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Funniest of Funnies on stage in VI Dec 28

- Dollars and Dreams 'We got jokes' VI comedy tour for these shores
Mr Sheniko C. Frett said that the atmosphere tomorrow promises to be top of the line and lots of laughter. Photo: Provided
We got jokes is on tour in the Greater Virgin Islands. Photo: Provided
We got jokes is on tour in the Greater Virgin Islands. Photo: Provided
CHRISTIANSTED, St. Croix, USVI - It doesn't take going to a medical doctor where one pays hard earned cash to be prescribed a long list of medication made by man to relax one's body of stress, something that has been proven to be a leading cause of death.

The medication that even doctors will be running to get even for themselves is the number one thing that is said to relieve stress and help your face to look younger longer - laughter.  

Laughter and more laughter is ‎guaranteed to be the cheapest medicine on show tomorrow night December 28, 2014 at the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex, Road Town, Tortola. 

The show is coming to the VI as part of a tour according Mr Sheniko C. Frett who said that because of the huge success it was in the USVI there has been an overwhelming call to bring the show to the VI, a call he could not have ignored.

"We said at this time of the year when everyone is happy and jolly let's just make people laugh, it's right after Christmas; let's make people laugh out the old year and all the stress," said Mr Frett. 

"Yes we have some funny, funny, guys, we expect a real great show and like I said before it's not about the show, it’s about the experience," said Mr Frett in an interview with Virgin Islands News Online from his USVI location yesterday December 26, 2014. 

‎"From the moment you enter the facility all the way to the laughter, the good feeling, the putting on of your nice clothes and coming out - the whole experience and the whole vibes is something totally different, there are so many things that people would have been through throughout the year with all that's been going on we said why not bring something that would wash all that stress away," said Frett. 

Among the team of international comedians that are scheduled to hit the stage tomorrow is ‎Mike Yard from St. Croix who lives in New York. 

“He is really funny, right now he has the internet sensation, he is actually the hottest on the media circuit right now, he brings Majah Hype and he will be playing three different characters," said Mr Frett. The others are Tony Woods, Jason Andors and Griff.

Yard is expected to come out as Majah Hype one time, Uncle James in another instance and then finally Mad Ras. 

"I am expecting a full house Sunday night, I am expecting people to put on their best Sunday outfit and come out and have real good laughter. I am expecting a family atmosphere, come meet the comedians and let's make it one big party for everyone‎," Frett said. 

The door he said would be opened to the public from 7:00 pm and the show is all set for 8:00pm sharp. The show features five comedians with a total of seven different acts.

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