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Former Speaker Willock scores VIP Gov’t 7/10 in 1st 100 days in office

Former Speaker of the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA) Mr Julian Willock, right, has given the Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), left, a score of 7/10, within its first 100 days in office.
Mr Julian Willock appeared on a panel discussion called ‘PANEL 4’ on WPG 10TV in Grenada on August 1, 2023. The topic for discussion was 'The issue of governance and the colonial yoke'. Photo: YouTube
Mr Julian Willock appeared on a panel discussion called ‘PANEL 4’ on WPG 10TV in Grenada on August 1, 2023. The topic for discussion was 'The issue of governance and the colonial yoke'. Photo: YouTube
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI – Former Speaker of the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA) Mr Julian Willock has given the Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) a score of 7/10, within its first 100 days in office.

Mr Willock was at the time appearing on a panel discussion on a weekly show called ‘PANEL 4’ on WPG 10TV in Grenada on August 1, 2023. The topic for discussion was 'The issue of governance and the colonial yoke'.

The former Speaker in his analysis said, “Firstly, you know that they, the Virgin Islands party, came into power under enormous headwinds. They faced a Commission of Inquiry, faced a barrage of one-sided reports from the Auditor General in which only her side was heard. No one was interviewed to at least balance the reports.”

He added, “They faced the arrest of our former premier Andrew Fahie and on and on and on… and despite those challenges… the Virgin Islands Party was able to win six out of the seven seats and they lost one of the seats by a small margin,” he added while detailing that Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE crossed the floor to form the government.

As part of his Analysis, Mr Willock said one the of things the Wheatley government has gotten right is the issue of airlift.

Gov’t got airlift right – Willock

“It is a serious issue not only in the British Virgin Islands but also in the region and they were able through negotiation going back three years to lure American airline back to the British Virgin Islands with a direct flight from Miami to Tortola. So that was a major accomplishment.” 

Mr Willock said some of the other things the VIP government has accomplished is the over 75% completion of the implementation of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommendations.

“The other things they were able to accomplish was the formation of a new ministry to bring focus to some of the important economic engines of the British Virgin Islands, financial services, trade, labour. So we now have a new Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade, which will focus on driving those things that spur economic development in the BVI,” he said.

Mr Willock said while it is only a 100-day analysis, the government still has a long way to go amidst challenges with infrastructure, which is an issue for most developing nations.

“So these are things that they now have to grapple with and get a hold of those challenges and make the quality of life for the citizens of the BVI what it ought to be,” he said.

30 Responses to “Former Speaker Willock scores VIP Gov’t 7/10 in 1st 100 days in office”

  • Youth (02/08/2023, 13:40) Like (5) Dislike (52) Reply
    I agree with this rating.
  • 75% ?????? (02/08/2023, 13:44) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Premier has reported that his Government has made progress on 75% of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations. They certainly haven't completed 75%, in fact the legislation that has gone through the house has been watered down and most of it has yet to be enacted. I would put the completion figure nearer 5%
  • facts (02/08/2023, 13:45) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    The issue in the BVI is some people act as if the massive social and economical effects experienced due to covid, the worse pandemic in the last 100ys is not a factor up to now. It is an unfair assumption. Despite the few loud critics and UK bloggers the BVI government handled covid better than most other countries and their governments including the UK. This is why the attempt to try to brainwash otherwise is at hand by them so they can remove the shame in the international sight of not helping in a meaningful way.
  • D8 (02/08/2023, 13:50) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    While I am not a VIP fan, and while there are many things still need doing, I really commend the VIP for doing two main things, 1) Building new facilities at ESHS to allow our children & teachers to function in a conducive modern environment that helps enhance morale and learning. Taking them out of that moldy infested building and tents which were heal5h hazards must be applauded especially doing it during difficult times. 2) I applaud them for coming through with direct flights from the USA. Now let's fix the roads.
    • VI Gyal (02/08/2023, 15:29) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      School, yes because the consultation work was done during NDP time, and VIP re did the design and executed. However, the entire school system needs help and teh schools need maintenance. I hope they maintain it. Direct flights, no AA did that and our govt agreed.
  • Paremt (02/08/2023, 13:50) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thanks for the renovation to BFEC.
  • Never said (02/08/2023, 13:53) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    The VIP Government did more good than bad. Many of us take for granted their swift actions during covid. While they were not always popular nor well liked actions they turn out to be key moves to save the major majority of lives in the BVI so we can be here today. For this I publicly say thank you.
  • thank you (02/08/2023, 13:55) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    As one whose family is a needy family and got a social home built, I say much love to government. Please continue this programme.
  • Nice (02/08/2023, 13:57) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    This summer camp sponsored by the government through the Department of youth affairs is a great investment in our youth. It is more than sports this year and the most young people ever on all our main islands have attended and love it. This is good use of our tax dollars.
  • People (02/08/2023, 13:59) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    There is not a perfect government anywhere in the world but some of the people in the BVI as well as the UK and their Governor act as if everything is bad about the BVI and its people when the facts continue to prove them wrong.
  • Pastor (02/08/2023, 14:03) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    I never thought I would ever agree with Willock but he is correct. He need to add the new Elmore Stoutt High School Buildings, the currently being constructed new Jost Van Dyke School, restart of the EE/LL sewage project. Plenty more to do but they are going to get through. Let's continue to pray for our government and thank God for what they have done so far and will continue to do.
  • My key plus (02/08/2023, 14:05) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    The restarting of the scholarship abroad initiative is my passing grade for the government as any investment in our children is a worthwhile investment. This initiative was stop for a good while after Irma and it is a pleasure to see it now continued.
  • keep pushing (02/08/2023, 14:08) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    It is clear the Governor and UK have an agenda they feel is best for the people of the VI but it is not. It is best for them. Giving 48 recommendations to be implemented in short order is unrealistic, unreasonable, and a set up for failure. However, contrary to the continuous attempt to try to brainwash the BVI people by the Governor and his speeches & blogs especially on their tabloid online newsite, the government must be commended for how well they are handling it.
  • no debate (02/08/2023, 14:11) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Colonialism is alive and will remain alive unless the people wake up and fight for equal rights and justice. We agree there needs improvements in the BVI government but that is true for all governments worldwide with the UK being no exception. ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS ORDER IN COUNCILS IS SUPPORTING SLAVERY! It is as simple as that. This MUST GO!
  • one thing (02/08/2023, 14:13) Like (9) Dislike (24) Reply
    One good thing is like Willock or not he can handle himself and is an intelligent man.
  • hmm (02/08/2023, 14:18) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    couse he would, didnt his mother benefit fromn the ilegal covid grants. Obviously still wants to be attached to the government nipple
  • What to watch (02/08/2023, 14:18) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is an intentional plot by the UK Officials, their Governor, and their Uk Commissioner of Police, to paint the majority of BVI people as bad and corrupt. It is wrong but it is what they are doing so they can try to destabilize and destroy the BVI so their high handed attempt to take over plan can work. This is also true behind the scenes. They took away the VG from BVI passports where a visa was not needed to go to USVI and justify it with unjustifiable explanation. Now they are doing the same with the ESTA visa to the US. Wake up BVI. They are playing dirty ball but trying to fool us otherwise.
  • simple (02/08/2023, 14:19) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Caribbean's only solution to these colonial masters is through independence from them and then uniting as one Caribbean.
  • TO VINO (02/08/2023, 14:22) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thanks VINO for posting all good and bad blogs on any story because the other bias site only post blogs that put the BVI government and people in a negative light and the Governor and his gang in a good light. There is no balance on that site at all.
  • Sick ah em (02/08/2023, 14:26) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of these talk show only go looking for all the negative in the BVI and act as if there is no positive things happening. Most of them are close friends to the Governor and a few Opposition Members so they are adpoted colonial children. The Government has to do a better job of promoting the good they do and stop letting them control the narrative. In this area the government got an "F". Otherwise I give them a "B+" for their first 100 days.
  • BREAKING NEWS (02/08/2023, 14:51) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    3/100 might be a bit better because nothing is being done to our road, our water while members going all over the globe 17 members gone to guyana(calculate the air fare)……i have no issues with governments
    • @Breaking News (02/08/2023, 20:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I do agree with the repairing of roads, however we do need other pillars urgently in the territory to keep us that's why 17 Compotent persons were sent to Guyana to gather first hand knowledge on such venture! Go BVI GO!
  • crash (02/08/2023, 14:52) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    While we are grading the Government we have to be aware of certain factors, Willock spoke of the first 100 days not prior, things like the the high school and the aa lift into the territory, while the individual ministers deserve some praise remember the person that cha, mpioned those two initiatives and probably deserve more praise than anyone else is the former Premier. The Coi initiatives I cannot in good conscience score them above 50%, because a number of the stumbling blocks were self inflicted wounds. The financial picture is sub 40% the Premier has a problem in saying I don't know the answer currently but I will get back to you, it appears that he craves folks liking him so he constantly keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Could have done a much better job of handling COVID-19, most of that falls on the previous Premier's admin, while there goal was to keep folks safe it succeeded in driving businesses away from the territory, it became a two edged sword I would grade no higher than 40-45%
  • Seriously? (02/08/2023, 15:20) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why are we reporting this man’s opinion, he has not exactly covered himself in glory either! 3/10 for you Mr ex Speaker!
  • street reporter. (02/08/2023, 15:47) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr. Willock assessment is kinda good, making a case in favour, but his scoring is a bit Bias, another person can make a case and say that out of 10 they score a 3..I will say for me they are a 4, Festival is very poor, Govt can't avoid blame, no Calypso show, so many paid nights, water and electricity Issues, no financial ease for citizen, thought by now they would announce and adjustment in tax free salary from $10.000 to 16 or 18 thousand, thats the best way to help struggling working people.. I think a 7 rating is undeserving..
  • smdh (02/08/2023, 19:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI is the only place that some loud mouth people blames only the elected government officials for everything they see as not going good. They never blame the Governor, UK, Commissioner of Police, public officers, or no one else who directly deals with most of the issues of concern. SMDH.
  • Not Right (02/08/2023, 19:49) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Doing a COI during the worse pandemic in the last 100yrs while all governments did not know what to do as there was no play book, and while the government was busy trying to save lives and livelihood, was nothing but WICKED!
  • (02/08/2023, 21:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Willock always represents well I give him a 10
  • NDP supporter (02/08/2023, 21:35) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Although I am not a VIP supporter I give them credit for a few good things so my grade is a C+. My anger and distaste is for the Governor who giving all these speeches all of sudden and unless it is his UK Commissioner of Police (who told a bold face lie about the CGB & WE police stations being opened all the time) then nothing or no one else in the BVI is doing anything right or good. This is soooooo wrong and distasteful.

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