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Former USVI hospital CEO sentenced to 10 years

- co-conspirators receive 1 year each
A Superior Court judge in the US Virgin Islands (USVI) on Friday, December 13, 2019 sentenced former Schneider Regional Medical Center CEO Rodney Miller to 10 years in prison for his role in defrauding the hospital of millions of dollars a decade ago. Photo: VIC
Mr Rodney Miller’s, right, co-conspirators — Peter Najawicz, left, the ex-chief financial officer and Amos Carty, centre, the former counsel and chief operating officer — were each sentenced to one year behind bars. Photo: VIC
Mr Rodney Miller’s, right, co-conspirators — Peter Najawicz, left, the ex-chief financial officer and Amos Carty, centre, the former counsel and chief operating officer — were each sentenced to one year behind bars. Photo: VIC

CHARLOTTE AMALIE, St Thomas, USVI — A Superior Court judge in the US Virgin Islands (USVI) on Friday, December 13, 2019 sentenced former Schneider Regional Medical Center CEO Rodney Miller to 10 years in prison for his role in defrauding the hospital of millions of dollars a decade ago.

Mr Miller’s co-conspirators — Peter Najawicz, the ex-chief financial officer and Amos Carty, the former counsel and chief operating officer — were each sentenced to one year behind bars. 

The trio was convicted last month on a combined 44 counts of embezzlement, fraud, grand larceny and violations of the Criminally Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act, and other related charges.

Mr Narowitz and Mr Carty were given 15 days to begin their sentences. Mr Miller was immediately locked away.

The three men were convicted in November of conning the hospital by paying themselves more than $3 million in raises, bonuses and cash allowances beyond their contractual pay, without obtaining approval from the hospital board.

They were first arrested in 2008, after an audit and joint investigation by the Inspector General’s Office and the US Department of the Interior. As a result of the audit, criminal charges were filed. 

They were tried in 2011, but the trial jury was unable to reach a verdict. 

In the latest trial, prosecutors showed how the men hatched an elaborate plan to enrich themselves by directing more than $3 million from hospital accounts at the Bank of Nova Scotia to their personal accounts.

3 Responses to “Former USVI hospital CEO sentenced to 10 years”

  • more to come (16/12/2019, 22:40) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lock them up
  • Only in the BVI (17/12/2019, 06:51) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    In the bvi they gone free over the wall, the plane and the ports money
  • Jordana (17/12/2019, 08:46) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    God don’t like UGLY and He doesn’t sleep. imagine stealing monies that could have be used to improve patient care..Greed, the root of All Evil!. God Always deliver Justice!..

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