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Forklifts be aware 'Supa Cop' not playing!

- Another Forklift ticketed, this time near the Port Purcell, Tortola roundabout
Glenn 'Supa Cop' Callwood and another traffic officer pull over a forklift operator in Purcell on December 8, 2016. Photo: Facebook
It was Friday December 2, 2016 when Mr Glenn 'Supa Cop' Callwood issued a ticket to the driver of a forklift of Bobby’s Supermarket in Road Town. Photo: Facebook
It was Friday December 2, 2016 when Mr Glenn 'Supa Cop' Callwood issued a ticket to the driver of a forklift of Bobby’s Supermarket in Road Town. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- After issuing his first ticket to a Bobby's Supermarket forklift driver last Friday December 2, 2016 outside the supermarket, Glenn 'Supa Cop' Callwood is at it again.

Today December 8, 2016 Mr Callwood reportedly issued another ticket to a forklift driver in the area of the Port Purcell Roundabout around 5:10 P.M.

Forklifts must be licensed to operate on the public roads, the same way as regular automobiles and heavy equipment movers, and Mr Callwood seems to have a new eye for that machinery these days.

It is unclear the name of the driver or the company he was working for.

Traffic violators should be aware that while 'Supa Cop' has not issued any donkey riders or pedal cyclists with tickets to date, persons who violate the traffic laws will not be spared as Mr Callwood is surely back on the traffic beat!

39 Responses to “Forklifts be aware 'Supa Cop' not playing!”

  • wize up (08/12/2016, 20:33) Like (64) Dislike (10) Reply
    Do your job offer and who vex vex
    • FISH...thissystemstink (08/12/2016, 21:57) Like (19) Dislike (26) Reply
      Till he pull you over and hold on to your car key too...
    • brent (10/12/2016, 21:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      These machines should be licensed and insured. They are strong machines and if they hit you, you are messed up. Supa Cop is doing the right thing. People have been getting away with bloody murder. What are the other cops doing around here? NOTHING! If they handled all of these violations, we would not need "ONE" Supa Cop. They should all be Supa Cops!
  • tretretrete (08/12/2016, 20:33) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Expressing (08/12/2016, 20:36) Like (57) Dislike (8) Reply
    The man doing he job and aryo make it sound and look like he doing something bad my peace
  • 3 (08/12/2016, 20:38) Like (21) Dislike (7) Reply
    wow how quickly this is getting old.
  • cay (08/12/2016, 20:46) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yea i saw this SMH
  • just asking.. (08/12/2016, 21:49) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why he in the news again?
  • lets be real (08/12/2016, 22:52) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    He wouldn't be handing out the tickets if it wasn't a law. If he is doing that... yall have room to sue. Simple
  • dog (08/12/2016, 23:52) Like (25) Dislike (9) Reply
    while I agree in principle about following the law, hitting people every single time will only build resentment.
    I remember getting pulled over in the states for some violation. The policeman basically yelled at me and explained why it was illegal or dangerous, but he gave me a warning and not a ticket. I was so grateful I will always remember to
    follow that particular law. He educated me to do the right thing. All the tickets in the world can't do that.
    • Ajic (09/12/2016, 09:29) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
      Dog you crazy, if I have to fork out money for breaking a traffic violation, believe me I not doing it again. When it hurts your pocket you are more likely to follow the rules.
      • dog (09/12/2016, 12:31) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
        not necessarily. The fact that he COULD do that and didn't (showing mercy) is equally as valid and for me, was a true blessing because I didn't have the money, but was "educated". infractions should be upheld- yes- but I find respect a better virtue than fear and anger.
      • tretretrete (09/12/2016, 16:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        your parents used to beat you with broom and shoe, so u hard headed n talking only wont work on you
    • Deh Watcha (09/12/2016, 17:42) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      @dog the police amnesty period done pass.

      It seems like you all want an indefinite amnesty.
      • dog (10/12/2016, 00:07) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        no- discretion of the officer on an individual basis. there is nothing about indefinite amnesty. A new young driver forgets to put on his blinker and gets pulled over. He is scared as it is. Ticket or warning until next time? Gratitude and mercy goes farther than punishment.
  • foxy (09/12/2016, 00:09) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Go Glenny boy we need you on order over here..
  • pay up (09/12/2016, 02:56) Like (37) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government greatest Tax collector.. Use the Roads legally or pay.. Those Mopeds flying around town. No License. No Helmets is more of a Traffic Hazard though.. That's a concern that need to be address...
  • brown (09/12/2016, 04:32) Like (39) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its about time he check them especially them big trucks and heavy equipment. Let the man do his job becuz if one of them hit either u or me I am sure u aint wanna hear no story. All I wanna know is who is they are insured with and I can guaranty none of them are insured
  • Grumpy (09/12/2016, 06:51) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you Officer Callwood!!!! When will your fellow officers see that we law abiding public want stricter enforcement. If this keeps up and persons pay their fines, the Premier will have his budget made!! If fines not paid (as I suspect) then persons owing should not be able to license fehicles or renew drivers licenses!
  • Macnamara (09/12/2016, 06:52) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Time would be better spent fining people who park without consideration to others and block them in. Motor cyclists shooting lights and not wearing helmets.
  • about time (09/12/2016, 06:52) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good to see a BVI Islandet leading from the front
  • Overkill? (09/12/2016, 09:00) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    When he get kicked out next time it will be final. It will be worse than it was last time. He setting himself up.
  • Whhhhaaaaaa (09/12/2016, 09:06) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Them Cruise Ships better watch out! They better come in the Harbour slow or Supa-Cop taking the harbour boat and drop some tickets on them.
  • Duuuuude (09/12/2016, 09:16) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    I see you got a new partner, nice. Hit up some of those taxi's maan , even some empty they still drive like they on a tour and holding up traffic. Also we need a tally your totals.
  • rock city (09/12/2016, 09:18) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Mr Callwood you doing your job don't mind them.
  • I agree (09/12/2016, 13:10) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    @rock city, we are on the same page. The man is just doing his job. If they obey the rules of the road, they have nothing to worry about or say. But of course, they want to be wrong and strong at the same time and when they get a ticket, they spazz out like a toddler because he did not give them a break.
  • Weird (09/12/2016, 13:24) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Making a story about a police officer doing his job, so I guess it's a rare feat in this country.
  • Really??!! (09/12/2016, 16:24) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Listen, a lot of us does be doing effery on the road all the time. I often try to do my best but sometimes things happen. I always put on my seat belt but one day I came out of One Mart and was heading to town and I didn't put my seat belt on right away, as soon as I hit the round-about by Qwomar I got pulled over by the supposed female version of "Supercop". I simply explained that I usually put on my seat belt but I just got out from One Mart and happened not to put it on that time. She simply gave me a warning and I put on my seat belt and drive off.

    The way we project sometimes can help the outcome of a situation. I don't know if Supercop goes overboard with the ticket issuing because we only see pics of him as if he's writing a ticket and I do not know what the circumstances are behind him giving a ticket(s). I encourage everybody to follow the road rules all the time or as much as possible and I doubt anybody would have to worry about Supercop to much!!

    PS: If since Supercop come back on the road, he pull you over and give you a break. Please let us know because it seems like right now Supercop is the devil himself!! LOL
  • Ms. Diva (09/12/2016, 16:32) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Most of you that is trash talking Callwood for doing his job, is a bunch of hypocrites. Why? Because most of you is and knows who the killers, robbers, gun runners, drug dealers and theifs are and you keep your jaws clinched closed. But here goes someone upholding the law doing his job the legal way and he is according to you people the bad one. You bunch of two headed snakes in the grass, wolf in sheeps clothing underground hypocrites. You people really need to take a good look in the mirror and check yourselves. Yeah, I, Ms. D to the DIVA said it.
    • spicy (09/12/2016, 17:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      To miss D! You go girl *high five* I agree with you!! Let of fools.
    • Ice Tea (09/12/2016, 19:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ms. Diva, girl I like you. I noticed from your blogs, you keep it real and speak your mind.
  • good (09/12/2016, 17:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Follow the laws, VIlanders love to break the rules follow them or change them!
  • spicy (09/12/2016, 17:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think y'all overing. If you explain the situation to the man he will understand he's human too you know. But too don't expect him to allow y'all to break the law after all his job is to make sure rules are followed. He stopped me already and he gave me a chance. And I respect that so I will make sure he never has to stop me for the same thing again.
  • Curious (10/12/2016, 07:55) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    stop idolizing this man
  • Outlaw (10/12/2016, 19:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of you people just coming on here bashing callwood for doing his job and encouraging lawlessness. That forklift driver was finest a total of $1270 in the magistrate' s court on Friday. The forklift is not registered, not licence, not insured, bears no registration plates and to make matters worse, the driver have no licence. So tell me people, can this be right. In the event he bump down someone what would have happen? Am so glad that callwood is cracking down on all the road traffic law breakers. Do your job without fear callwood, we applaud you much

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