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Former VIF&FC Chair debunks Rosan's article on vehicle policy for Miss BVI

- Rosan falsely claimed a decision was made to present a vehicle as a Miss BVI Pageant prize every 5 years
Former Chairman of the VI Festival and Fairs Committee Khalid A. Frett has said he believes Miss BVI should be gifted a vehicle in order to fulfill her duties throughout the Territory. Photo: File
An article published on October 15, 2024, on Rosemary L. Rosan’s aka ‘Cindy’ website accused Premier Wheatley of favouring Miss BVI 2023 Anika M. Christopher by overstepping and allowing for the award of a vehicle to her as part of her winnings following a decision by the organisers not to award such a prize. Photo: Facebook/Anika M. Christopher
An article published on October 15, 2024, on Rosemary L. Rosan’s aka ‘Cindy’ website accused Premier Wheatley of favouring Miss BVI 2023 Anika M. Christopher by overstepping and allowing for the award of a vehicle to her as part of her winnings following a decision by the organisers not to award such a prize. Photo: Facebook/Anika M. Christopher
Rosemary L. Rosan aka 'Cindy' has been relentless in her bashing of Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and has not stopped short of trying to publicly embarrass him by attending press conferences to ask personal questions. Photo: Facebook/File
Rosemary L. Rosan aka 'Cindy' has been relentless in her bashing of Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and has not stopped short of trying to publicly embarrass him by attending press conferences to ask personal questions. Photo: Facebook/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has reportedly refused to meet Rosemary L. Rosan's request for over $1M as settlement for being made redundant in December 2020 while employed at the BVI Tourist Board and Film Commission. Photo: Facebook/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has reportedly refused to meet Rosemary L. Rosan's request for over $1M as settlement for being made redundant in December 2020 while employed at the BVI Tourist Board and Film Commission. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In an article posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, on local tabloid Guavaberry Media, Rosemary L. Rosan aka ‘Cindy’ once again accused Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) of abusing his power to “circumvent established committees, and regulations to ensure his wishes are carried out”.

This time, she accused Premier Wheatley of favouring Miss BVI 2023 Anika M. Christopher by overstepping and allowing her to receive a vehicle as part of her winnings following the organisers' decision not to award such a prize.

However, are the accusations laid out in Miss Rosan’s article, ‘Premier Oversteps Protocols/Abuses Power In Favour Of Miss BVI Anika Christopher’, based on facts?

Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) reached out to former Chairman of the VI Festival and Fairs Committee (VIF&FC) Khalid A. Frett who said to us that a vehicle, preferably one with four-wheel drive capabilities, for Miss BVI is something he believes should be provided.

This he said will “ensure she can fulfill her responsibilities across the territory” adding that while a vehicle prize is not mandatory, he is strongly in support of the idea “especially when finances allow for it”.

Frett added that during his tenure on the committee, 2019 (as Vice Chairman) to 2021, they successfully partnered with local dealerships like TAG and VI Motors, for “exceptional rates” for the vehicles for Miss BVI, adding he was grateful for their support.

He also said, “The Miss BVI pageant is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the region, and we want to ensure that the queen can confidently meet her commitments without having to rely on others for transportation. Overall, providing a vehicle reflects our commitment to maintaining the pageant's excellence and the queen’s dignity during her reign.

No formal decision to reserve vehicle prize for every 5 years 

In her article, Rosan claims, “The Government and Miss BVI Committee has established that they would no longer provide a car to the winner of Miss BVI annually, except in cases of special year celebration i.e every five (5) years. They certainly agreed that the prize of a car should be reserved for the winner of the 70th Emancipation Celebrations. “

According to Rosan, it was the understanding of her newsroom that the Premier went “above the Committee’s head” making the funds available through his office to the BVI Tourist Board for the purchase of Ms Christopher’s vehicle prize.

However, Mr Frett clarified to VINO, “No formal decision was made during my tenure to reserve the prize of a car every five years. While recommendations can be made, such significant decisions should be approved by the relevant Minister and the relevant policy and minutes should be there to back the claim.”

Frett also said that a long-term decision such as this one could pose a challenge given that the appointment period is only three years, and a new executive could change the decision.

“Additionally, if Miss BVI encounters any difficulties during her reign, I believe it's important to explore accommodations that can enhance her experience as our queen,” he said adding, “Carrying the crown of Miss BVI comes with substantial expectations and obligations as a national ambassador for the territory, and we should strive to support her in fulfilling those responsibilities.”

Relentless Rosan

Rosan has been relentless in her bashing of Premier Wheatley and has not stopped short of trying to publicly embarrass him by attending press conferences to ask personal questions. 

It was recently discovered that Rosan wants over $1M in settlement for being made redundant in December 2020 while employed at the BVI Tourist Board and Film Commission.

Premier Wheatley has reportedly refused to meet her request.

Meanwhile, VINO's attempts to reach former Miss BVI Anika M. Christopher were not successful.

9 Responses to “Former VIF&FC Chair debunks Rosan's article on vehicle policy for Miss BVI”

  • Heres an idea (18/10/2024, 11:03) Like (4) Dislike (12) Reply
    Though i have not followed this story at all, it seems to me that once a vehicle is purchased, then that vehicle should be handed down the the following years winner ( just like the crown is) and then after a reasonable time, the car is traded in for a new one ( every 5 years ?)
    This may already be the case..but reading the article it gives the impression that a new vehicle every year is presebted.
    Clarification ??
  • Yes (18/10/2024, 11:48) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the Hon. Sir did that

    I agreed with him 100%

    I also believe Cindy , that rule wasn't made while Mr. Frett was there's the present committee who has no idea what they are doing.....
  • Ffs (18/10/2024, 13:31) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    People in the BVI don’t have water to bathe in the morning and we here worrying about whether or not Miss BVI, who gets a vehicle almost every year, got a vehicle?? Wrap it up.
  • Career (18/10/2024, 13:42) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Cindy is a troubled marker. I feel sorry for her children.
  • Truth (18/10/2024, 13:51) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Pageant Committee was disbanded shortly after Mis BVI 2023. As the Minister responsible for Culture he has the authority to make a decision.
    This so called ruling of every five years- where are the minutes from the meeting Cindy? If this supposedly is policy let’s see the document! Did the contestants 2023 see this documents listing prizes. If so did they get their prizes?
  • Khalid we the best (18/10/2024, 15:30) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    That big aunty thing could lie sa

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