Four of VI’s finest female footballers off to Antigua!
The four, Lavern “Ebony” Fahie, Britney Peters, (both from No Fear), Sapphire Flax and Kezia Gumbs (both from Ballstars) have been invited by Coach Vincent Samuel’s old club from Antigua and he pointed out, “I want to make it clear, this is more of an Antiguan thing."
“Based on the fact that it is my former club, they have given me some incentives to come and see the players and give them a workout for the recruiters.”
Fahie, who is the leading scorer in the Johnny Hassan Women’s League, is an attacking midfielder/forward and that is one of the key areas that the college recruiters are looking at. Flax is also a striker and the pair are bound to create some interest. Gumbs plays as a defender, but is also able to move up into midfield whilst Peters, the youngest of the group, is making herself a good reputation between the sticks.
Samuel said they want to give Peters an opportunity as they look into the future so coaches can monitor her progress and she’ll be ready when her time comes around.
The BVIFA sent three boys off on a new Scholarship programme earlier this year. Joel Fahie, Chris Telemaque and Trevor Peters have been hard at work training at Kansas Cloud Community College. In pre-season friendlies, only Peters got any game time, but all 3 are hoping to make a big impact during the next semester.
The BVIFA has also offered a Scholarship to the MVP of the Women’s League.

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