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Forcing same-sex bill on OTs is 'ideological colonialism'- BVI Christian Council

- tells Governor Rankin the bill goes against VI’s very moral fibre
The BVI Christian Council (BVICC) has come out in condemnation of the Bill recently introduced in the United Kingdom (UK) parliament seeking to legalise same-sex marriages in the British Overseas Territories, including the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo:
The BVI Christian Council has appealed to the UK to not force on the VI something that goes against its very moral fibre. Photo: Facebook
The BVI Christian Council has appealed to the UK to not force on the VI something that goes against its very moral fibre. Photo: Facebook
UK Lord Michael M. Cashman (L) and his partner. Cashman on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, introduced in the House of Lords a bill to legalise same-sex marriages in British Overseas Territories, including the Virgin Islands, where they’re currently banned. Photo: Provided
UK Lord Michael M. Cashman (L) and his partner. Cashman on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, introduced in the House of Lords a bill to legalise same-sex marriages in British Overseas Territories, including the Virgin Islands, where they’re currently banned. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The BVI Christian Council (BVICC) has come out in condemnation of the Bill recently introduced in the United Kingdom (UK) parliament seeking to legalise same-sex marriages in the British Overseas Territories, including the Virgin Islands (VI).

The Private Members Bill, which is a bill introduced by MPs and Lords who are not government ministers, was on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, introduced in the House of Lords by gay rights pioneer Lord Michael M. Cashman.

Bill ‘quite troubling’

The proposed bill extends to six Overseas Territories; Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Anguilla, [British] Virgin Islands, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. It will seek to introduce equal civil marriage for same-sex and different-sex couples.

In a letter to Governor John J. Rankin, CMG on July 11, 2022, and copied to Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), the BVI Christian Council said it finds the introduction of the bill to be “quite troubling” especially since there has been no consultation or dialogue with the people of this Territory or its stakeholders on a matter of grave social and cultural importance.

‘Ideological colonialism’

According to the BVICC, who said it believes its views would be representative of the wider Christian community of this Territory, the attempts to force the OTs to legalise same-sex marriages is nothing short of ideological colonialism.

“What is more troubling is that the Bill, as a Private Member's Bill, is being introduced by an individual who is not resident or domiciled in this Territory, who probably has never and will never set foot here and who is likely unfamiliar with the distinct/unique cultural heritage of the Virgin Islands. This respectfully amounts to nothing short of ideological colonialism.”


According to the BVICC letter signed by Vice-President Mrs Rosemarie Flax, the proposed legislation is a Private Members' Bill, which means it does not have the official backing of any of the political parties within the United Kingdom and accused Lord Cashman, who identifies as an LGBT activist, as putting self-interest ahead of the due respect owed to the people of the Virgin Islands.

“The aim of the Bill is to interfere with the sovereign working of our judicial and legislative branches and amounts to nothing short of ideological colonialism,” the BVI Christian Council asserted.

Among the many points of argument to support its opposition to the Bill, the BVICC said the proposed Bill would redefine civil marriage to include same-sex couples throughout the British Caribbean, including “our beloved” Territory.

“The laws of this Territory are founded upon Judeo-Christian values; values which are reflected in our marital and family laws. Only a decade ago, marriage redefinition would never have been a consideration. It is therefore a clear and dramatic departure from the Christian ethics reflected in our Constitution and in our laws defining marriage as a sacred union between a man and a woman.”

Bill goes against VI’s ‘very moral fibre’

The BVICC also argued that marriage is not simply a label but God's plan for humanity, for its personal growth, as well as for children and society.

“We do not seek to disenfranchise those with other beliefs about marriage or to interfere with their private lives. We wish to merely recognise that marriage is a covenant between a man, woman and God to live as husband and wife. It is a family-centered bond which blesses the children that that union may produce.”

The Christian Council concluded that persons may live as they wish but appealed to the UK to not force on the VI something that goes against its very moral fibre.

“We are wholly against this Bill or any amendment that will put our rights based on all the aforementioned in jeopardy. Let us not confuse the future more than it already is.”

It is unclear what is Governor Rankin’s position on the controversial Bill.

38 Responses to “Forcing same-sex bill on OTs is 'ideological colonialism'- BVI Christian Council”

  • Moral Fibre (13/07/2022, 14:06) Like (35) Dislike (19) Reply
    Very good point Mrs. Flax, the moral Christian fibre in the BVI dictates us to sleep with our cousins, our pastors, our neighbors and our uncles and aunts but let's not talk about that..because that is our little secret
    • Flux (13/07/2022, 14:53) Like (21) Dislike (16) Reply
      Where was this Council when the people were SUFFERING and being gunned down like wild animals?????????????
    • Jones (13/07/2022, 17:49) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply
      This so called christian council needs to be shut down from indoctrinating the weak into this ridiculous religion. Wake up people and learn that this is 2022
    • Rubber Duck (14/07/2022, 08:27) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      I am very keen to hear the " Bishops " comments on this matter. He is uncharacteristically silent for the moment.
    • controversial (20/07/2022, 08:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      stop there...the anti man law already in you know it coming here...
  • BOTTOM LINE (13/07/2022, 14:22) Like (31) Dislike (22) Reply
    • Maryjane (13/07/2022, 22:24) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      This behavior is common and acceptable in the Englishman 's culture. That's not of our culture. But the way things are going they are going to make it part of our culture. Some may say we have homosexuality / lesbians in the BVI that's on the down-low.Which is true but If it was acceptable and part of our culture they would not be on the DL with it.
      • @Maryjane (17/07/2022, 08:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Gays have ALWAYS been apart of the bvi community, they were just a very small portion. Most of them simply leave the territory for fear of scrutiny since it’s socially unacceptable to be gay or lesbian here. I applaud all of them for living THEIR truth. It takes a lot to go against the grain to fight for yourself. Personally it’s not my cup of tea, but if they are following the laws of the land and being responsible adults then we as ‘Christians’ should show tolerance. GOD is not only watching the gays and lesbians, he is also watching us and how we, ‘Christian’s’ , treat them.
  • asking for a friend (13/07/2022, 14:26) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    The bvi Christian counsel work up?
  • ypkn (13/07/2022, 14:28) Like (21) Dislike (16) Reply
    No more bulas in the VI. We already have too many under down low. Leave them who they are . Do not confuse our children anymore.
    • @ypkn (17/07/2022, 09:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why would YOUR child be confused? It’s your job to navigate your child through what he or she will see in this world. You can’t hide gay and lesbian from the children, it must be talked about before they are introduced to it in a manner that you won’t like. The same can be said for the topic sex. Do not keep dismissing your child’s intelligence and refusing to answer their questions. You instill in your child the doctrine you would like. Just remember to include compassion in those talks with your child, because you do not want to plant a seed of bigotry or discrimination, which if your child acts on, can get them in trouble with the law.
  • one disease (13/07/2022, 14:29) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
    Monkey pox
  • What moral fiber? (13/07/2022, 14:39) Like (19) Dislike (15) Reply
    Whatever moral fiber the BVI had is long gone. And it had nothing to do with gays or gay marriage.

    This so called BVI Christian Counsel excuse for being against marriage equality is expected and should not preclude the right of those in same sex relations to marry if they chooses.

    These were the same tried and old objections used in other countries including the UK to stop marriage equality. It will fail.

    The same laws that serves members of the so called BVI Christian Counsel should serve everyone living in the BVI or UK overseas territories.

    Its time to get beyond a multi teared society whereby some people are treated differently.

    To BVI Christian Counsel: Tend to your flock of like minded. Stop trying to dictate the lives of others. Worry about your own lives and your own sins. Not everyone believe in the bible and what you preaches. Position like yours is why younger people shy away from your churches even if they started out doing so.

    Your position here is a reminder to that those who do not share your view that they should stop enabling you by not attending your churches and more importantly stop giving you their hard earned money.

    This is real life. Stop supporting these people in every way who are against you and interfering with your life. Stop. They would rather see you dead or live as second class citizens than see you live in happiness.

    Stop supporting them in anyway. They work against you you in turn work against them.

    All the best BVI Christian Counsel. Your effort will fail. And that will be a good thing. Clean up your own churches and houses before you come after other people's houses.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (13/07/2022, 15:26) Like (18) Dislike (13) Reply
    Same sex marriage not only go against the BVI moral standards, but it violated firstly God our Creator Holy righteousness standard.
    How else could the world have been populated other than males human ejaculated sperms into female vaginal carnals, and human fetus grow to be a.w human babies?
    This same same sex thing is the way. It must not be accepted.
    Do two male bulls produce a calf? Do two male rats produce a rat? Do two male goat produce a kid?
    Do two female women produce baby child?
    Do two female Dogs produce a puppy?
    No, no, no, no, no, no, nooooooooooo.
    • Infertile (13/07/2022, 16:58) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
      Many straight couples suffer with infertility issues and cannot have children, by your strange rationale they shouldn't be married either!

      There are countless examples of homosexuality in animals. Ask any farmer and they will tell you. Many a ram will mount another ram, you can beat them but if that is their preference they will keep going.
      • What!! (13/07/2022, 22:17) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        @Infertile, I strongly doubt that. If you're saying that that to justify this unnatural selection of homosexuality/ lesbianism then that's another story. . Actually we should learn from the animals.There are different species of snakes yet an python will not mate with a Cobra. If two of the same sex animals hump/ with each other someone tampered with that behavior. So if a farmer told you that keep very far away from him/ her.
  • fyah (13/07/2022, 16:21) Like (11) Dislike (16) Reply
    Not here mehbwoy bun them out
    • FX SHO (15/07/2022, 09:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well looking at how many dislikes this comment have I would say it have a ton of gay people in the Bvi that know it wrong but yet want it in the Bvi. SMH
  • please (13/07/2022, 16:46) Like (16) Dislike (17) Reply
    I can’t stand to see this photos why do my kid’s have to see this ?
    Adam and Steve
    It’s disgusting yuk.
  • ... (13/07/2022, 16:47) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    This is ridiculous to paint the world with one brush from England. Legalize homosexual behavior but marriage is a whole other story. Pastors are you ready to sin or be sued?
  • Masa Hickingbottom (13/07/2022, 17:35) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    I for it. Best believe Balo teach me a thing or 2.
    • gross (13/07/2022, 19:51) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      And the one from the funeral home who always posting crap on the community board.
  • News Flash (13/07/2022, 19:50) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    “The aim of the Bill is to interfere with the sovereign working of our judicial and legislative branches and amounts to nothing short of ideological colonialism,” the BVI Christian Council asserted.

    There is no sovereign judicial or legislative branch. You are a UK territory in case you forgot.
  • Agreeable One (13/07/2022, 22:48) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
    THANK YOU BVICC!!! Let’s kill this demon before it gets life. Utter disrespect. Let them get married where it is legal then they can come here as husband and husband or wife and wife. A man cannot be a wife and a woman cannot be a husband. Where will it end if it’s based on feelings. Next thing they will be fighting us to add it to our schools curriculum. Our focus in this BVI is what “is right” according to the creator, versus “what I feel is right for me. DO NOT FORCE THIS ON US, stop forcing us to normalize something that is not normal. Do not go against the wishes of the people. it is wrong! Shalom!
  • Secret Bear (13/07/2022, 23:52) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wow they couldn’t have picked a worse time to introduce this. Only giving fuel to those who think U.K. is taking over.
  • Greg (14/07/2022, 03:12) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let them get married on their own turf. Nobody is going to marry them here. Amsterdam will take their fly bottoms.
  • Forbidden Truth (14/07/2022, 07:28) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Stop the nastiness. Tge UK need to overstand that other people so not have to subscribe to their wanton and nastiness.
  • Vision (14/07/2022, 08:55) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    There are a large number of churches who are not members of the BVI Christian Council. There are a large number of Christian believers that the BVI Christian Council does not represent. This small biased body does not speak for the majority of Christians living in our nation!

    The article states: According to the BVICC letter signed by Vice-President Mrs Rosemarie Flax

    The question needs to asked of her: Who are you actually speaking for?

    Also, would you rather a gay person live the life of their choosing? without interfering with anyone who disagrees with the lifestyle? Or would you publicize the pressure that would force people to stay closeted?

    How would you feel if a closeted gay man would marry one of your daughters because of society and its viewpoint?
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (14/07/2022, 09:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everything that continuing has an origin. How else could billions of humans experience life on earth if same sex marriage was an original plan?
    Why it it soo hard to recognized the evil of same-sex, marriage and its useless perverted actions by those that have adopted it a normal?
    But how can I disagree against the current Premier stance, especially God our Creator, and the BVI Christian Counsel on this issue that same-sex marriage is In facts a demonic plan against humanity normalcy?
    Every person was given the rights to choose. Some chose to be, and are wrong,in reference to same-sex marriage. Most people in this world by far chose to do right, and are right, included me. Praise to the lord God almighty. Amen.

    Like or dislike. The choice is yours.

  • Boo (14/07/2022, 10:23) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
  • WW3 (14/07/2022, 11:19) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    What is next on their agenda?

    1) there will be a third gender
    2) no more public restrooms labeled as boy or girl
    3) no more profiling as he or she.
    4) children can now use any restrooms they feel they may fit into ( female who wishes to be seen as male have the
    right to use the male restrooms and vice versa).
    5) boy now will have to right to wear skirts to school?

    I do not have a problem with same-sex marriage, however, they can travel abroad and be legally joined if that is their desire. therefore, it is unnecessary to introduce such a law into our BVI.

    there is no issues with being gay here in the BVI, so leave it as it is.

  • human rights (14/07/2022, 12:06) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Think again... This is FULLY a Human Rights Issue - Equal application of the law to all people.
    Religious law is only applicable to followers of whatever cult, sect or denomination involved. Not Christian? Then Christian rules don't apply. Not Muslim? Then then those rules don't apply.
    If your various and sundry religious institutions don't agree with it, then don't do it in your church, temple or whatever building in which you gather. But the government's involvement in marriage should be equal to all people... Or the government should get itself out of the marriage business.
  • Disgusting (14/07/2022, 15:08) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Can we see the news without the photo?
    So now kids are going think it’s ok to dress like girls wear makeup etc

    What has the world become ?
    I miss the ok’d generation and long time days
    These days is to much anti God.
  • my2cents (14/07/2022, 16:23) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    If you all in the CC used to fight again obeah & witchcraft this hard there would be less in the community. This law was not passed in BVI. Stop barking at a flying bird
  • Madea (15/07/2022, 14:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Like all things its the minority imposing their view on the silent majority. Not sure its for the UK Government to impose this legislation on the BVI when the majority do not want it. Its the minority just showing that have a louder voice.
  • Really bvi (16/07/2022, 09:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all sit down watch people get murder and say NOTHING. You know of incidences where children are being raped and abused and say NOTHING. You see government officers corrupting the office you work at, even having YOU carry out some of the same illegal acts, but you still say NOTHING. But what transpires between two consenting adults, YOU feel you have the right to speak on with your wicked, holier than thou self? Because you feel your skeletons are buried too deep in the ground to be found by any living soul, you prance around passing judgement like you never did nothing wrong EVER. Sin is sin. How many of us talking been unfaithful to our partners? How many of us have children that are a product of adultery? How many of us selling drugs and killing people? How many of us jealous of our brother and spreading rumors soiling his good name? Sin is sin. Let me tell you all something if the gays are tax paying, law abiding citizens WE all need to leave them alone! GOD don’t need NO help to do his work from sinners like us. It might surprise some of the walking Bibles that some of these gays we here bashing pass us straight and enter into the pearly gates while some of us do not. At the end of the day these people are humans like us, where do we expect them to live??

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