Four more years! Dean Greenaway remains President of BVIAA

Although lacking the razzmatazz of a Barack Obama/Mitt Romney Presidential debate, each candidate was given an allotted time by Election Returning Officer, Cleave Farrington, to put forward good reasons why they should become President.
Scatliffe fell flat by wasting the bulk of his comments on alleged unconstitutional activity by the Executive rather than bullet pointing what he offered and wanted to achieve over a four year term of office, whilst Greenaway stood by his early Presidential report for the preceding 4 years in office.
The end result was a 24 -13 landslide for Greenaway, which represented almost 65% of the 37 votes cast (2 eligible members were absent).
“First of all there are a lot of new ideas I’ve heard and I don’t believe in micro managing anyone so as long as they benefit the Association they will be allowed to run with them and develop them,” commented Greenaway following the Elections. “We need to look at the development of the sport; we are no longer at that stage where we just go to Meets to participate and need to make an impact and start winning Medals on the World stage.”
As Greenaway also noted, the new Executive contains three Olympians “This is one of the strongest teams assembled for an Association, so once we all work together we should be able to produce great results,”
The other two Olympians on the new Executive are Steve Augustine who ran unopposed as Vice President. “Judge me on my four years as a VP, “he told the audience. “I will be standing for President, but until then I want to build the awareness of the Sport in the Community, work on a Yearbook and make sure we have more certified Coaches.”
More surprisingly, to outsiders anyway, was the return of Willis Todman as Treasurer. He doesn’t have any accountancy credentials and admitted that all he wants to do is coach. “I’m only interested in coaching, but the Organization needs help and I want to ensure we go to the next level.”
He garnered 68% of votes cast to see off Wendol Gaskin by 25-12, despite Gaskin’s vast experience in accounting and an involvement in the sport, which includes drafting the Constitution. “I have noticed deterioration within the Organisation so I decided to stand” Gaskin commented.
Perhaps his independent nature and his observation of a “polarization of clubs” within the sport stood against him. Then again he may be better of not being involved as the outgoing Treasurer earlier made note that although the Association has a current balance of $11,828.72; it also has outstanding debts that far exceed this figure.
Angelita Bernard decided to stand for General Secretary after Dag Samuel changed his mind and opted to stay as Chief Coach, but she lost out to Delva Thomas, 22-15. Bernard’s experience and knowledge will be utilized, instead, in the position of Assistant Secretary.
Paul Hewlett was elected as the new Public Relations Officer and Adriana Herbert stays in place as Athletes Liaison
The AGM marked the end of Stephanie Russ Penn’s term as General Secretary due to priorities outside the Sport, but she did say she would still be around to assist and also left the door open for a return to office down the road.
For those taking up positions on the new executive, she extolled them to work hard to continue the achievements from the last four years. “It’s not about individuals or personalities, but finding a middle ground to ensure success, development and moving forward.”
Wise words from one who has seen it all and recognizes the highs and lows in what may lie ahead.

13 Responses to “Four more years! Dean Greenaway remains President of BVIAA”
What all this hating and back stabbing going on, that he say she say....... you have trained me from primary school and i always from you saying you have to set you mind on your goals, because it aint going to come easy and today im continuing to follow those words.
To rest dont let negative over take you, you dont have to brag about Mr. Dean beat Mr. Karl, when people want to run against anyone they would take negative for others to the end the upper hands sees it all.
Now i can see a functioning body, great pick, continue to trust and put whoever is you almighty.......