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Gary R. Hickinbottom’s own son called him a bully!

- as CoI Commissioner faces allegations of bullying
Already accused of bullying and making unreasonable demands of Ministers of Government and public servants in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI), it has come to light that the Commissioner of the Inquiry into governance in the VI, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom, was even accused of being a bully and making unreasonable demands by his own son.
Gary R. Hickinbottom’s estranged son Emyr Hughes had accused him of hypocrisy and using his position to bully people. Photo: Daily Mail
Gary R. Hickinbottom’s estranged son Emyr Hughes had accused him of hypocrisy and using his position to bully people. Photo: Daily Mail
The house next door to the Summer Palace, a Cantonese restaurant, is owned by Gary R. Hickinbottom and his wife Georgina. Photo: BBC
The house next door to the Summer Palace, a Cantonese restaurant, is owned by Gary R. Hickinbottom and his wife Georgina. Photo: BBC
The 5-star restaurant, the Summer Palace, was in operation for 32 years before the Hickinbottoms moved in next door a few years ago and tried to shut it down. Photo: Daily Mail
The 5-star restaurant, the Summer Palace, was in operation for 32 years before the Hickinbottoms moved in next door a few years ago and tried to shut it down. Photo: Daily Mail
CoI Commissioner, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom QC, left, on arrival to the Virgin Islands, reportedly attempted to bully the Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Julian Willock, into having a meeting on the work of the Commission, but on the Commissioner’s own terms. Photo: Facebook/The Royal Gazette
CoI Commissioner, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom QC, left, on arrival to the Virgin Islands, reportedly attempted to bully the Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Julian Willock, into having a meeting on the work of the Commission, but on the Commissioner’s own terms. Photo: Facebook/The Royal Gazette
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Already accused of bullying and making unreasonable demands of Ministers of Government and public servants in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI), it has come to light that the Commissioner of the Inquiry into governance in the VI, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom, was even accused of being a bully and making unreasonable demands by his own son.

The allegations had come in January 2020 when Hickinbottom and his wife Georgina C. Hickinbottom demanded the closure of a Cantonese restaurant in Cardiff over cooking smells wafting into his £525,000 home.

The Hickinbottoms' campaign to close the 5-star restaurant that was in operation for 32 years had angered locals who said the Summer Palace was a vibrant business in Llandaff High Street and part of the fabric of the village.

The couple bought their Grade II-listed home next to the well-loved restaurant only in 2016.

‘Typical of my father, trying to bully people’- Emyr Hughes

Hickinbottom’s estranged son Emyr Hughes had accused him of hypocrisy and called on his father to end his dispute with the Summer Palace in Llandaff, Cardiff.

According to a Daily Mail article on January 24, 2020, Mr Hughes, 32, said: “It's typical of my father, trying to bully people.

“People need to know that he used to be a regular customer there and loved the Chinese food."

“But, after moving next door, now he wants to close the place down because of the smell.”

Cardiff Council environmental health chiefs had upheld the judge's complaint over smells and noise coming from the kitchen.

The judge's son, a Cardiff-based entrepreneur and businessman, had said: “He lives in London, it's a second home, it's not as if he [Hickinbottom] lives there all the time."

“He's picked on a well-established and much-loved restaurant - I wish he would back off and stop what he's doing. He's abusing his position to get his own way.”

At the time Mr Hughes had planned to meet with restaurant manager Wai Chim to support his fight against his father who was knighted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace in 2009. 

“If you buy a house next to a Chinese restaurant you can expect cooking smells, he probably got his place cheaper because of it.”

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Hughes took his mother's maiden name after his parent's divorce 18 years ago and now has very little contact with his father.

Community outrage

The matter had caused public outrage and, according to the BBC on February 13, 2020, Conservative councillor Sean Driscoll had said: "It's a bit like buying a house next to a train station then complaining about the noise from the trains. Or next to a farmyard then complain about the smell from animals.

"What is next, are they going to complain to the cathedral about the sound of the church bells?"

Another neighbour, who the BBC said asked not to be named, said: "If you come to live next to a Chinese restaurant it's ridiculous that you should not expect smells."

"We are very lucky to live here and they are very lucky to live there and it's really sad that they have decided not to be neighbourly.

"There is a general sense of outrage in the community that they could cause so much pain for everyone."

Even former Wales rugby international Jonathan Davies was among those to back the restaurant on social media.

Meanwhile, the court case was dropped by Cardiff council in November 2020. Cardiff council said the site had been upgraded and a prosecution was no longer in the public interest.

Speaker Willock accuses Hickinbottom of bullying

It was revealed in June 2021 that Commissioner Hickinbottom allegedly attempted to bully the Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Julian Willock, into having a meeting on the work of the Commission, but on the Commissioner’s own terms.

Recalling the situation, Hon Willock said, “It is unfortunate that when--that we did not meet as when you arrived in January, you reached out to me, and I accepted the invitation and set up for the meeting to be held in my office. You refused but instead insisted that I meet you at your office.”

The Speaker was also at the time appearing before the Commission for the first time during the Friday, June 18, 2021, Day 24 hearing of the CoI in the Virign Islands.

“You will appreciate, Commissioner, that a stranger cannot come to the Virgin Islands and e-mail the Speaker of the House of Assembly and demand that he comes to his office.”

As reflected in the transcripts of the same date, the House Speaker then rebuked the Commissioner for the practice, which he indicated was unacceptable in the IV.

“It does not work like that in the Virgin Islands. I have an office, too,” Hon Willock had said.

The Commissioner then denied the Speaker's claims and said he was open to meeting him anywhere except the House of Assembly, given that the Inquiry is allegedly independent.

However, according to the Speaker, the meeting would not have been in the HoA but at the Office of the HoA.

Premier Fahie lashes out @ unreasonable CoI

Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a statement on October 4, 2021, accused the CoI led by Hickinbottom of making unreasonable demands of his Ministers and public servants.

“It seems extraordinary that the Commission should say that it needs a fortnight to assess thirty pages of evidence when Ministers and public servants are regularly given a week or less to produce or respond to hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of pages of documents and are even expected to comment in the witness box on documents they have not seen and of which they have received no notice.”

Premier Fahie also said it was regrettable that the Commission has sometimes given the impression that it does not welcome the provision of additional evidence, however illuminating or important.

‘Public lynching’ by Hickinbottom-led CoI

Commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline, among other commentators in the Virgin Islands, have also expressed their displeasure with the way witnesses are treated by the CoI.

Skelton-Cline had said he feels victimised as a private citizen by the CoI and accused it of public lynching.

“I am not going to allow myself, Commissioner, in my private capacity, to come through here, what to me and I must tell you, it feels like theatre, it feels like a public lynching [with] what I have noticed with sitting leaders, past leaders of my little country and I mean that's just the way it feels,” he said.

Skelton-Cline had also said he did not believe the Commissioner not being from the Virgin Islands understands how the system works in the territory and may wrongfully believe that things are being done in a corruptible manner, which could mean him making recommendations that are not in the VI’s best interest.

“You can’t put three of us in the room, and based upon what we hearing about what may work in the UK or any larger country simply does not work here. We know each other, we live with each other, we have breakfast, lunch and dinner with each other and so I am afraid based upon what I’ve heard so far that there is an assessment, a judgement being had to kind of make it very murky and almost corruptible, that something must be going on because these people are so close. That’s the nature of the small footprint we living in and what I am afraid of, that no matter what recommendations you bring, sincere and earnest as they may be, they are going to be plugged into a very system that simply is not going to work,” Skelton-Cline told Hickinbottom on October 4, 2021.

See related articles below:

Cardiff Chinese restaurant in court battle with judge neighbour

Son protests against judge's bid to close 'smelly' Chinese restaurant

Summer Palace Cardiff: Case dropped against restaurant

CoI Commissioner reportedly tried to bully HoA Speaker to meeting on his terms

'I am the Commissioner, you aren’t'– Hickinbottom tells Skelton-Cline

CoI slammed for making unreasonable demands of ministers & public servants

51 Responses to “Gary R. Hickinbottom’s own son called him a bully!”

  • 1st district original (07/10/2021, 16:02) Like (76) Dislike (3) Reply
    Bla, bla bla
    • Crazy stupidness and foolishness (07/10/2021, 16:38) Like (18) Dislike (66) Reply
      He has certainly been very bullying in this CoI. I understand that he has a job to do but his approach, even though he has faced difficulties, has been rude, boorish and overbearing. I think his son may have got it right!
      • ha (07/10/2021, 16:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        At least he was not complaining about Welsh miners singing - oh, but wait a moment ….
      • 3M (26/01/2022, 13:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I'm pretty certain that his son is absolutely correct on this - looking at the pattern of this guy and irrespective of if his son has an axe to grind what the son says is perfectly logical and reasonable and backed up with frankly common decency and sense.
    • Hmmmnnn (07/10/2021, 22:27) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Move on…..
    • Wiggy wiggy (08/10/2021, 11:52) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
      They just vex that the Commissioner can wear the blonde wig better LOL
  • K (07/10/2021, 16:02) Like (54) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sometimes I just don't what you all talk and make new it's over bearing now man
  • x (07/10/2021, 16:07) Like (6) Dislike (22) Reply
  • Desperate Times!!! (07/10/2021, 16:08) Like (92) Dislike (2) Reply
    Call for desperate measures. Keep clutching at those straws.
  • HMMM (07/10/2021, 16:12) Like (50) Dislike (0) Reply
    It don’t matter what is tried… The truth is all that matters and it doesn’t matter who brings it.
  • YES SIR (07/10/2021, 16:33) Like (40) Dislike (1) Reply
    Pressure bust pipe time to fasting all seat belt
  • ta ta (07/10/2021, 16:38) Like (9) Dislike (94) Reply
    Hickinbottom must go!!
    • @ ta ta (07/10/2021, 19:15) Like (2) Dislike (26) Reply

      Go you say? and the man love the bvi and want to take it over in a ra***t plot

  • yeah (07/10/2021, 16:38) Like (66) Dislike (3) Reply
    Good write up. Won’t change much though.
    • @ yeah (07/10/2021, 17:16) Like (7) Dislike (32) Reply
      If he was local and black there would have been cheers to move him or her
  • bvi (07/10/2021, 16:40) Like (20) Dislike (151) Reply
    It hurts my heart to see the people of the BVI rallying around the COI and siding with the COI investigators and think this is all fun and games. I'm from TURKS and I saw first hand what happens when the UK direct rule your island. BVI PEOPLE PLEASE STICK TOGETHER TO FIGHT THE COMMON ENEMY.
    • @bvi (07/10/2021, 18:54) Like (73) Dislike (17) Reply
      Please stay in Turks and leave BVI matters to us. Thanks.
      • fromafar (08/10/2021, 14:14) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        US WHO? Say who you are I warned you guys, Wolf in sheep clothing , You don't speak Me or the greater BVI.
    • WHAT!!! (07/10/2021, 19:02) Like (86) Dislike (2) Reply
      The common enemy are those that have been stealing from the government funds, lying to the people and looking after their relatives and friends at the expense of our country.
    • Turks is better now (07/10/2021, 20:20) Like (49) Dislike (1) Reply
      Turks is much better off today..all the curruption and greediness ceased, Before Turks name just like the BVI were stink all over with curruption talk. Now they on the right track. BVI will also get on the right track.
    • to BVI (08/10/2021, 12:27) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      if it hurts your heart you might need to get a heart transplant because your heart in the wrong place. We must sit and accept the corruption government in and government out and say nothing
  • Rubber Duck (07/10/2021, 16:46) Like (11) Dislike (121) Reply
    This man is not fit to sit as the commissioner
  • Sara (07/10/2021, 16:58) Like (79) Dislike (1) Reply
    children should be off limits in these matters
  • So what!! (07/10/2021, 17:09) Like (83) Dislike (5) Reply
    That is not going to change anything, I call my father a bully sometimes when we have a difference of opinion. Saying your father is a bully does not mean he is a bad person.
  • I think the question on all pur minds is (07/10/2021, 17:09) Like (6) Dislike (50) Reply
    I think the question on all our minds is what kind of home costs half a billion pounds but is located near enough to a Chinese restaurant that you can smell their food.

    Sounds like someone got ripped off.
    • Girls mama (08/10/2021, 06:57) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Think the article mentions half of a million, not what you state, just saying.
  • do tell (07/10/2021, 17:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
  • just asking (07/10/2021, 18:16) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    So what...strupes
  • hmm (07/10/2021, 18:22) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Rofl irrelevant.
  • musa (07/10/2021, 18:50) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    When our leaders agreed for the col they should have done your background investigations ,and why you thinking his son is such a smart person at the end of the day he looking to get his Belongers sort out it only a human right to support who support you.
  • Linda (07/10/2021, 19:10) Like (8) Dislike (22) Reply
    Those stupid nasty wigs got to go...for everyone. I bet if we dig deep enough, you will find Kickintheass (bottom) has a lot of dirt about himself he is hiding.
  • street man (07/10/2021, 19:17) Like (9) Dislike (40) Reply
    Seei told you all hickinbottom was not the right man for this work
    • @streetman (08/10/2021, 00:57) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      You shoulda go school and stay off the street people would've listen.
  • @ YOU GUYS (07/10/2021, 20:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • omg (07/10/2021, 20:58) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    He is a bully? Boo hoo, you are all crazy. Such talk is very immature and childish.
  • Local (07/10/2021, 22:04) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    So what. We accustomed to being bullied by the ......d
  • black (07/10/2021, 22:10) Like (0) Dislike (10) Reply
    Ask the Queen to send us a black man as the C o I.
  • ask (07/10/2021, 22:11) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    We ask for it now we upset that it ever happened. What is it that we really want. Old people always say be careful of what we ask for. This col brought out a lot of things that we the public never ever heard about. Let the chips fall where they may.

    We ask for it let's take what we get and see where we can improve as a people and as a territory. Remember this is not a court hearing it's just an inquiry.
  • WIGS GALORE (08/10/2021, 07:26) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Pick a fight with the wrong dude (08/10/2021, 08:21) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Keep rattling that cage!
    Them boys have a tiger by the tail. If you keep poking that stick at him he is going to bite!
    That wimpy son looks like he could benefit from a few licks. I am a big fan of the old saying, ‘Spare the rod, spoils the son!’. You go Gary!!!
  • VG Resident (08/10/2021, 08:30) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Bullies' make this world work. I am for all bullies.
  • My girl (08/10/2021, 09:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Him and the esteemed wear a wig
  • Lucifer (08/10/2021, 09:21) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can't attack the facts so attack the messenger. Classic distraction technique
  • rocky (08/10/2021, 09:43) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am sure if people went digging into the past of our legislators and speaker they may find conduct that is not befitting of their public roles. Glass houses and rocks
  • BULLY (08/10/2021, 09:55) Like (0) Dislike (12) Reply

    But we already know this. You can tell by just watching his u**** face

  • Estranged… (08/10/2021, 11:22) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    His “estranged son” says… The clue is in the word “estranged”. He is clearly bitter about something and, even if he isn’t, his opinion is irrelevant to the COI. The commissioner has a job to do. He is not bullying anyone. He is presenting facts and asking questions, this is the job he employed to do. The ones crying “bully” are those with the most evidence stacked against them. Stop with the smear campaign.
  • big show (08/10/2021, 12:39) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    His son rude thats all
  • @ ESTRANGED (08/10/2021, 14:31) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • good (08/10/2021, 19:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just the kind of person who we need leading the COI, who isn’t going to take any nonsense and get the job done right
  • The watchdog (09/10/2021, 08:48) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Hickinbottom needs to be removed his credibility is low

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