Former legislator & retired Principal Elmore Stoutt racks up $65G
This was revealed in the House of Assembly at the February 12, 2013 sitting following a question by Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA.
Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn told the sixth sitting of the second session of the second House of Assembly that two persons are employed under consultancy contracts to perform as employees outside the ambit of the Public Service Commission. These persons, Hon. Walwyn said, are Mr Elmore Stoutt as Principal for the BVI Technical Vocational Institute at a salary of sixty-five thousand, five hundred and two dollars ($65,502.00). This position, however, does not fall under the Public Service Commission but rather under the Teaching Service Commission.
The second person is Mr Mackenzie Baltimore Sr. who provides consultancy services as the Truancy Officer for all Public Secondary and Primary schools in the Territory. Mr. Baltimore, Hon. Walwyn said, receives a salary of forty three thousand, two hundred and forty seven ($43,247.00) annually.
“Both contracts are being regularized through the relevant Commissions, Madame Speaker, so that the persons will be attached to the established posts.”
According to Minister Walwyn, "the terms and conditions for both, Madame Speaker, are based on a one year contract in the first instance."
Is there room for the youths?
Some have blasted the decision to return Mr Elmore Stoutt, a former legislator and high school principal who had retired from the teaching service, to become a head teacher over a sitting young man, Clinton Forbes. A teacher at the Technical Vocational School told this news site that, “while Mr. Stoutt is good with the discipline of the children, there was no need to take a man out of retirement and put him over a young strong man….it’s not a good message to young teachers…”
It is unknown who made the decision to return Mr. Stoutt, a former National Democratic Party (NDP) Minister, to work.
19 Responses to “Former legislator & retired Principal Elmore Stoutt racks up $65G”
You need to go back school yourself.