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Fuel Tank falls from hauler; interrupts morning traffic

-no one injured; traffic cleared after action by others
July 31st, 2018 | Tags: Port Purcell Tortola Round-About Fuel Tank
It was around 8:45 AM this morning, Tuesday July 31, 2018, a fuel tank dislodged from the hauler carrying it and almost fell to the ground. Team of Reporters
The truck had to stop, causing the morning rush hour traffic to be slowed for about two to three hours, after which traffic was moving again. Team of Reporters
The truck had to stop, causing the morning rush hour traffic to be slowed for about two to three hours, after which traffic was moving again. Team of Reporters
PORT PURCELL, Tortola, VI - It was around 8:45 AM this morning, Tuesday July 31, 2018, a fuel tank dislodged from the hauler carrying it and almost fell to the ground.

The incident occurred in the area of the Port Purcell, Round-About, on the main island of Tortola.

The truck had to stop, causing the morning rush hour traffic to be slowed for about two to three hours, after which traffic was moving again.

There were no reported injuries.

Police, Fire and Rescue and other emergency services were on hand to access the situation.


5 Responses to “Fuel Tank falls from hauler; interrupts morning traffic ”

  • l (31/07/2018, 15:07) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    8:45??? The road was already blocked when I approached that area at 8:30.
  • biker (31/07/2018, 16:56) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    These large trucks on Tortola's roads seem to regularly have unusual 'accidents' in Road Town that block the roads for hours. Maybe it's time for a 'truck inspection' station on either side of Road Town that would inspect the large truck before it drives into the city.
  • NezRez (31/07/2018, 19:20) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Police could have directed Traffic flow slowly but steady if they had used the east bound road and created two way traffic from Quomar round about to Rite Way by Delta Gas Station turn to continue West. We sat in traffic for one hour or more not moving. They should consider this next time something like this happens.
  • Jammin (01/08/2018, 07:24) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    "2-3 hours"?
    More like 45 mins, max
    But hey, why let the truth get in the way of another non-story?
    • TRUTH SEEKER (01/08/2018, 11:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you for your comments.
      I agree with you, more like 45 minutes,

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