel to learn than an operator in the BVI had sought to completely circumvent this process illegally. Statements published on behalf of CCT defending its actions since the TRC announced its decision on 14 May have only served to amplify those concerns.” states Cassidy in the release.

21 Responses to “'Go Public with CCT decision' – Digicel tells TRC”
I don't see race I see colour...do you have any idea how pathetic you sound???
That is my warning.