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Four off to Pan American Junior Championships!

Four athletes from the Virgn Islands have arrived in Columbia and have begun some final preparations for the Pan American Junior Championships which start today, August 23, 2013 and concludes on Sunday. Photo: Provided
Eldred Henry will be wrapping up his season, which started with a Medal at the Carifta Games and saw him start College in Central Arizona, by competing in the Discuss and Shot Put events. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO/File
Eldred Henry will be wrapping up his season, which started with a Medal at the Carifta Games and saw him start College in Central Arizona, by competing in the Discuss and Shot Put events. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Four athletes, 3 throwers and a sprinter, have departed the territory to represent the Virgin Islands at the 17th Pan American Jr. Championships which starts today August 23, 2013 in Medellin, Colombia, and concludes on Sunday.

The 2013 Pan American Junior Athletics Championship will showcase many of the top international junior athletes. The host city, Medellin, is a modern progressive city that has hosted numerous athletic events in the last few years.

The Pan Am Junior Athletics Championships are open to athletes age 16 to 19 as of December 31, 2013.

Comprising the team are twin sisters Trevia and Tynelle Gumbs who will contest the Shot Put and Javelin Throws respectively; Eldred Henry, now a Central Arizona College freshman who will tackle both the Shot Put and Discus Throw; and Shaquoy Stephens who is the lone sprinter on the squad. Stephens has been entered in both the 100m and 200m.

The Gumbs sisters and Henry were all Carifta Games medalists earlier this season.

BVIAA assistant General Secretary Angeleta Bernard is the team official.

The trip was made possible by the timely intervention of the Government of the Virgin Islands.

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